
Jeff Brown “M.T.A.”: The $33 Trillion Tech Race To The Metaverse


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Four Legendary Billionaires… Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft… 
The U.S. Gov’t… And The World’s Biggest Brands Are Going All-In…

The $33 Trillion Tech Race To:


Jeff Brown: The Tech Insider Who Recommended Bitcoin at $240 and Nvidia at $24… Now Reveals The World's Most Powerful New Technology: “M.T.A.”

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Chris Hurt
Chris Hurt Speaking

Are you prepared for the biggest technology race in history?

Six different… TRILLION-dollar companies… 4-BILLIONAIRES… and The U.S. Gov’t are all racing to dominate a new technology unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Wired says…

The CEO of Nvidia, says…

And The NASDAQ says this…

  • Experts expect this new unstoppable technology to become the biggest global economy, a $141 trillion-dollar shift — and I’m not talking about blockchain or crypto.
  • This technology will save tens of millions of lives all around the world — disrupting the entire $11 trillion healthcare system…
  • Igniting an economic tsunami of thousands of new businesses and reshaping the world’s biggest brands as they will be “forced” to adapt to this new technology.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple says,

This new technology is called: M.T.A. 

An innovation set to become bigger than cryptocurrency, blockchain, 5G, driverless vehicles, space, robotics, quantum computing, AI, and more.

In fact, Facebook says they’re shifting their entire trillion-dollar company into M.T.A. — hiring 20,000 NEW employees and investing upwards of $20 billion.

Not to mention 5 more trillion-dollar tech leaders and 4 billionaires are racing to dominate M.T.A.

Google, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon, Disney, Blackrock, Netflix and virtually every industry titan around the globe are rushing to bring M.T.A. into the mainstream.

The Wall Street Journal says…

Medium recently admitted… this is…

Mattthew Ball, millionaire venture capitalist says…

But no matter who will be first to dominate M.T.A. — one thing is for sure — a giant wave of new millionaires will be created… for those who get in early.

We may even witness the first trillionaire born off this wild new trend.

And the profits are already starting to pile-up…

But today is your moment to witness this new historic technology first-hand and get the #1 FREE M.T.A. stock pick (ticker symbol and all) just for watching this special expose’.

In a moment you will hear everything you need to know from one of the world’s top tech insiders.

His name is Jeff Brown and he’s known for spotting innovative technology BEFORE the masses hear about it.

Jeff’s been a silicon valley insider for over three-decades now.

Earning degrees and certificates from Stanford, Purdue’s “School of Astronauts” London Business School, UC Berkeley, MIT, and Yale.

As an expert in innovative emerging technologies Jeff has routinely met with the offices of several high-ranking policymakers… the Department of Commerce… National Institute of Standards and Technology, Defense Intelligence Agency… even the Pentagon.

Jeff was a former high-level executive at Qualcomm — the $163 billion tech giant.

And Vice President of NXP Semiconductors Japan.

Jeff’s also an angel investor who’s executed over 250 deals from the ground floor, pocketing gains as high as 4,300% — 43-times his money.

And Jeff has called some of the biggest gains in technology history…

Publishing a write-up to buy bitcoin in 2015 when it was just $240.

Bitcoin went on to soar 26,926%.

Turning every $1,000 into $269,260 or every $10,000 into $2.6 million.

Few people were excited about a little company called NVIDIA when Jeff recommended it in 2016.

At the time, it was trading for just $24.

Nvidia then exploded 3,006% and became the #1 best returning stock of the year!

Jeff then recommended the chip-maker AMD in 2017… And it went on to top the NASDAQ in 2018 AND 2019…

Shares soared as high as 805%… over 8-times your investment.

Not to mention, Jeff called Tesla when it was just $300 per share.

Shortly after, it soared as high as 1,481%!

Turning every $1,000 into $14,810.

But today you will discover a new story Jeff says hasn’t received nearly the attention it deserves — what Forbes calls, “the next big thing.” 

Because if history repeats, M.T.A. could turn more average folks into millionaires than any tech boom we’ve ever seen in our history.

And Jeff Brown is the man to give you all the details BEFORE this rare tech event becomes mainstream news, blasted on every major TV station across the country.

Stay tuned…

Jeff Brown
Jeff Brown Speaking

This is a rare moment in time.

What I call a technology wave now if you’re over the age of 55… this very well could be your final tech wave. 

I’m sure you’re wondering:

What exactly is a tech wave and how will M.T.A. technology ignite the FINAL Wave in American history?

To answer that question, let’s take a brief look back through our history because…

Tech Waves are RARE Events That Change 
The Very Fabric of How Humans Live…

Tech Waves are rare and powerful events…

And while they don’t come around often…

When they do, the result is inevitable:

Trillions of dollars change hands… from investors who don’t understand what’s happening… to those who saw it coming early… and took action.

In hindsight, these waves are obvious… painfully so.

And as they unfold…each is greeted by shock… awe… disbelief.

And finally, panic – as the masses realize what’s happening… and how much money is at stake.

If you’re a student of history, you know it’s happened several times before.

Way back in the early 19th century it was the invention of the radio…

In 1936 it happened again.

Television changed the world allowing for broadcasting and the ability to spread information at a mass scale.

And in our lifetime, we of course witnessed the birth of the Internet – which unleashed a fury of innovation across the globe and made investors a fortune.

All these innovations seem obvious in hindsight.

Yet very few people saw their potential from the start.

A popular American magazine in 1929 declared the radio as…

Darryl Zanuck; famous Television producer, studio executive, and early creator of Hollywood said:

Even Paul Krugman (Nobel prize economist) famously said:

In each case the so-called “experts” were wrong… wrong… wrong…

And investors who listened to these people and dismissed each Tech Wave as “out there” or “unlikely?”

They lost out on a chance at financial freedom.

Now it’s happening again…

And when I say you’d better pay attention… and you’d better act fast, I’m not trying to be pushy.

Let’s just look at the facts:

Radio technology went from 0 to 15,445 radio stations in 77 years.

Television’s popularity soared from practically nothing to 80% of all households in just 10 years.

And the Internet morphed from a slow, clunky network – to a vast international platform even faster. Just 5 years!

Do you see the pattern?

The pace of innovation is speeding up…

Along with the payout to investors who sense what is coming and take prudent action.

Each of these waves I just mentioned, changed everything…

None more so than the latest one: the internet. 

The internet kicked off an unimaginable trend.

The merging of our physical reality with a new digital world.

Amazon’s creation in 1994, allowing anyone to shop online…

Up a historic 203,253% and climbing.

Enough to turn $1,000 into a $1.6 million fortune.

eBay gave us the ability to buy or sell just about anything… starting in 1995…

And its shares have shot up 9,465% since!

Or take Apple… which unleashed the power of the Smartphone.

Its shares have shot up an incredible 385,900%.

Every $100 invested in Apple has grown to $385,900 and counting.

Now, of course, these are some strong examples…

 But it’s happening again…

We could witness a whole new wave of technology…

Bigger than the radio…

Bigger than television…

Bigger than the dot-com boom – COMBINED!

And once again – the so-called “experts” are asleep. And if you listen to them, it could cost you dearly.

Think about it… how many billion-dollar funds got in on the internet’s tech wave?

Not Fidelity or Vanguard…

Warren Buffet also admits he missed out on Google and Amazon.

For most people, it’s much more comfortable to “wait” until a tech wave is obvious – before jumping on board.

It’s uncomfortable to be early…

It’s hard to go against popular opinion.

My hope today is that you’ll look around the corner… see the potential of what’s coming… and take action.

Because this is your chance to get in on a NEW tech boom, what I call, America's FINAL Tech Wave.

Get ready!

Life will NEVER be the same after this new tech enters the mainstream!

Here’s why…

Imagine life WITHOUT your smartphone…

Imagine life without Television…

Or without the radio.

Now – the interesting thing is…

All these technologies have evolved TOGETHER.

TV didn’t replace radio…

It augmented it.

The Internet did not replace TV… it made watching TV even more interesting – giving us access to an entire library of movies and shows, on-demand.

And now it’s about to happen again…

An entirely new medium is about to be born.

And it’s not going to replace Radio… or TV… or the Internet.

But it will tie everything we love about these technologies together in a way that makes them even bigger… better… more fun and – for investors – more profitable.

All thanks to this brand-new technology… what I call: M.T.A.

In a moment I’ll show you how to get all the facts, so you can decide for yourself.

I’ll even show you my #1 play on M.T.A. 100% free just for allowing me to introduce this new technology coming out of Silicon Valley.

But first, I want you to get an inside look into M.T.A. with one of the world’s biggest companies, leading the charge.

What will forever be known as…

The Greatest Technology Race in History…

And it all starts with Facebook.

The world's 7th largest company … led by the world's 8th richest man… Mark Zuckerberg.

But as you will see today, armed with this new M.T.A. technology Mark Zuckerberg could soon become the world’s most powerful man.


  • Seven out of 10 adults have used Facebook…
  • 152 countries out of 167 have access to Facebook…
  • And Facebook owns some of the most powerful platforms for communication and information such as Instagram and WhatsApp.

Building their platform to over 2.9 BILLION users every single month almost half the planet.

NASDAQ reports…

But recently, Zuckerberg shifted his trillion-dollar empire to focus on ONE thing M.T.A.

Putting almost one-fifth of Facebook's entire workforce into M.T.A. nearly 10,000 employees.

Believe it or not, it doesn't end there… NPR reports… “Facebook plans to hire 10,000 more in Europe” — essentially an entire army dedicated to M.T.A.

And Facebook is already acquiring smaller companies pioneering M.T.A. to the tune of $15 billion.

Zuckerberg was recently quoted as saying…

Facebook ALONE could catapult M.T.A. into mass adoption creating one of the biggest financial BOOMs in history.

I mean, he’s betting his entire trillion-dollar future on this ONE new technology.

Don’t you think that says something?


Google whose headquarters are right down the street from Facebook is “all-in” on M.T.A. as well.

The $2 trillion tech powerhouse is on a new mission to roll out its own M.T.A. technology across the world…

NPR reports,

In fact, they have recently assigned 7,100 employees to M.T.A.

And just ONE of Google’s secret projects involves the entire world. Every building and accessible home across the world a $270 billion M.T.A. project.

Apple is also diving in headfirst on their mission to dominate M.T.A.

Hiring NASA engineers to execute their strategy.

Pouring countless billions of dollars to inject M.T.A. into their own current products and services.

This is why INC says…

All thanks to M.T.A.

Microsoft is also jumping into this tech race saying they’re “uniquely positioned.” 

Acquiring numerous patents on M.T.A. technology.

Experts recently reported,

And for good reason…

Because Wired recently reported…

The point is clear… all the world’s most valuable companies are in a historic tech race to bring M.T.A. to the masses.

They’ve acquired over 100,000 patents on M.T.A. in the last few years… gearing up the massive rollout we are just starting to see…

Today could be your last shot to invest alongside these tech elites early where the biggest and fastest profits are made.

In fact, NASDAQ reports M.T.A…

M.T.A’s profits are already moving fast…

In 3 months, you could have snapped up 400% on UBIA…

1,527% on Redfox…

Even 3,792% on MMAT…

Over 37-times your money —turning every $1,000 into 37,000!

But I expect bigger gains could be in store for early M.T.A. investors…

We are at the tipping point, right now it's clear…

M.T.A. will change your life.

You just need to prepare today, and in a moment, I’ll even give you my top FREE play on this technology.

Because you’re about to discover what may be the technology of the century.

The reason the world’s 8th richest man, Mark Zuckerberg says this is…

Billionaires, Tech Giants, And Wall Street Insiders Are Calling This NEW Technology:

“The Metaverse” [M.T.A.]

I’ll be the first to admit, it sounds abstract.

But soon, it will shake up everything we do on a day-to-day basis… and more importantly, the world’s biggest industries.

It gives me the exact feeling I had before I called Bitcoin at $240…

Before I recommended Tesla and it shot up 1,481%

And before I called NVIDIA, rocketing 3,006%

And soon you will hear the words “The Metaverse” everywhere as it becomes a stronghold in everyday conversation across the world.

Forbes says… it's the creation of “digital realities where people work, play, and socialize.”

Experts are calling The Metaverse:

Entrepreneur says…

Forbes goes on to say…

I mentioned before, there’s one thing throughout history that has created enormous amounts of NEW millionaires, repeatedly.

The convergence of technologies coming in and disrupting sectors that affect all our lives.

Emerging technologies under the umbrella of The Metaverse (like AI, blockchain, IoT, 5G, Web 3.0, XR, and much more)

But before you dismiss The Metaverse as an “out there” idea…

Or underestimate how this new revolutionary technology will dramatically alter ALL our lives…

Let me be clear…

I call this: America’s FINAL Tech Wave for good reason.

Because we’re about to witness something so big… and so transformative – most people think it’s impossible.

I’m talking about a combining of physical and digital realities… which will transform every major sector and industry around the world, almost overnight. 

Apple recently put it this way…

The drastic, unstoppable, and global effects we will experience, cannot be understated. 

And I want to show you firsthand the stunning implications of the metaverse today.

Because the facts are simple.

No one can stop this technology.

And if you are a little skeptical, it's okay.

You don’t have to understand technology… or want to “use” it personally to profit.

At this early stage – it’s hard for most people to wrap their heads around something so new and disruptive.

Regardless, the biggest companies are diving in.

CNBC says…

Yahoo Finance says…


We’ve seen the recent explosions of self-driving cars like Tesla…

Or Jeff Bezos and William Shatner flying into space in their private Blue Origin rocket…

Or maybe you’ve noticed the countless new millionaires created every single day from the crypto boom…

Point is, technology is accelerating so fast, it's unprecedented.

But truthfully, we haven’t even scratched the surface yet – and today’s new tech story is right on the cusp of hitting the mainstream. 

Let me ask you a question…

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the world’s biggest technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and more are all racing to dominate the Metaverse?

Facebook changed the name of their trillion-dollar company to “Meta”, hired 20,000 employees to work on the Metaverse, and is already investing $10 billion.

And that’s not all, because the world’s biggest brands are diving into The Metaverse, right now.

It doesn’t matter if you will personally use this technology, one thing is for sure… the money to be made from investments in The Metaverse is enormous.

And today is your one chance to get in.

If you missed out when I said to buy Bitcoin before it shot up 27,000%… or Tesla before it surged 1,400%… or NVIDIA before it spiked 3,000%…

Then consider this your next opportunity to create massive gains from this once-in-a-century technology. 

But I want to give you a full picture of some of the various ways The Metaverse will disrupt our entire financial system, and more importantly… our day-to-day lives.

So, let’s dive in.

An Entirely NEW Global Finance System 
Hinges On The Metaverse 

The World Economic Forum estimated 70% of new value created in the economy will be completely based on digital platforms.

It’s no surprise, the U.S. dollar – the very dollar in your wallet, has already lost 96% of its value.

And instead, we are about to see a BOOM in the digitization of all assets.

One of the pioneers of cryptocurrency William Quigley says this is…

The CEO of State Street who oversees $40 trillion of assets says…

And Nvidia chief Jensen Huang says…

If he's correct, we’re going to see a $141 TRILLION-dollar shift – and it could happen much faster than you think…

I’m sure you’ve heard about NFT’s, for example. They are “one-of-a-kind ” digital assets and cannot be duplicated.

And they allow anyone to buy in along with others into almost any kind of physical or digital asset imaginable.

From a Michael Jordan rookie card… to a French castle… even a 1968 Shelby gt500!

To get an idea of how folks are using NFT’s to purchase goods in the metaverse, look at this…

A digital property was recently designed by an artist and sold inside a virtual world for $512,000!

Yes, half a million dollars.

This “Mars House” is designed to be visited and lived in by humans in the Metaverse… the digital world.

If that wasn’t enough, look at a recent work of art that just sold for $69 million inside the Metaverse…

In fact, in the last quarter alone, $10 billion of NFT’s were traded.

Now if you’re like most people, you’ve probably seen these headlines and wondered – what the heck is going on?

Why would the “digital” version of a physical object be worth ANYTHING?

And that’s the key question we need to answer for this all to make sense.

As I mentioned earlier- the physical and digital worlds are quickly converging.

It may be hard to imagine…

But soon – there won’t be much difference between a painting hanging on your wall… and a digital one-of-a-kind painting in the metaverse.

One is real… one is virtual…

But they could both have the same value…

That’s why experts are saying…

This is exactly why some of the world’s biggest companies are getting in.

Coinbasethe $88 billion crypto leader is even launching its own NFT platform because they see the writing on the wall.

And soon, these new digital transactions could set off a financial boom unlike the world has seen before.

I know these concepts can be tricky to understand at first, but what you really need to know is this…

Money is flooding in unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. 

The billionaires are in… Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, Jack Dorsey, Zuckerberg and more.

This new economy is accelerating at hypersonic speeds and soon will become the most talked about and utilized source of money we’ve seen since the creation of the dollar.

My research indicates a tsunami of new millionaires could be minted for investors who get in on this new technology in the coming months.

But The Metaverse Will 
Also Directly Impact Your Daily Life 

Whether most folks have noticed it or not, they’ve probably already interacted with the beginning stages of The Metaverse in some way.

And the pandemic has accelerated this technology revolution beyond limits…

Currently, Americans spend upwards of 11 hours each and every day online or interacting with the digital world… but I believe this is about to increase even more…

For example…

Remember the days of watching your favorite band live?

Well, times have changed.

Forbes says it all…

Now concerts of some of the world’s biggest celebrities and music artists are held in the virtual world, the Metaverse.

And The Guardian states, “it’s big business.” 

And tens of millions of people worldwide came into a virtual world to be able to see a live Ariana Grande concert.

But this wasn’t the first time something of this scope has happened…

Artists Travis Scott and Diplo attracted an unprecedented 45 MILLION viewers of their performance inside the Metaverse.

That's 4,500-times BIGGER than most live concerts.

Yet, The Metaverse allows countless millions to watch from all over the world.

This means countless millions of new attempts to sell to these viewers.

This is why The Guardian adds,

Point is, it doesn't matter if this Metaverse technology seems crazy or out there, because it's charging forward at an exponential rate regardless.

What you need to know is, the Metaverse is changing HOW humans experience their life it's a new ecosystem in which we can interact… share, and store value… and information.

All in an entirely new way…

Face to face…

In real-time.

Imagine being able to be anywhere, in an instant Rome…

New York…

Even your childhood home…

What if you could experience an “in-person” lecture from the world’s leading experts in any field with Metaverse technology…

We are on the verge of unlocking a completely new era of learning and experiences.

And all the major companies are diving in with both feet…

Netflix just poached a high-level executive from Facebook who will lead their charge in implementing The Metaverse into their business.

Netflix’s chief operating officer recently said…

But it's not just Netflix.

Disney is going head-first into the Metaverse too.

Disney’s Chief Technology Officer plans to turn Disneyland into a “theme park metaverse”

Going on to say,

Other blue-chip companies are diving into the Metaverse as well…

Coca-Cola just entered The Metaverse to auction off its first NFT collectible…

Even high fashion is entering these metaverse worlds.

Fashion reporter, Gemma Williams says this is…

Gucci (the $10 billion) fashion brand recently hosted a 100% digital fashion show where virtual users could watch in real-time and buy some of their digital items priced as high as $4,000.

Or if you’re still not convinced the Metaverse is already entering your life on a day-to-day basis, check out this new TV show from Fox. 

A singing competition where contestants perform in front of a crowd as a virtual avatar of themselves as they sing and move backstage.

The new world is here.

And while it might seem “far-fetched” …

The fact is, over 48 million Americans (15% of the entire nation) are unknowingly using The Metaverse every single day…

If you don’t believe me – just ask your kids or grandchildren.

One of the earliest versions of the Metaverse is a game called Robloxwhich is a virtual world where people from across the globe come together.

Already, people are clocking in over 50 million monthly hours of the virtual world.

To put that into perspective that's 15x times MORE hours than we collectively spend watching Netflix and Facebook!

But this is not just some “kids’ game.”

There’s a massive amount of money at stake. The market for virtual items is already worth $180 billion and climbing.

Business Insider says…

And soon, this new technology will be everywhere

That’s why some of the wealthiest investors are making a huge move, as we speak…

The “Smart-Trillion Dollar-Money” Is 
Jumping In With Both Feet

Berkshire Hathaway AKA Warren Buffet has $139 billion invested in one of the companies racing into the metaverse.

Softbank just piled in $93 million into one single Metaverse investment.

Sequoia Capital the firm straight out of Silicon Valley backing some of history’s greatest tech innovations, worth $3.3 trillion….

Has now pumped in $3.6 billion.

Digi-Capital has invested $4.1 billion.

And Blackrock, Silver Lake Group, Ark, Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, and more are all piling in.

Even the “billionaire squad” as I call them, is investing in.

I’m talking about legendary investors like Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, and more.

It's a mad-rush, unlike anything I’ve seen in my 30-years of being a high-tech executive and investor.

Don’t you think that these A-list hedge funds and billionaires might know something that the average investor doesn’t? 

It's not by accident billions of dollars are being invested by the world’s biggest firms, angel investors, and celebrities.

Word is just starting to leak out…Forbes says this technology is…

Harvard Business Review says…

Nasdaq says…

We are looking at a technological gold rush unlike anything before.

The biggest tech and even non-tech companies in the world are piling into the Metaverse.

Even the likes of Coca-Cola, ESPN, Fox, Gucci, Nike, and a lot more.

The Metaverse Is At The Tipping Point 
Right NOW…

And investors who get in early will see the biggest… fastest gains.

Adoption from global healthcare, the military, tech giants racing to dominate this technology, to the daily operations of business around the world, and your everyday life.

It all boils down to this:

If you’ve missed out on America’s previous Tech Waves, then this may be your last opportunity – for decades to come.

The Metaverse will set off the 4th industrial revolution, America’s FINAL Tech Wave. 

Now, I’m not saying there won’t be any revolutionary technology in the future after this — that would be ridiculous.

What I am saying is a large amount of technologies will fold right into The Metaverse.

Just as popular Radio programs jumped to Television… and how popular TV content jumped to the Internet… along with retail… healthcare… travel… and everything else.

What we’re witnessing is a mega-convergence of technologies like AI, blockchain, IoT, 5G, Web 3.0, XR, next-generation computing, and much more.

I believe all these technologies and future innovations will need the help of The Metaverse to properly execute their innovations at full scale.

The final wave of technology that all FUTURE technology will pass through, to function at full possibility. 

With that, is the potential for massive profits.


Imagine making 9-times… 17-times… even 195-times your money…

Most investors have never seen a gain like that in their whole life.

But that’s what could happen…

Soon, we could see some of the biggest profits in stock market history as this Metaverse technology becomes adopted by the mainstream.

Once Again, Skeptics Will be Left Behind…

Right now, you have a choice.

You can invest alongside the insiders who realize The Metaverse is here to stay… BEFORE it ignites the biggest tech revolution in a century…

Or you can do nothing… and get left behind in a world that continues to grow WITHOUT you and leaving you unfulfilled and left with a shallow bank account.

I do not want you to be left behind… because it’s easy on the surface to dismiss a once-in-a-century technology like this when it first comes to fruition.

Just the same way people were skeptical of the internet.

Or scared of investing in tech giants like Uber, Netflix, Amazon, before they became household names.

If you can push past that feeling and take a small stake today – it could change your life.

I know it from experience…

Because I’ve had to push past the same kind of feeling each time, I invest in a new start-up technology…

That little feeling of excitement means there’s something there… potential… potential to reap large sums of money… but ONLY if you’re in BEFORE the masses.

And today is your chance to feel that same excitement…

But there’s not much time left to act.

 Metaverse Mania is Charging Forward at 
An Exponential Rate…

And just as we’ve seen with the radio… to television… to the internet…

Technologies are being adapted at faster and faster rates…

But just look at how much FASTER “smart money”, fortune 500 companies, and global adoption… are rushing into the metaverse.

It’s unprecedented.

We’ve never seen a new technology roll out this quickly.

That’s why it’s critical you act now. History shows if you wait much longer, all the biggest gains could be gone.

So today, as promised, I want to give you a 100% FREE stock pick to immediately get invested into the technology of the century, The Metaverse.

It’s called Meta Platforms, ticker symbol… FB

And if you’re wondering why this sounds so familiar, it's because it is.

Yes, I’m recommending purchasing shares of the company formerly known as Facebook – now, with their focus solely on shifting their trillion-dollar force into becoming the world’s leader in Metaverse technologies…

I believe the sky's the limit.

It’s the easiest way to take a stake in companies that will profit from America’s Final Tech Wave — the massive roll-out of The Metaverse.

It’s a secure investment to get started right now.

But here’s the thing, I’ve got my eye on a Metaverse play that’s got much better upside…

And after calling the #1 returning tech stock of 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020…

This time, I think I’ve found what could become a massive tech leader as the Metaverse hits full adoption.

I’ve identified the one company I believe all these dominant tech titans will have to go through to be able to fulfill their company vision of the metaverse…

My team and I have been working our tails off to create a write-up of absolutely everything you will need to know to get in on this investment in the next few minutes.

Its called: The #1 Metaverse Profit-Play 

You will get every detail you need. The name and ticker of this stock…

Why it's the #1 way to profit from the Metaverse in the quickest amount of time…

The list of all the hedge funds and smart money piling in at this very moment…

And best of all, it requires little financial experience to execute the trade.

It's an easy-to-read report…

You can digest it in around 10-minutes or less and it will give step-by-step instructions on how to make your investment.

Again, the NASDAQ reports the metaverse…

And after investing in public and private markets for 36-years I can fully admit, I have never seen such a pivotal investing moment such as this.

There is no time to waste, as you’ve probably noticed… revolutionary tech stocks like this can explode quickly.

I highly recommend you make the decision to grab this free report, today.

To get your copy of The #1 Metaverse Profit-Play

All you need to do is consider joining my monthly research service, 100% risk-free.

It's called…

The Near Future Report

A secret financial weapon for those looking to get an inside edge to cutting tech advancements BEFORE they're released into the mainstream.

The top-tier investments you WON’T hear from yahoo finance, CNBC, CNN, or any other mainstream source.

I’ve been in the tech space as a high-level executive and private tech investor for over 30-years…

I’m even happy to report I’ve recommended the #1 top-returning tech stocks over 4 times…

Including some of the most innovative and disruptive global technologies BEFORE anyone else… like Bitcoin, Tesla, NVIDIA, and more…

For gains of 14-times… 26-times… and even 43-times your money…

Turning a simple $1,000 into a $43,000 fortune!

That’s the kind of potential before us today…

And it’s why I plan to keep you on top of this fast-moving opportunity month after month.

That's the whole point of my research letter, called: The Near Future Report. 

When the hottest early-stage tech investing opportunities hit my radar… whatever it may be… if you could make obscene amounts of profits with it, we will recommend an investment in it.

5G, Artificial intelligence, robotics, precision medicine, big data, electric vehicles, crypto, blockchain, and of course the Metaverse and more.

And our success is unparalleled…

With 255,000 Near Future Report readers waiting on our newest tech alerts to discover what’s coming, right around the bend.

And that’s why I’ve reached out to you today…

To make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity.

And there’s more…

With your permission, I want to give you private access to another special report I've created for today’s special expose.

Its called: 3 Supercharged Metaverse Plays Set To Mint New Millionaires

Today we covered all the different sectors and industries that will be disrupted by Metaverse technology — healthcare, military, entertainment, business operations, infrastructure, finance, banking, the list goes on and on.

I’ve spent countless man-hours filtering through different opportunities and I’ve spotted three more investment plays that could be set to make you massive gains in the coming months.

I want you to have all the details… the name and ticker symbols… and the reason why these investments are disrupting their chosen sectors and how you could profit.

Once you have this report at your fingertips, you won’t miss a step!

And with the world's biggest companies, in every major industry imaginable all piling in…

This is your shot to corner the investment market in the Metaverse and turbocharge your profits.

Remember, we are at the tipping point of The Metaverse being the biggest technology disruption of the 21st century, it can’t be stopped.

This is why I want you to fully understand the monumental opportunity at hand and have three more Metaverse investments up your sleeve.

But as a little extra incentive for you to get started today, I’m throwing in another free bonus.

You will also get access to what I call:

The Metaverse Tech Revolution: Your Special 101 Guide to Understanding This Historic Metaverse Revolution, and Targeting Your Own High-Profit Plays

There’s nothing more empowering than knowing all the details about a technology BEFORE it becomes mainstream news and everyone jumps in.

This will be your 101-guide to navigating the world of the Metaverse and even targeting your own potential high-profit plays in the market.

Exactly how the Metaverse will disrupt every sector and become the next version of the internet… what this means for you and your family’s lives… the different companies that are heavily involved and how…and much more.

There’s a lot to unpack to completely understand the Metaverse and its critical implications on life as we currently know it.

Now you will have a step-by-step guide to navigating it all.

You can have every single report I just mentioned, 100% free today.

Here’s everything you get when you take this risk-free subscription to The Near Future Report

  • 12 Months of “The Near Future Report”: Every month, you’ll get a brand-new issue of my best way of playing The Metaverse, AI, blockchain, 5G, robotics, self-driving cars, and all the most exciting tech trends of our time!
  • The #1 Metaverse Profit-Play
  • 3 Supercharged Metaverse Plays Set To Mint New Millionaires
  • The Metaverse Tech Revolution: Your Special 101 Guide to Understanding This Historic Metaverse Revolution, and Targeting Your Own High-Profit Plays

Full access to my Model Portfolio, all past and present trade recommendations!

Full support.

My customer support team is in Delray Beach, Florida. Please feel free to call or email them for any help you need with your subscription. But please remember, they cannot offer personalized investment advice.

You’ll also get full, 24/7 access to our members-only website.

But here’s the best part…

Normally, it's $199 for a year's access to The Near Future Report. 

Check it out, it’s on our main public website…

Instead, because you’re a smart investor who’s interested in profiting on what may become the biggest tech disruption of the 21st century… America’s FINAL Tech Wave…

And the Metaverse technology making it all happen…

I want to make you a special one-time deal…

Full, unhinged access to The Near Future Report for only 13 cents per day!

A small $49 investment right now, for a full-year access!

Even better, it's a 100% risk-free subscription.

Test drive The Near Future Report out for 60-days… follow all my bleeding edge tech recommendations… rip-through all the free reports…

And if you don’t find that this information has completely changed your life…

Simply call our friendly customer support team for an immediate refund of your purchase.

No questions asked.

You’ll get all your money back, and you can keep everything you received as a member — no charge.

Absolutely zero-risk for your subscription…

Click the button below to get started where you will be directed to a final page to review the offer one last time.

Even better, for the next few minutes for those who join, I’m throwing in another surprise bonus on the next page dedicated to helping you secure life changing profits from the Metaverse!

But time is of the essence.

Like I showed you today, the Metaverse profits are already piling in…

TRIQ is up 850%…

STIE has surged 1,300%…

And KTEL has grown a stunning 1,896% in just 8 months!

Nearly 19 times your money.

These gains all happened in just the last year.

But I believe the biggest and fastest gains are yet to come!

Now of course, all investments carry risk and past performance does not guarantee future success. The Near Future Report’s average gain in 2020 was 39.4%.

Outperforming the stock market’s average 6-times over!

And for those who are smart about their decision today, and ready to get in on the technology of the century, this is your chance!

Listen, there are only 2 decisions you make right now.

Let this moment pass you by… wait a few weeks and come to discover every news station across the globe is reporting on The Metaverse and its massive implications…

And miss out on what may be your biggest profit opportunity of your lifetime…

Or click the button near this video, review your order, and join me inside The Near Future Report where I will take you by the hand… delivering high-profit potential tech recommendations, monthly.

There’s a good reason why insiders are saying The Metaverse will be more pervasive and powerful than anything else.

And why the world’s biggest tech companies: Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft are all pouring tens of billions of dollars into this technology.

As you know, I’ve called the #1 returning tech stock 4-times over.

This time, you will be along for the ride…

With a chance to invest BEFORE this technology hits full adoption.

No one can make the choice for you.

You must be the one to take action and prepare to change your life forever.

Please, click the button below now to get started.

And I’ll see ya on the inside.

Thanks for watching.

December, 2021.

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© 2021 Brownstone Research. All Rights Reserved.

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