Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Who is Michael Robinson?
- This “currency” is NOT a stock, crypto or any typical currency you may have heard about.
- Ronald Reagan enacted a plan that was a free-market idea…
- A new plan is being rolled out to fight carbon emissions…
- Here’s why you’ll want to act FAST…
- Buy This “All in One” Carbon Pick Now!
- Buy This Tiny “Future of Power” Player at the Heart of the $1.3 Trillion EV Trend…
- Buy this “Pick and Shovel” EV Charging Station Play Right Now
- Stake Your Claim in “Elon’s Favorite Energy” Today
- 4 More “New Energy” Picks to Buy Right Now…
- Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the “$100 TRILLION” transformation of the century
- The Secret $5 Company Behind Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Race to Own the Internet
- How to Profit from the iPhone Killer
- Here’s What You Need to Do Right Now…
Trend Trader Daily Presents:
A secret investment 40 years in waiting…
Ronald Reagan’s Revenge
How a Reagan-era financial system could lead one little-known asset to grow 33,233% — No matter how bad Biden’s economy gets!
Dear Friend,
You might remember President Ronald Reagan as the champion of the middle class…
Making America great again…
Fighting communism…
Or you might remember him for his sweeping tax cuts and inflation-busting economy…
But there’s another, much more controversial story about Reagan you’ve likely never heard before.
You won’t find it in any history book, and even die-hard conservatives try to deny it.
But in 1982, Ronald Reagan took revenge on a global crisis… And created a radical new “secret currency…”
And right now, today, Reagan’s Revenge is being rolled out again…
Leading to the rise of another “secret currency” — One the International Monetary Fund estimates could grow as high as 24,900%!
Meaning right now, Reagan’s Revenge could be YOUR Revenge against Bidenflation and a crashing stock market.
Hi, my name is Michael Robinson.
And this is the story of Ronald Reagan you’ve likely never been told before.
How Reagan took revenge on a global crisis…
And created a new “currency” in the process.
A type of currency YOU can now leverage to potentially make a killing today.
To be clear, I’m not talking about gold, or a new form of the dollar…
And no, this has nothing to do with laying the foundations for Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency.
Instead, buried deep on page 15,076 of the Federal Register from April 7th, 1982…
Is “Reagan’s Revenge” plan laid out in full for all to see:

And it’s this exact plan that’s led to the rise of a NEW “secret currency” today — one that’s rapidly spreading to every corner of the globe…
It’s being adopted in a few areas of the globe right now…
Like in the European Union…

In Quebec…

New Zealand…
South Korea…

Even many states here in the U.S. are adopting this new “currency” right now…
In California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia…

The point is, this new secret currency is quietly spreading like wildfire.
And in some areas of the globe, one unit of this currency is only worth around 30 cents…
But the United Nations estimates very soon, this “currency” should be worth over $100… A full 33,233% rise!
In fact, one investment tied to this “secret currency” has been trouncing the returns of the Dow, and even gold, by a HUGE margin…

Meaning, if you’ve been invested in the overall stock market the past couple years…
Even if you’ve been holding on to gold to weather the storm…
Chances are, you’re taking a beating right now.
But if you knew about this “secret currency…”
You could’ve more than doubled your money while the rest of the market has taken a nosedive!
And in fact…
This currency is so lucrative, that none other than Elon Musk have been leveraging it to make Tesla profitable for years.
Here, take a look…

This same “currency” made Tesla another $314 million the quarter before that…
Another $279 million the quarter before that…
Another $354 million before that…
And a whopping $518 million in Q1 of 2021!
All in, Tesla raked in $2.1 BILLION in a little over a year with this “Secret Currency!”

Which is why…
- CNN said this “secret currency” is “Tesla’s dirty little secret…”
- Forbes called this “currency” “Tesla’s Biggest Profit Driver…”
- And Autoweek reported that “Tesla Made More Money Selling [THIS SECRET CURRENCY] Than Cars”
And according to my research, it’s not just Tesla that’s making money hand over fist from this “Secret Currency.”
Countries and companies all across the globe are all scrambling to get their hands on this secret currency as we speak…
Companies I’m sure you’ve heard of, like…
- Delta Airlines
- Google parent company Alphabet
- Disney
- JP Morgan Chase
- Salesforce
- Netflix
- Amazon
- The list goes on and on…
Even major global banks are teaming up to stoke the fire.
Because you see, this “currency” is all part of a trend Forbes calls a

And one former hedge fund manager, and current top financial commentator recently said:

And Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, the largest asset management firm in the world called investing in this “secret currency…”

Of course, I’m not telling you this to show how you’ve missed out.
Because the best part is, the biggest gains could be yet to come…
According to my research, this “secret currency” could soon spread like wildfire…
Potentially sending a few specific investments soaring in the process!
Meaning you’ll want to pounce on this opportunity NOW, before everyone else piles in…
And BEFORE you miss out on the biggest gains this “currency” has to offer.
Mark my words — investing in this “secret currency” now is like investing in bitcoin in 2013… when I was pounding the table on it while barely anyone had even heard about it…

Or, investing early in this “secret currency” now is like investing in tech stocks in 2016… before they soared to new heights.
But the wild part is this: unlike bitcoin or tech stocks, what you’re about to learn today is something completely new and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
The rise of this currency will be accompanied by a global $100 Trillion economic shift
Leading to potential riches for anyone paying attention right now.
Which is why today, over the next few minutes…
I’m going to show you how “Reagan’s Revenge” on a global crisis has opened up the door for this opportunity…
Then I’ll show you how Elon Musk is able to take advantage of this currency himself…
The full “$100 trillion reason” why so many companies are scrambling to adopt it right now…
And then I’ll give you one specific ticker symbol you can use to hitch a ride on this trend today as it goes nowhere but UP.
Plus, I’ll lay out 5 specific steps to take your profit potential even further as this $100 trillion transformation takes place.
Fact is, if you’re looking to sidestep inflation… Avoid the crashing stock market… And potentially prosper in the Biden-era… You’ll want every bit of information I’ll present here today.
But first, let me properly introduce myself.
My name is Michael Robinson. I’ve been an investigative financial journalist for 40 years.
So if my name sounds familiar, it’s because you might have seen one of my regular appearances on national financial television…

Or perhaps you read one of my investigative exposés in The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times.
I've spent much of my career digging into financial cover-ups… and bringing truth – and opportunity – to American investors.
I was profiled by the Columbia Journalism Review for my aggressive “take no prisoners” style of reporting… and was even a Pulitzer Prize candidate.
As the author of Overdrawn: The Bailout of American Savings, I detailed years of corruption at the nation's largest savings and loan. I was also instrumental in uncovering a $60 million SCANDAL at Bank of America that led to the dismissal of two executive vice presidents.

But I got my start in the Reagan era, following technology startups in early silicon valley and defense tech projects funded by Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. Or, more commonly referred to as the Star Wars program.
Which is why I've been an adviser to 12 high-tech startups in Silicon Valley and I've served on the advisory board of a venture capital fund.
I even recommended Bitcoin in the fall of 2013 — after meeting with several industry insiders like the Winklevoss twins and Brian Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of Coinbase…
At the time, Bitcoin was trading at $132. Eventually the price of bitcoin would crest above $60,000. That 45,354% call was enough to turn a small $500 into $226,770.
But here’s the thing…
As good as all my past work has been…
It’s nothing compared to the potential of this “Secret Currency” I’ve discovered…
First of all, this “Secret Currency” is unlike anything else I’ve covered before…
But it could truly be the #1 investment of this decade…
Maybe even this century.
I know that’s a bold claim, but once you understand everything about this secret currency, I’m certain you’ll agree.
First though, you should understand…
This “currency” is NOT a stock, crypto or any typical currency you may have heard about.
You see, with this “secret currency”, you can’t hold it in your pocket, bank account or on a card…
And it can’t be found on any sort of currency exchange to be traded.
But it works just like any other currency. In short, it can be exchanged for cold hard cash!
Something Elon Musk’s Tesla has done time and time again.
In fact, this “secret currency” was once so crucial to Tesla’s bottom line, that CNBC reported:

In other words, at one point this “secret currency” was the only thing keeping Tesla profitable!
But to be clear, I’m NOT telling you to run out and buy Tesla stock.
This “currency” isn’t some battery technology to invest in…
It’s not Tesla’s energy storage, power walls, solar panels or self-driving data they’ve gathered. Nothing like that.
I can almost guarantee you’ve never heard about this from any of your friends, neighbors or golfing buddies.
Yet despite the secrecy…
It’s already spiked 840% higher than the S&P 500… and 635% higher than the Dow Jones Average, and I believe it will soar even higher in the coming months.
And it’s not just me who sees the opportunity with this secret currency…
Because even major global banks are teaming up to advance this “Secret Currency…”
Not only are some of the biggest companies on the planet pouncing on this “secret currency…”
Companies like Delta Airlines, Alphabet, Disney, JP Morgan Chase, Salesforce, Netflix, and Amazon…
The “currency” is growing so fast, major banks are even teaming up to accelerate its growth…
According to Reuters:

And for good reason too…
Because, according to global consulting firm McKinsey, the market for this secret currency could soar 15X over the coming years…
And an insane 100X in the long run (translation: that’s a 100,000% rise!).
According to McKinsey, a study sponsored by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) “estimates that demand for [this “secret currency”] could increase by a factor of 15 or more by 2030 and by a factor of up to 100 by 2050.”
And the potential of this “currency” is so massive, that the World Economic Forum even proposed to implement it as a GLOBAL currency.
Meaning some day, you could use this “secret currency” to personally pay for anything, anywhere in the world.
No need for exchanging your money for local currency, exchange rate differences or anything like that…
I know that sounds far reaching, and downright farfetched…
But once you understand how this “currency” works and what it is, it’ll all make sense.
Now, I’m letting my excitement get ahead of me, of course…
To understand the full scope of this opportunity, I need to back up a bit and explain how this all began…
Then you’ll fully understand how this “secret currency” truly works, and why it could be so profitable for you right here today.
So let’s get started…
Thanks to an Obscure 1980s Law… This New “Secret Currency” is Poised to Soar RIGHT NOW — More than 40 Years Later…
Do you know who this man is?

Chances are, you’ve never seen his face, never heard his name, and never learned about him in school…
But this man was responsible for more death and destruction than Hitler and Stalin — combined.
What does this have to do with the “Secret Currency” I’ve been telling you about? I’ll show you…
This man was a scientist named Thomas Midgley, Jr.
And he didn’t have anything to do with the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, chemical weapons or any weapon for that matter.
But in 1921 Midgley pioneered the use of a chemical that would go on to kill over 120 million people globally, according to the United Nations…
And cause over $2.45 TRILLION in economic damage.
It was called tetraethyllead, or TEL for short.

It was a lead-based chemical added to gasoline to increase mileage and eliminate the engine-destroying effects of engine “knock.”
Of course, while lead might be great for engine parts, lead does all types of dangerous things to the human body…
Which is why things like “lead paint” have been outlawed for decades. Kids ate lead paint. And they got very, very sick.
But what most people didn’t know at the time (in fact, it was completely covered up for decades) was that this “TEL” chemical in our engines was making us very sick, too…
And according to recent studies, adding TEL to gasoline was so deadly, it was responsible for the loss of over 824 million IQ points globally…
A figure that many scholars agree led directly to major crime-rate increases in countries across the globe!

And the damage could’ve been much worse in the U.S. if it weren’t for a plan enacted by President Ronald Reagan in 1981…
In order to lower lead emissions into the atmosphere, the government could have simply banned lead emissions altogether…
Forcing companies to scramble to comply, possibly implementing hugely expensive solutions and throwing markets into a frenzy.
But instead, it rolled out a controversial new idea…
In short, instead of outright banning leaded gasoline or taxing its production… instead of a top-down, “big government” solution…
Ronald Reagan enacted a plan that was a
free-market idea… one tied to enormous financial incentives.

Take a look at the Federal Register from April 7th, 1982…
In this document is the entire plan dedicated to tackling the lead emissions problem.
In short, Reagan’s administration implemented something called a “cap and trade market.”
Here’s how the program works…
Companies were granted a “cap” on how much lead they could put out…
If you went above the cap — if you polluted more than you should have — you would face hefty fines.
But if you came in below the allowed cap, you could sell and trade your excess lead allowances to over-polluting companies.
Buying lead allowances from under-polluting companies allowed the over-polluting companies to come in below their cap… and avoid fines.
Thus Reagan’s “cap and trade” system was born. And so too was a market for trading and selling lead allowances…
Think of it like this…
Imagine if the government said you were “capped” to drive only 1,000 miles per month in your car…
If you drove more than that — if you exceeded your cap — you’d have to pay a high fine per excess mile.
But let’s say normally, you only drive a small amount, adding up to only 500 miles each month — in other words, you “saved” 500 miles on your allowance.
Now let’s say that your neighbor drives 1,500 miles per month. Meaning, he’s well over the limit, and staring down the barrel of some big fines.
What if you could sell your “unused” miles to your neighbor?
Since your neighbor is looking to go over the allowed limit, he can buy “saved miles” from you to offset how much extra he drives!
This is a win-win for the both of you:
He gets to drive as much as he wants while avoiding hefty fines…
And you drive as much as you usually do and get to make money by selling your unused miles to your neighbor!
This is exactly how this “Cap and Trade” lead-reduction system worked to phase out leaded gasoline…
As Reagan’s plan unfolded, lead allowances came into hot demand from over-polluting companies…
The lead allowances that companies could buy and sell in order to lower lead emissions became a sort of “secret currency.”
And although almost no one realizes this…
According to a paper from D.C. environmental think-tank, Resources for the Future…
Lead allowance prices jumped 500% in the years that followed!
*** Bottom line: Just buying lead allowances and selling them on the open market… could have been one of the best ways to grow rich in the 1980s.
Yet I’d bet you’ve never heard this story before, have you?
I know, it sounds downright insane that one of the worst crises in human history could lead to financial gains.
And here’s the most amazing part:
Not only were lead allowances a great investment…
Reagan’s “Cap and Trade” lead program eliminated unnecessary excess deaths due to lead poisoning and the percentage of children with high lead levels in blood plummeted…

Given the success of the program — both the reduction of lead and the rise of a new money-making opportunity — this wasn’t the only time this plan was rolled out.
In fact, just a few years later it was implemented again to fight a new crisis…
Reagan’s Plan was Rolled out Again to Fight another crisis… Leading to another “secret currency” explosion of over 1,200%!

You might remember the acid-rain problem in certain areas of the U.S. in the 1980s.
In short, sulfur dioxide, or SO2, was being pumped into the air from large factories. It was an unfortunate side effect of doing business.
Once in the atmosphere, the SO2 reacted to form sulfuric acid, and began dropping back down to the earth in the form of acid rain. This decimated crops, and harmed aquatic ecosystems.
Again, instead of big government demanding that these companies stop polluting or taxing them into oblivion… thereby increasing costs of business… and eventually raising costs for consumers like you…
They implemented this free market “cap and trade” strategy…
Companies were again allowed to pollute SO2 into the atmosphere. But only up to a certain point — a “cap.”
Anyone who went over that cap had to “offset” the pollution by buying allowances from competition, or pay big fines.
This incentivized companies to find their own, cost-effective ways to reduce pollution as the cap got lower and lower each year until SO2 emissions were at safe levels.
And yet again, this plan worked much better than anyone ever expected…
According to a Harvard study of this strategy, it “performed exceptionally well along all relevant dimensions.” With the study going on to claim this strategy implemented “reductions more quickly than expected…”
SO2 emissions decreased by 36%, even though industrial output from SO2 pollution increased 25%.
Meaning, even though factories were working harder than before… they were still able to drastically lower their pollution.
That would be like losing weight while eating more than ever!
Before the strategy was implemented, experts predicted it would provide no net economic benefit to the U.S.…
But in reality, it ended up benefiting the U.S. by as much as $116 billion per year. Completely blowing away anyone’s expectations.
And the biggest effect of all…
While this strategy was being rolled out, another secret currency was created…
The SO2 “allowances” that companies traded.
According to a Harvard paper on the subject, SO2 allowance prices soared from less than $100… to over $1,200…
More than a 1,200% increase!
Again, simply buying and trading SO2 allowances could have been the best way to grow wealthy…

And now, today, this same free market, incentive-driven idea is being rolled out again to fight a new crisis…
One that could be even bigger than anything else.
Leading to even bigger “secret currency” gains than ever before…
Now, to fight another crisis… a NEW “Secret Currency” could skyrocket 33,233%!
The world is gearing up to fight a new crisis as we speak — carbon emissions.
Now, we could debate the topic of carbon in the atmosphere all day long…
Whether it’s caused by human activity… if it’s just cyclical…if the planet will be burning hot 10 years from now or a thousand years from now… or whether it even matters over the long run.
But that’s all beside the point…
Because, as one of the world’s leading financial analysts, it’s my job to put politics aside… and focus on the money.
And what’s the money saying right now?
Well, like it or not, the fact is this: there’s a ton of money going into fighting carbon emissions.
Just like there was fighting lead emissions. And just like there was fighting acid rain.
Because according to NASA, CO2 levels in the atmosphere have gone straight up…

Which is why lowering carbon levels in the atmosphere is a huge priority for governments around the world.
Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest asset manager on the planet said:

Forbes reported that it’s a “$100 Trillion Investment Opportunity” according to data from the International Energy Agency…

And just like the plan that was rolled out to fight lead emissions, leading to a 500% secret currency explosion…
Just like the plan that was frolled out to fight SO2 emissions, leading to a 1,200% secret currency explosion…
A new plan is being rolled out to fight carbon emissions… leading to a potential 33,233% secret currency explosion!
And now, for the third time since Reagan, a new “cap and trade” market has been created…
This time companies have been capped on carbon emissions.
And companies that don’t hit their emission cap can sell those extra allowances into the marketplace for huge, huge profits.
Take Tesla for example…
Tesla’s already raked in $2.1 BILLION in a little over a year with this “Secret Currency!”
Because Tesla is an Electric vehicle company, it emits very little carbon — thus being able to sell its allowances into the open markets to companies that emit a lot of carbon.
And selling allowances — called “carbon credits” —to its competition has made Tesla A LOT of money the past few years…

Already the money is flowing well beyond Tesla, too…
Quartz reported the shift to green energy has created the richest person in Asia:

Every company you can think of, from Amazon, Alphabet, Disney, JP Morgan, Netflix, Delta Airlines, Salesforce and any company responsible for any sort of carbon emissions are all looking to “go green.”
And many of them will be forced to buy “carbon credits” in the marketplace… from companies like Tesla… to meet their initiatives to “go green.”
Thanks to basic supply and demand, carbon prices have nowhere to go but UP!
And ONE investment could go up
right along with it…
Anyone with a basic understanding of economics likely knows how this plays out next…
If more and more companies are fighting over carbon credits as they become more and more scarce…
The price will shoot UP!
According to the World Bank Carbon Pricing Dashboard, carbon prices in some places are as low as 30 cents per ton…
But the International Monetary Fund claims that, in order to achieve current carbon emissions goals…
The price should be around $75 per ton.
That’s a 24,900% rise in the price of these carbon credits!
But the United Nations claims the price of carbon should be closer to $100 per ton to reach our goals…
If it’s right, we’re looking at a 33,233% jump in prices of carbon credits!
Translation: Just like lead credits… just like acid rain credits… simply buying and holding carbon credits over the coming years could be one of the best ways to grow rich in America
A report from Credit Suisse recently claimed:

With GRIT Capital claiming:

Fortunately, this creates a HUGE opportunity for us right now.
Here’s how YOU can profit from carbon today…
In California and Quebec…
Prices of carbon have more than doubled in value in recent years…

In the northeast United States, prices of carbon credits have gone from as low as $2… to a high of $13.90 recently — a 595% increase!

In the European Union carbon credits have recently jumped from a low of $15.54… to a high of $98.43… a 533% increase!

The point is: carbon-credit prices are already rocketing higher and higher across every major operating market.
As you can see, simply by buying and holding carbon credits over the past two years, you could have beaten nearly every other asset in the world…
From the Dow Jones… to the Nasdaq… to the S&P.
Carbon credits have been one of the biggest long-term trends — and the best money-making opportunities — in the world.
And the demand for carbon credits, and the rise in prices we’ve seen so far, are only getting started…
Because, here’s the thing…
Despite all the money that’s moving around…
There hasn’t been a global standard set for carbon prices.
Which leads to a massive opportunity for anyone paying attention right now.
Here’s why you’ll want to act FAST…
Each year, world leaders gather at the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP).
You may have even heard about “COP27” taking place this past November.
Each year, all the participating nations discuss the issue, propose new plans, and debate over the best ways to tackle climate change.
And one of the main sticking points of the past few years is what’s known as “Article 6” of the Paris Agreement.
Article 6 is all about establishing a global carbon market…
Just like the “cap and trade” markets aimed to reduce lead and SO2 emissions here in the U.S.
Except this would be a global market, NOT just confined to certain areas of the world.
And as this standard is set, different nations, and companies within them will be able to trade carbon credits with each other as they all aim to lower emissions.
And as they do, this is where things will really escalate.
Because as I said, carbon prices are as low as 30 cents in some areas of the world…
While the UN believes they should be as high as $100… a 33,233% increase!
And once the global system for trading carbon is established…
As the rest of the world gets on board…
YOU could potentially profit.
I’ll tell you how in just a minute…
But first, you should understand…
This is an extremely urgent situation.
Because you see, the current SEC chairman Gary Gensler recently dropped a bombshell on U.S. companies…
In short, he proposed a new set of rules where any company trading on a U.S. exchange MUST report its decarbonization efforts on its financial statements.
And as companies abide by these new rules (after all, they NEED to, by law)…
As companies disclose what they’ve done to offset their impact on the climate, and more importantly how much they either paid or got paid for carbon credits…
We could see carbon prices skyrocket as a result!
According to economist and carbon expert Marin Katusa:

Thankfully, for the moment, these rules have NOT been put into place just yet.
According to Evan Williams, senior director at the US Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness…
He expects the new SEC rules to be released in the first quarter of 2023.
Meaning as of right now, the LATEST we could see these rules go into effect…
And the LATEST you have a chance to stake your “ground floor” claim is by March 31st, 2023.
After that happens, we could see the carbon markets sent into a frenzy, and all the absolute biggest gains could be gone.
I’d hate for you to miss out.
Again, simply buying and holding these carbon credits over the years to come should make you profits.
As more and more companies, countries, and people begin to lower carbon emissions…
As they pile into “carbon credits…”
The price for carbon is poised to skyrocket.
It’s basic supply and demand.
We’ve seen it happen before as lead was phased out of gasoline… and the price of lead credits soared 500%…
We’ve seen it happen before as sulfur dioxide emissions were curbed, and the price of SO2 credits soared 1,200%…
And now we’re set to see it play out AGAIN as carbon credits soar thousands of percent…
Leading to what could be the biggest opportunity this century.
As the world fights carbon emissions, many other opportunities are up for grabs.
Because you see, lowering carbon emissions is the end goal.
Which is why Forbes reported, this shift to “green” energy is a $100 TRILLION opportunity.
As this $100 trillion “transformation” takes place…
We’ll see a new investing boom bigger than anything we’ve ever seen before
Bigger than the shift to computers… which shot up shares of Microsoft by 240,320%…

Bigger than the shift to smartphones, which drove shares of Apple up 106,221%…

And bigger than the rise of the internet, which handed early investors of Cisco 57,087%…

Now of course, there is no way to guarantee that carbon credits will perform as well as these market examples.
That’s why one of the best money moves you can make over the coming year is to put a portion of your savings into the carbon credit and capture technologies.
But, while that’s the good news…
Unfortunately, I’ve got some BAD news, too…
Unlike Elon and Tesla, you can’t buy carbon credits in your brokerage account…
Right now, you’re locked out.
It sucks, but it’s true…
The only way to buy Carbon Credits right now is to be a big company who’s able to participate in the carbon credit marketplace… so you can sell your credits, or buy new ones if you’re over the cap.
Unfortunately… That's the situation.
Despite Carbon Credits soaring in price…
Despite the UN speculating that prices will skyrocket in the coming years…
Despite the fact that Elon’s made over $2 billion selling carbon credits into this marketplace…
Us “little guys” can’t invest.
So the BAD news is you CAN’T invest in carbon directly…
But the GOOD news is I’ve found a hidden “backdoor” to help you profit from its rise!
And by using this “backdoor” investment, you can take advantage of what could be the biggest investment trend since cryptocurrencies!
The backdoor I’ve found for you is something you can buy in any major brokerage account…
And even though it’s recently outperformed the major market indices, and even gold…

I believe it has nowhere to go but further UP as carbon emissions decline.
It’s the most straightforward way I know to take advantage of this opportunity immediately.
Because you see, even though YOU can’t invest in carbon directly…
This “backdoor” is a special type of fund that invests in carbon for you.
In fact, it spreads out its investments in carbon across the few currently operational carbon credit markets…
Which means it’s able to take advantage of the EU carbon market… the California carbon market… and the northeastern U.S. market too…
*** All at the same time.
It’s basically multiple investments all rolled into one.
So all you need to do is buy this ONE single ticker symbol to take advantage!
But that’s not all I’ve found for you today.
In fact, I’ve identified 5 simple steps to take advantage of this boom today.
First, of course, is the ticker symbol I’ve been promising throughout this presentation.
Which is the absolute first step you should take right now…
It’s a secret “backdoor” way to profit as carbon prices spike…
But it’s the most straightforward way to take advantage, WITHOUT being a huge company like Tesla generating carbon credits on your own…
And WITHOUT navigating the complex commodities markets…
Step #1
Buy This “All in One” Carbon Pick Now!
As I’ve said, you can’t simply go out and buy carbon credits, and you can’t generate any yourself.
Fortunately, we don’t have to.
Instead, there’s one single move you can make to take advantage of the lucrative carbon markets.
It’s what’s known as an Exchange Traded Fund, or ETF. In short, an ETF invests in multiple securities, spreading your exposure out as much as possible.
And this specific fund invests in three major carbon cap and trade programs: the EU’s, California’s, plus the other current regional program run by states in New England and the Northeast.
In other words, this fund does all the heavy lifting for us.
And it’s investment thesis is simple: the U.S. and other countries are pushing hard to cut carbon emissions and promote carbon removal.
So this fund buys and holds carbon-credit futures, making money as they go up in price.
Which, as I’ve shown you, could go up very far.
This is truly a ”backdoor” way of investing in this market without doing anything complicated.
The fund’s strategy of betting on higher carbon credit prices will likely pay off big…
As the global economies continue to recover from the pandemic shutdowns and with global turmoil playing out, demand for fossil fuels is increasing.
And that means the demand for carbon cap and trade will be robust for many years to come.
But as everyone scrambles to cut emissions, new technology to help this fight is being developed at a rapid pace.
Which is why I’m predicting even BIGGER gains from the “ripple effects” of this carbon story.
Because you see, carbon is just the tip of the iceberg.
Beyond that, as everyone goes through the process of lowering carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere…
TONS of new technology will spring up as the problem is tackled.
You’re likely already seeing some at the moment.
For instance, one of the biggest “ripple effects” of this decarbonization effort is the shift to Electric Vehicles.
According to Fortune Business Insights, the EV market could soon be worth over $1.3 trillion.
And based on a recent study by Pew Research, EV adoption rates have been skyrocketing…

With the U.S. Government aiming for half of all cars to be electric by 2030…

And with MORE than half of all cars in some European countries already electric (with a whopping 75% of all cars in Norway!)…

It’s no wonder that some of the biggest automakers and even tech companies in the world are going “all in” this very moment.
- Amazon with a $1.3 billion investment…
- GM and Ford with $65 billion…
- Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW with $185 billion…
- And of course, Tesla, which is now worth over half a trillion dollars.
Even Apple is gearing up to throw its hat in the ring with an electric Apple Car!

The writing is on the wall: Electric vehicles are inevitable.
And as an investor, well…
You can either sit on the sidelines and watch as everyone else gets rich…
Or jump in right now, before you miss out.
Which brings me to the next step you should take right now…
Step #2
Buy This Tiny “Future of Power” Player at the Heart of the $1.3 Trillion EV Trend…
As the world looks to decarbonize, we’ll see a massive boom in the shift to electric vehicles.
Now, in all my years hunting down the most groundbreaking tech in the world, one of the most important things I’ve learned is simple:
*** The PERFECT time to invest in a new technology isn’t too early… and it’s not too late.
Invest too early, when things are mere dreams, and you stand to lose all your money. Dreams are too risky.
But if you invest too late, when things have already taken hold, there’s no chance to see returns on your money.
Instead, the PERFECT time to invest in a new technology is after it’s proven…
But BEFORE it’s fully rolled out!
This is exactly where we stand right now with electric vehicles.
And massive adoption of electric vehicles may very well ride on something surprising:
The growing use of a compound that’s more than 100 years old, and that few people have even heard about.
Debuting back in 1906 in early radios, the substance was known at the time as carborundum. It’s since been renamed Silicon Carbide — and it’s quickly grabbing the pole position in the EV sector.
Silicon carbide is recently being developed for use in microchips for EVs.
Because using this compound, the chips allow for much higher voltages and therefore, increase charging times by up to 50%.
No wonder researchers at Needham estimate that sales of silicon-carbide chips for electric vehicles will reach $14.4 billion in 2030. That’s more than a 10-fold increase from this year’s $1.2 billion in sales.
And Investor’s Business Daily called the push for Silicon Carbide “The Next Gold Rush.”

And why called it “The Future of Power.”

And the Wall Street Journal called it a “Diamond in the Rough…”

And I believe one tiny $700 million company is poised to be the dominant provider of silicon carbide chips for electric vehicles.
With over 50 patents protecting its intellectual property, booming sales thanks to the soaring EV industry, and strong recent earnings reports…
This tiny company is set to literally power the $1.3 Trillion EV industry. And you’ll want to stake your claim ASAP.
But it’s only one of the ways you can take advantage of this transformation today…
Step #3
Buy this “Pick and Shovel” EV Charging Station Play Right Now
If you currently don’t own an electric vehicle…
And I asked you, “Why not?”
I’m sure you’d have a few different answers.
But one of the main reasons would likely be this: no one wants their car to “die” on a long drive in the middle of nowhere!
This problem has a name: Range Anxiety.
This exact problem could be the #1 roadblock standing in the way of the $1.3 trillion rollout of electric vehicles today.
But thankfully for us, this problem creates a BIG opportunity.
Because even though there are around 47,000 EV charging stations in the U.S….
It’s estimated we’ll soon have over 10 times that amount to meet the demand for how many EVs will be on the road soon.
And recently, the Biden Administration passed a massive infrastructure bill to bulk up the U.S. EV charging station network.
In fact, the government has already pumped at least $15 billion into charging station tech.
And one company stands to benefit the most. It provides crucial components to EV charging stations around the globe.
But if that wasn’t enough, it also provides electric vehicle powertrain technology for over 1 million EVs already on the road. Boasting clients such as Tesla, Rivian, Volkswagen, Ford, and BMW.
It’s already an established player in the EV space, with a massive “foot in the door” so to speak.
And as more and more EVs hit the road…
As more and more charging stations are rolled out…
This company could stand to benefit immensely.
Step #4
Stake Your Claim in “Elon’s Favorite Energy” Today
Step #4 –
You know Elon Musk as a champion for clean-energy tech.
But he’s also on a mission to champion a different technology — a tech that’s been radically out of favor for decades…
At a recent conference in Norway, Musk called on Europe to support this controversial industry in this current era of extreme volatility for oil and gas.
Musk said giving up the technology is “insane” for national security, and “bad for the environment.”
And as the world de-carbonizes, this controversial energy source could become even more important, which we’re already starting to see:
California is jumping on this energy…
So are Germany and France. In fact, this energy source has generated 72% of France’s electricity for years.
Despite its controversial nature, this is one of the cleanest sources of energy — possibly ever. Which is why it will play a huge role as the shift to decarbonization increases.
And one tiny company based in Lynchburg, Virginia is at the heart of it all.
Because, you see, across the globe, this energy is being generated at 440 different plants.
And each one of those plants needs a complex “steam generator” technology to turn this source of energy into actual electrical energy.
In short, no generator = no clean power for you and me.
Well, this tiny company provides this tech to 315 of the 440 plants across the globe. That’s 71% of the market!
This company is crucial to the future rollout of this energy.
Which is why it should come as no surprise that its per-share profits are on the rise.
In one recent quarter, earnings grew 32% from the year-ago quarter. Even better, earnings growth was more than 3x higher than sales growth.
This reflects vastly improved efficiencies, and it leads to higher cash flow.
Bottom line: going forward, this controversial energy is expected to play a far bigger role in powering our energy needs…
And this tiny company can take advantage of this trend to power your portfolio!
Step #5
4 More “New Energy” Picks to Buy Right Now…
Obviously $100 trillion is a lot of money. And that estimate is not made lightly…
It makes sense given that nearly every aspect of our lives will be impacted by this climate shift.
From how we power our homes, travel, eat, shop, everything.
Which is why I have 4 more specific picks to help you take advantage…
- One pick is using “old” energy in a NEW “clean” way. By pioneering the development of something called Renewable Natural Gas or RNG, this company could be a “go to” as the $100 trillion climate transformation takes place.
- Typical batteries in use today are Lithium-Ion. But they’re fast approaching their expiration date. Because Lithium-ion batteries simply can’t provide enough power for our mobile energy needs. Plus, they take entirely too long to charge. What good are all the new charging stations if you have to sit at them for hours waiting for your car to charge? Enter “Solid State Batteries.” The next company I’ve identified has developed and patented (in fact, it’s been granted over 103 patents) solid-state batteries that can charge in as little as 15 minutes!
- You’ve likely heard about many areas of the world looking to generate energy from wind or solar power. But these methods have a huge flaw: when it’s not windy, or there’s no sun, there’s no power! Which is why Battery Energy Storage Systems are seeing a huge influx of investments. With BESS, the energy generated by wind or solar can be stored in a massive battery where it can then be deployed for later use. One company I’ve identified provides crucial components for battery energy storage. Making it a huge player in the $100 trillion transformation. Historically, it’s grown per-share profits by 103%.
- My last pick is a semiconductor industry staple. It’s been crucial to electronic components for And now it’s set to dominate the EV trend. By adapting its current chips to work with EVs, this company stands to profit immensely. Currently, many EVs need to be brought into a dealership for a software upgrade. But soon, with this company’s chips, your car will be able to receive an update completely wirelessly, with no trip to a dealer. Similar to how your smartphone can update without a trip to the store as well.
Following each of these steps is likely the best way to take FULL advantage of this entire “decarbonization” trend.
Step 1 is of course the most direct way to potentially profit…
But by investing in the 7 stocks I’ve identified…
The “future of power” in silicon carbide…
The “pick and shovel” charging station play…
“Elon’s favorite energy”…
The tiny renewable natural gas company…
The battery and battery storage picks…
And the semiconductor staple set to dominate the EV trend…
You can truly “corner the market” and tackle this $100 trillion trend from every angle.
This way, you don’t risk missing out on it at all.
So, I’ve gone ahead and compiled all my research— all 7 picks I’ve just shown you —and put them all in a single, comprehensive guidebook.
A book I call Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the “$100 TRILLION” transformation of the century

As far as I know, there is NO guidebook like this anywhere else.
I’ve barely seen a single financial publisher even talking about this trend.
In this guidebook, I lay out EVERYTHING I recommend you do right now to take FULL advantage of this “$100 Trillion” trend.
On page 6, you’ll see the ticker symbol for the tiny ~$700 million silicon carbide player you can buy right now…
On page 8, you’ll see the crucial charging station company I’ve found…
On page 10, you’ll get the name and ticker symbol of the company at the forefront of “Elon’s favorite energy…”
Along with the 4 other picks I’ve identified for you.
This is everything you’ll need to guide you through this $100 trillion transformation.
Everything is laid out in plain, easy-to-understand language, no complicated financial or technological jargon to sift through…
No complicated steps to take.
Just straightforward research and actions to take right now to stake your claim in this massive global sea change.
And I want to send you this full 20-page book at no extra cost today.
All I ask from you is one thing, something I think you’re really going to like.
To claim your guidebook to carbon profits, simply agree to give my newest project a try — it’s called Digital Fortunes
The goal of this new project is simple…
To make sure you’re ALWAYS on the right side of the big, explosive trends that can impact your investments…
Because when it comes to investing, you’re either on the wrong side of a trend and losing money…
Or, you’re on the right side — and earning a potential fortune.
It’s as simple as that.
Take the rise of smartphones for example…
If you’d seen Steve Job’s introduction to the Apple iPhone on June 29th, 2007…
And if you’d known that smartphones would be the trend that changed the world for the decade that followed…
Well, as Apple shares soared from under $30 per share…
To more than $315 a share…
You could have made huge gains.
Being on The Right Side Of The Smartphone Trend Could Have Made You 10x Your Money

It’s the same thing with the rise of social media…
If You’d Spotted the Social Media Trend… You Could Have Ridden Facebook From $20 a Share in 2012… To Highs of $200+ a Share Another 10x Your Money

And the same thing with the search engine industry…
If You’d Been On The Right Side of The Search Engine Trend, Investing In Google Could Have Returned 15x Your Money

My point is this:
Spotting a trend…
Spotting it early…
And then putting your money to work on the right side of it…
That’s one of the key pillars to becoming very, very wealthy.
And that’s my goal with my new research service, Digital Fortunes.
With this service, you’ll always be ahead of the curve on every new trend…
That’s how you’ll put yourself in position to become wealthy — no matter what the overall market is doing.
Each month, I’ll send you a new issue detailing another new way to play a hot trend I’ve identified.
Whether it’s another play to take advantage of this huge green shift…
A health tech company changing lives…
A tiny satellite company connecting people around the globe…
Or a small virtual reality supplier no one’s even talking about…
You’ll be on top of every major trend I’ve got my eye on.
And what’s one of the biggest trends you should be investing in right now?
You guessed it…
The $100 TRILLION climate transformation!
That’s why I’ve already done all the hard work for you…
And I’ve written up everything you need to know in one single special report, which I’m standing by to send you for FREE, called…
Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the $100 TRILLION transformation of the century
All you have to do is agree to try my Digital Fortunes research service, RISK FREE.
I’ll show you how to start this risk-free trial in just a moment.
First, I realize I’ve made some big claims here…
So you’re probably wondering — how has my research performed in the past?
Well, here are just a few of the profitable trades I’ve shared with my past readers:
- 265% on Nvidia
- 214% on Generac Holdings
- 563% on Digital Turbine
- 560% on Square
- 354% on Twilio
- 372% on Veeva Systems
- 316% on Novavax
- and 375% on Vaxart
The profits I deliver to my subscribers are very satisfying to me — after all, that's what I do for a living…
And that’s why I’m ready to share the same type of profit opportunities with you.
But before I do, let me explain a couple of the other special “free bonuses” you’ll receive when you decide to give Digital Fortunes a try today…
Free BONUS Report #1:
The Secret $5 Company Behind Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Race to Own the Internet
As I just explained, the goal with this service is to help you identify massive, groundbreaking trends…
And then show you the best way to profit from them.
One trend quietly making waves across the country — and soon, the globe — is a part of what could become an estimated $2.7 trillion industry, according to Bank of America.
And at the forefront of this trend is none other than controversial tech genius…
Elon Musk.
As investors, following Elon’s big bets is one of the best ways to grow wealthy…
If you’d put just $1,000 in Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors when the company first went public in 2010, that single $1,000 bet would have made you $79,450 in profits.
And if you’d invested early in PayPal, another company started by Elon… well, when PayPal was sold to eBay, Elon and his early investors made $1.5 billion!
And if you’d made an early investment in Elon’s SpaceX… you could be sitting on a 3,733% profit right now!
And now, after changing automobiles, banking, and space forever…
Elon is betting it all on his bid to take over the entire internet!
You see, Elon’s planning to beam high speed internet service straight down from low-flying satellites.
This allows super-fast connectivity from even the most remote areas of the globe.
That’s why Bloomberg Businessweek called it “Elon Musk’s Next Big Thing…”
Business Insider reports…

And the Financial Times wrote that Elon’s breakthrough…

You may have heard of this satellite internet trend by now — after all, it’s rapidly sweeping across the planet.
It seems every day you hear something new about Elon’s Starlink project connecting even the most remote corners of the world, delivering internet speeds faster than traditional internet services.
But what you WON’T hear is the story of one tiny company — a company I believe is crucial to Elon’s satellite internet rollout…
Soon, a single move from Elon could send this company’s $5 stock rocketing up…
On the low end, my projections call for gains of 151% gains… and on the high end, I’m forecasting gains of 7,535%!
What’s that mean for you? In our best-case scenario…
A $1,000 investment could balloon to over $75,350!
Oh, and, get this…
If Elon doesn’t win the race to space based internet, then my research says Jeff Bezos will, with Amazon’s Project Kuiper.
Clearly, the satellite internet trend is another one you DO NOT want to miss out on.
So here’s what I’ve done for you…

I’ve written up everything you need to know in a free bonus report called, “The Secret $5 Company Behind Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Race to Own the Internet.”
Inside it, you’ll learn:
- How this small company’s technology works and why it’s absolutely crucial to Elon’s Starlink.
- Why you need to act now, before any potential takeover happens.
- The name and ticker symbol of this tiny $5 company.
- And my guidance on investment allocation, showing you exactly how much to buy, and at what price.
And this report is also yours, FREE, when you subscribe to Digital Fortunes today.
And there’s more…
Free BONUS Report #2:
How to Profit from the iPhone Killer
According to highly credible sources…
Apple held a private meeting at its Cupertino headquarters…
At the meeting, Apple unveiled a device that “could eventually replace mobile phones.”
Apple’s internal codename for the device is “N421”…

But I call it the “iPhone Killer.”
Why? Because I predict that Apple’s newest project’s fully immersive, paradigm-smashing, mind-blowing, 3-D design will render every smartphone obsolete.
And when this happens…
A certain company’s technology — a firm whose shares trade for less than $10 — could become indispensable overnight.
Your second FREE bonus report gives you a rare opportunity to own shares of a company on the leading edge of a revolution… a company gaining momentum every quarter… a company with 10-bagger potential… a company exactly like Apple in 1980!
And this report is also all yours, FREE…
When you accept this invitation to join Digital Fortunes today.
When you do, I’ll rush you your copies of all three reports immediately:
Again, the main report is called:
Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the $100 TRILLION transformation of the century
That’s yours, FREE, with your trial subscription to Digital Fortunes…
But on top of that, you’ll also immediately receive 2 other BONUS reports I just told you about…
- Free BONUS Report #1: The Secret $5 Company Behind Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Race to Own the Internet
- Free BONUS Report #2: How to Profit from the iPhone Killer
At this point, I’m sure you’re asking an important question…
How much does it cost to join
Digital Fortunes?
Well, we’ve decided to set the standard price for a one-year membership at $299.
But when you act right now, we’re going to be doing something special for new members…
You see, given the full scope and scale of this situation…
How the climate shift could be a $100 trillion transformation…
How it could kick into high gear in 2023…
I don’t want you to miss out on it at all.
Since this is a special, extremely lucrative situation, my publisher and I decided to cut the cost by 50%.
Again, when you accept our offer and join today, we’ll cut that price by 50%.
Meaning, you’ll pay just $149 for a full one-year membership to Digital Fortunes.
That’s a 12-month subscription, where you’ll receive at least 12 unique trend-tracking investment recommendations over the next year.
And each of these recommendations has the potential to hand you profits that could change your financial future.
And you’ll get all of that for the highly discounted price of just $149…
That comes out to 41 cents per day… a whole lot less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks.
But given everything we’re going through right now, with the state of the economy, turmoil overseas, inflation rocketing higher…
I understand that for some folks, that price point may still be difficult.
So, since this is your first time reviewing my research, I’m going to sweeten this offer even further…
I’m going to knock an additional 33% off the price…
Meaning, if you act right now, you can secure a full one-year subscription to Digital Fortunes for just $99.
To summarize, you’ll get:
- Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the $100 TRILLION transformation of the century
- Free BONUS Report #1: The Secret $5 Company Behind Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Race to Own the Internet
- Free BONUS Report #2: How to Profit from the iPhone Killer
- As well as 12 MORE TRADES over the next year…
All for the unprecedented price of just $99!
Just one of these trades could pay for your subscription many times over — and you’ll be getting more than a dozen of them for just $0.27 cents per day!
And to get started right away, all you have to do is click the link below:
Claim my Risk-Free Offer Now »
If you’re still not convinced this offer’s right for you, there’s one other thing I’d like to bring to your attention…
Essentially, it’s a way for you to get your hands on all of the recommendations I went over here… at absolutely no financial risk to you.

Let me explain what I mean…
When you purchase Digital Fortunes today, I’m going to give you 30 days to evaluate this service, risk-free.
Meaning, after you join, you’ll be able to download every one of the reports I just went over with you.
Then, over the next 30 days, if you find this service isn’t right for you, email or call us and we’ll issue you a FULL refund for your subscription.
To be clear, we do not charge any kind of “processing” or “restocking” fees like some other publishers do.
Also, it doesn’t matter what your reason is for canceling…
If you decide that you don’t like the font we use… or the design of our newsletter…
If my research isn’t right for you for any reason at all, we’ll grant you a full refund at any time in the next 30 days, no questions asked.
Bottom line: You have nothing to lose here, and everything to gain…
Now of course, all investments carry risk and past performance does not guarantee future success. Please do not invest more than you are willing to lose.
Here’s What You Need to Do Right Now:
Today I’ve given you everything I have:
I’ve shown you how carbon credits are a “secret currency” that could soar 33,233%…
I’ve shown you how buying the “all-in-one” ETF is a secret backdoor way to take advantage without doing anything complicated…
And how curbing carbon emissions could lead to the biggest technology boom of this century…
And exactly how it could kick into high gear in 2023.
Of course, nothing's ever guaranteed when it comes to investing, and while all investing comes with at least some levels of risk…
EVERYONE is getting in on green energy. Every company you know, every major country, the whole planet is looking to “decarbonize.”
And as they do, a windfall of profits could be made.
Which is why I’ve written up all the details on playing this trend in a free report called…
Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the $100 TRILLION transformation of the century
In addition…
I’ve given you another free BONUS report detailing how to potentially make gains as high as 7,535% as Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos race to dominate the satellite internet trend…
I’ve given you the chance to be on the right side of major investing trends like the death of smartphones with The iPhone Killer…
As well as all the new trends I spot over the next year…
And I’m offering all this in a highly-discounted 12 month subscription to my introductory newsletter, Digital Fortunes.
Not only that, but as I’ve explained, with our 30-day refund policy, you can get access to everything I just mentioned at essentially no financial risk to you for your subscription.
So now it’s time for you to make a choice…
I wish I could make it for you, but that’s something you and you alone need to do.
When you click on the link below, you’ll be taken to a secure order form…
That’s where you’ll enter your billing and contact info…
I Want You To Click Below and Fill Out The Details… Then I’ll Rush You Everything I’ve Promised You Today
Within moments of submitting your order, you’ll get an email from me with ALL of the downloadable reports I told you about today…
I want you to open those reports immediately…
Read them all…
If you choose to, make your trades online, or with your financial advisor.
And then get ready for what could be a wild ride of profits…
The type of profits that could potentially change your life…
They could be all yours when you click the link below now.
Claim my Risk-Free Offer Now »
Cheers and Good Investing,

Michael Robinson
Chief Investment Officer
Digital Fortunes
February 2023
Carbon credits are a NEW asset class that the United Nations predicts should climb 33,233%! Not only could you profit from carbon too… As the world “goes green” and everyone looks to lower carbon emissions… We could see a huge technology boom unlike any other. According to estimates from the International Energy Agency, the shift to a “greener” world could be a $100 TRILLION trend. And I’ve written up all the best ways to stake your claim into one easy-to-read, actionable report called Cornering Carbon: How YOU can stake a claim in the $100 TRILLION transformation of the century. I’ve given you my very best offer to join my Digital Fortunes newsletter today. And when you do, you’ll get a full 12 months of issues, immediate access to the carbon report, plus many others for FREE. Simple click here to go to your secure order form right now.
The SEC will soon require all companies trading on U.S. exchanges to disclose ALL of their climate efforts. These rules could go into effect as soon as March 31st, 2023. Meaning we could see carbon prices, and any “green” investments soar soon after. Making RIGHT NOW the perfect time to jump in. Click here now to get started.
Claim my Risk-Free Offer Now »
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