Jim Rickards Strategic Intelligence PRO: Dollar Destruction and Free Goldback
As the New Great Depression worsens, you don’t want to be dependent on the government (or anyone else) for your well-being.
As the New Great Depression worsens, you don’t want to be dependent on the government (or anyone else) for your well-being.
Table of Contents Just a Quick Intro Jim Rickards and his team at Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence have released a new promo campaign called “Biden’s Big Blackout.” Rickards believes that Joe Biden’s misguided energy and foreign policy decisions and the effects of the “scam” Green New Deal are set to rock U.S. energy markets completely. … Read More
Calamity Joe sabotaged the Nord Stream pipeline. And it was suicide. In the next 75 days, Americans will face fuel shortages, widespread blackouts, empty grocery shelves, $1000 energy bills, drained retirement accounts…
Table of Contents Just a Quick Intro Jim Rickards and his team at Jim Rickard’s Strategic Intelligence have released a new promo campaign for a series of 4 special reports. In these reports, Jim describes Joe Biden’s steps to kill the U.S. dollar and replace it with a Biden-Bucks-based economy. The economics guru recommends his … Read More
The man who predicted the Great Recession of 2008, Trump’s 2016 election, and the COVID crisis issues final warning for Americans: The End of the Republic
Understand why NO executive order from the President, NO new legislation from Congress, NO rate hike by the Fed alone can fix this mess.
When you see how your wealth and freedoms are in the line of fire you’ll understand how important it is for you to take immediate action to protect yourself.
Table of Contents: What’s in Section 4 of Biden’s Executive Order 14067? What are Biden Bucks? What is the Gov’t planning to do with Biden Bucks? What could happen with Biden Bucks? How can you protect yourself from this Executive Order? Thanks to Section 4 of Biden’s Order 14067 ordering urgent research into developing the digital … Read More
GET JIM RICKARDS LATEST PREDICTION RIGHT HERE He helped save America from a 1.9 trillion dollar banking crisis…he warned of 2008 financial crisis, the Coronavirus Crash, Brexit, and more…now he’s warning American’s to prepare for: “Bloody Wednesday” Inside: Why legendary economist and former advisor to the Pentagon, the CIA, and over a half a dozen more … Read More