
What Are Biden Bucks? Jim Rickards Latest Prediction


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Thanks to Section 4 of Biden’s Order 14067 ordering urgent research into developing the digital dollar…I believe the US dollar, the standard of the world since 1792… will be REPLACED by a new currency, the digital dollar.

These new electronic currencies are called CBDCs – or “central bank digital currencies”.

(I call the digital dollar “Biden Bucks” because I want him to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes.)

This is not like the money in your online bank account…

No, this is new and different.

Every digital dollar will be a programmable token, like bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

But there’s a big difference…

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital currencies. Instead, if it plays out the way I see it…

Biden Bucks will have the full backing of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

They will REPLACE the cash (“fiat”) dollar we have now…

And will soon be the sole, MANDATORY currency of the United States.

When Biden Bucks are rolled out, many experts – myself included, believe they will begin an era of total government control and surveillance.

This is not hyperbole.

This would dramatically expand the power and influence of the federal government… essentially acting as a new type of “spyware”.

With Biden Bucks, the government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda.

Because if you don’t, they could turn off your money.

This won’t be like freezing a bank account, it will be so much easier.

Because Biden Bucks will be “digital tokens” programmed at the source they could be “turned on or off” at will, with just a keystroke.

And they could be reprogrammed at any time.

With Biden’s secret surveillance army running the show, the anti-freedom implications are almost limitless…

For example, Biden Bucks could be programmed to allow only certain kinds of purchases…

Imagine what this new world could look like…

You want to keep your internal combustion engine car?

Your digital dollars suddenly won’t pay for gas.

Instead, you can be forced to buy an electric vehicle…

That’s just the tip of the fascist iceberg…

  • They can force you to get vaccinated…
  • They can force you into solar…
  • They can force you to use less water or heat…
  • They can force you to eat fake, plant-based meat…
  • They can control where you are allowed to travel…
  • They can stop you from purchasing certain items – like guns, ammo, or survival supplies.
  • They can control to which candidates you are allowed to donate.
  • And they’ll know every single place you ever spend money. Forever.

America would become a surveillance state like China or North Korea.

Every single aspect of your life could be controlled…

Because they’ll control your money.

In fact, I fully expect them to implement a “social credit rating” like in China.

Say the “wrong” thing on social media…

Buy the “wrong” thing…

Subscribe to the “wrong” news channel…

Give money to the “wrong” candidate…

And your rating drops…

Suddenly, your Biden Bucks are frozen or disappearing from your account…

This is already happening in China.

There, a low social score gets you officially labeled “untrustworthy”.

They can take away your ability to travel, restrict your internet access, deny your family the best schools or jobs… They may even take away your pets.

I’m not kidding.

All of this is going on today.

But that’s China… an oppressive, communist country.

Could this really happen in a democracy?

Just ask the truckers in Canada.

Because that’s exactly what happened to them.

Their Prime Minister Trudeau was granted “special emergency powers” during the peaceful trucker protests over his forced vaccination law.

He then ordered all banks to freeze the accounts of the protestors.

AND anyone who aided them in any way.

And it wasn’t just a threat…

That fascist froze the bank accounts of non-violent protestors.

He locked up over $6 million in private accounts for protesting a forced vaccination law the truckers believed violated their sovereign human rights.

Think about that…

They protested his policies…

So he took away their money.

Think our current government would love to do that?

Me too.

Under Biden Bucks, we’ll lose many of our God-given American rights.

They’ll be replaced by total government surveillance and control.

For almost all Americans, this will be the death of freedom. Forever. Almost all Americans…

Not you.

You won’t be a victim.

You can beat Biden’s surveillance army at its own game.

The key is what I call “Asset Emancipation”.

Asset Emancipation was created to help you maintain and even grow your personal wealth regardless of what happens to the cash dollar.

Get the full details on Asset Emancipation by reading the full research here.

Read more from Jim Rickards at GoldStocksToday.com

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5 thoughts on “What Are Biden Bucks? Jim Rickards Latest Prediction”

  1. What can we do, as citizens, do to prevent Biden from carrying out this devastating plan? WHY is Biden so set on undoing what has worked since the late 1700s??? This is extremely frustrating and disturbing! How many citizens will “go under” if he is successful in ramming this into being???

  2. Those who supported Biden and his agenda are now complaining. This will be the same situation with Biden Bucks – those who think this is a good idea will be crying later – BUT IT WILL BE TOO LATE! Look at the garbage they are teaching in public schools, gas prices, food prices, INFLATION…. the democrats won’t be happy until they have full control of everything!! We are living at the beginning of the end times…(Revelation)


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