Start Collecting GIGANTIC Dividend Yields
up to 26.2%
From America’s Newest, Biggest Income Stream With MONTHLY PAYOUTS, But Only If You Act…
You’re Just In Time To Collect This Income… Follow This Step-By-Step Guide ASAP:
Dear Reader,
You could wake up in March with a HUGE dividend payout…
But only if you follow these step-by-step instructions before February 28.
We’re talking about a historic dividend yield that’s gone as high as 26.2%…

Paying up to $1 per share… at an AFFORDABLE share price!
- Not only is that over 4X what most dividend aristocrats pay…
- You can load up on these shares on the cheap…
- And these payouts are MONTHLY!
That’s right — nearly a buck per share paid every single month
And that could skyrocket even higher in the months to come…
But you’re almost out of time before February 28th.
There’s no hyped-up BS here trying to give you false urgency…
Either you get in before that record date or miss out for good.
Then you’ll have to wait for the next payout…
All the while watching as everyone ELSE collects your BONUS cash.
Because right now…
We’ve never seen anything like this before in the market’s history.
CNBC says this has become a “very popular strategy in recent times…”
Bloomberg says “[This Strategy] Boom Is Spilling Into $7.4 Trillion…. Market”
TheStreet reports that this is a way to pocket, “…. Tantalizing premiums WITHOUT all the volatility-induced heart palpitations.”
It’s one of the best NEW ways to generate income from the market…
And yet…
Your Financial Adviser Probably Has No Idea This NEW Monthly Income Stream Even Exists
This new investment has overtaken the largest funds in energy, technology, and real estate…

And our #1 investment that’s paid up to a 26.2% yield just launched in September 2023!
That’s why you’re seeing this at the PERFECT moment…
2024 is still early to get in…
And enjoy the biggest payouts that are yet to come…
Experts and algorithms believe it could even start yielding 59.5%!
And the next dividend date is estimated for February 28th…
That’s why I’ve prepared everything you need right here on this page…
Before you settle for chump change.
You can fast-track your retirement starting with this NEW investment.
This is one of the quickest, easiest ways to pocket large and safe income checks from the stock market…
…Without waiting on quarterly dividends…
…Without an endless bull market…
…Without trading options…
You simply need ONE investment to kick this income system into full gear.
Just imagine a buy-and-hold investment that pays BIG…
While you sleep… you’re collecting cash every month…
No extra work is required.
Behind the scenes, it’s running an equation like this…

Meanwhile, you can just buy and hold to collect the cash.
And the best part is we’re bringing nearly half a century of income-generating experience to deliver this system with a 100% payout rate.
Starting with just $5,000… you’d have the chance to potentially earn $1,008 per year… INSTANTLY!
After 5 years… you could double to over $2,223…

Just a few clicks, and you’re practically guaranteed this income stream.
It’s as easy as holding a regular stock.
Start with a little more, $15,000, and you’ll have a shot to see over $3,000 annually…
Again — wait just 5 years — and you’ve got a potential $6,679 income stream!

You didn’t have to work more for this money…
Or beg your boss for a raise.
You simply put your money towards this NEW investment.
With a $25,000 stake, your life could change instantly.
We’re talking the shot at over $5,000 per year in your pocket the first year you’re invested…
And a few years later…
You Could Be Collecting $11,162 Per Year…
Paid $930 Per Month!

And if you stick with me for just a moment…
- I’ll show you how you can start with $25,000…
- And turn it into a potential $57,000 per year income stream!
- That’s over $4,000 per month!
Picture waking up on a sunny morning, not to the sound of an alarm, but to the notification of another deposit made to your account.
It’s your monthly payout, a reward for a simple yet powerful decision you made to secure your financial future.
These are payments you don’t have to do anything extra to collect.
You simply buy this ONE investment, as we tell you here…
…and the monthly payments can be yours.
This Is as Easy as Buying a Normal Stock. No Special Account Privileges or Experience Needed
This is the first time going public with this plan and research…
In the months ahead, we expect thousands more to consider following in our footsteps; that’s how cutting-edge this research is.
You’re at the frontier of income investing; now’s your best chance to get ahead.
Together with my trusted partner, we’ll help get you there. Introductions are coming soon.
Because with an average starting stake that anyone can afford…
You can pull in hundreds of extra monthly cash from this ONE stock…
$Up to930 a month or more!
That’s the extra cash you need to stay safe and relaxed in this economy—no worries about a sudden downturn. You’ll have the bonus income there ready to back you up.
It’s also the perfect solution for those at or near retirement age.
Put a chunk of that money you have saved to work for you.
Stick here for the next minute, and we’ll show you exactly how to make this happen…
Turning 2024 into your best-ever year in the stock market from ONE revolutionary investment…
And by the end of this short report…
You’ll know precisely how this stock revolution is happening, instantly putting you ahead of 99% of investors who are clueless or going the wrong way.
This ONE pick could hand you hundreds or even thousands in extra monthly income…
You can get started with any amount of money, but I recommend a starting stake of at least $5,000 to enjoy the most substantial boost in income fast.
In just a moment, you’ll get the complete plan…
So you can set up these payments plus more in your account. Sound good?
Stick with me now…
What Would You Do With An Instant $500 to $1,000 Per Month Boost To Your Income?
Remember, we’re talking about using money you have sitting and doing nothing.
Instead, you can have it generating income for you right now…
You’re literally just a few clicks away.
And then this time next month, you’ll have an extra payment depositing…
And as the months move along, that bonus income will pile up…
What money worries would vanish?
You might start saving to take your family on a surprise vacation…
Pay off your bills faster…
Or simply relax, knowing you have a new income stream.
That’s now what’s possible…
You can add this ONE investment to your portfolio today and enjoy instant monthly income.
It’s almost like adding a rental property to your portfolio in a few clicks!
No paperwork or hassle finding a tenant…
And your money that’s invested is incredibly liquid.
Anytime you don’t want to collect this cash anymore, you can sell easily.
Again, this investment vehicle is truly one-of-a-kind.
In a moment, I’ll show you precisely what makes this ONE investment tick…
Plus, the larger movement it’s a part of (and how you can profit from the whole wave)…
And how you can get started today, no matter your experience level as an investor.
But first, I want to explain our partnership to deliver this message…
Tim Plaehn Here, Together With Jay Soloff…
We’re Income Experts Helping Over 230,000 People Achieve Financial Freedom…
And We’ve NEVER Seen Anything Like This Brand New Way To Start Collecting Monthly Income
Tim Plaehn: As you may know, I was once an Air Force Captain in Korea, flying F-16s.
We were taught, even in near-death instances… (Like one mission when I staggered toward the ground in the middle of a thunderstorm…)
… that we must keep calm and focus on our end mission.
As I meet more of my thousands of readers, I find they are not calm about their retirements. They are panicking.
They saved and saved but didn’t think it was enough…
Plus, they had no idea how to use their savings in retirement.
Some even had the $1 million experts suggest and couldn’t make heads or tails out of the official “advice” — Wall Street made things more complicated.
That’s why I live by this simple fact…
You need income to live…
And the more you collect, the more peace of mind you’ll have.
That’s why I decided to team up with Jay to deliver this #1 income opportunity today…
And why I’ve dedicated decades to helping folks retire with more income, including:
“Tim is the best investment advisor I’ve seen for the novice investor. He always has good advice and really bailed us out during the COVID crash. Keep up the good work.” -Don H.
“Since joining you in late 2016, we have done well with your recommendations. With this much extra income, life is good. (We are leaving on a 10-day Caribbean cruise today!)” -Mel G.
“I cannot remember just how I became acquainted with [you], but I am truly thankful. The dividend payouts are like clockwork. Set and forget… Consider me hooked!” -Alan F.
When I discovered this new way to generate income, I knew it was special…
It combines the safety and ease of dividend payouts…
With the fast compounding power of options income-generating strategies…
That’s why I knew I had to tap my long-time colleague, Jay Soloff, to deliver this message…
Why Jay Soloff? Well, He’s been trading options for income for decades.
He was a professional market maker on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE), the largest such exchange in the world…
He loves collecting instant income from options because it allows him to spend more time with his family. And much like me, he’s been helping folks do the same…
“[Jay] gives you simple, easy, no-brainer trades and I recommend anyone to follow him. I invest in dividend stocks for retirement, but Jay adds a little fun into the mix with his option trades. Thanks, Jay!” – Paul
“Jay just wanted to thank you for the great program. Learned so much from your trades, the perfect explanations, and examples. I have also developed the tools and skills to make my own [options trades]. I have been a biology teacher for the last 29 years and your educational system for learning about options is excellent. I look forward to continuing with this subscription and future option trading.” –Rich
“Thanks for all the help! PS: I’m glued to my phone for your next trade!” –David
And together…
We’ve delivered life-changing trades and long-term investments for readers…
For example…
You could’ve started with only $5,000 and…
Walked Away With Over $71,005 From Just ONE Of Our Other Income Strategies
Annualized, with compounding gains rolling into the next play.
And we beat the stock market in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (a bear market), and 2023.
In 2019, for example… our readers won 84% of our trades.
And in 2020, when the market crashed… our win rate INCREASED to 87%.
In 2021, our readers won 45 out of 47 trades… for a near-perfect 95% win rate!
Then, as stocks went down in 2022… we still beat the market with a 70% win rate!
As we did in 2023!
Even as stocks tanked, we delivered wins like…
15.60% in just 37 days!

Then, just 6 days later… we traded again for a 6.13% win!

A few weeks later, it was a similar story… a nice 3.91% win, even with volatility:

And there are many more examples of our combined trades producing income.
Like back in 2021, when we 96X’d the effective yield on the largest gold ETF with one trade!
Jay has also shown his readers these all-time winners annualized: VXZ = 367% XLY = 170% in just a few days WMT = 178% DISH = 109% FAST = 233% as the market fell GLD = 156% XLB = 222% ARNC = 70% And… 1,421% on ETFC
Not every trade works out like this…
But these winners can be life-changing. Especially that monster win on ETFC.
Just $5,000 could’ve hypothetically turned into $71,050.
And in the summer of 2014…
I quietly recommended 3 no-name dividend stocks to a small group of retired folks…
A decade later these 3 stocks could have hypothetically…
Generated $671,727 of Dividends Inside an Average IRA Portfolio!
Incredible, Yes…
But We Believe This Opportunity Is Even BIGGER
We’re talking no trading or waiting for mediocre quarterly dividends…
You can sign up to collect this huge yield up to 26.2% INSTANTLY.
You see, trading seals the fate of many would-be retirees…
You’ll see “easy, fast money” made by people half your age online…
So you can be tempted to start trying risky trades… and before you know it, you’re losing money.
The other side of the coin isn’t much better, either.
The crowd of folks swearing by “big safe dividends” to fund their lifestyles…
Meanwhile, they have to wait months to get a tiny check…
Any sort of life-changing money requires decades of compounding interest.
Then, in times like these, they start selling their portfolios to live…
If stocks only return 2.4% per year, Morgan Stanley predicts… you’re not beating inflation in your returns. You’re losing up to 2% per year… eaten away by inflation.
If you have $250,000 in your account…
You’re broke in 9 years.
If you have $500,000…
You’re broke in 15 years.
Remember, that’s even with Social Security helping out.
What if returns are a “lost decade” and go nowhere?
What if returns are negative?
The tech bubble saw the Nasdaq crater 81%.
If you lost another 50% on your portfolio…
You’re broke in 4 years.
So let me tell you…
If your income took a big hit these last few years, it’s not your fault.
But how you respond today will have a HUGE impact on your new few years…
We believe buying and holding for years is DEAD…
And unless you’re willing to make mistakes and learn, trading options for income should be avoided if possible.
So what’s the alternative?
This brand new system that was recently developed…
That combines the fast potential of big income from leveraged options…
And the stability and ease of collecting a dividend payment…
… to collect reliable monthly income.
These payouts could soon be yours — in the thousands.
But with all the media attention recently…
Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?
For One, This Income Secret Only Became Available In Late September 2023
I know we’ve painted quite the picture thus far…
A brand new income secret that’s fast and reliable…
Pumping out monthly payouts, and all you have to do is buy and hold…
You’d think everyone you know would have a stock like this in their portfolio.
And while the impact since being released has been massive…
There’s still a way to go until this investment is a household name.
And second, I believe we can trace that back to a seemingly obscure 1978 law change…
This silent change to the tax code…
Made it possible for corporations to STOP guaranteed retirement income programs.
That’s right, this right here is what killed the popularity of pensions…
And the 401(k) was introduced as a replacement.
As Forbes puts it: “Corporate America needed a way to reduce costs and transfer the risk from the company onto the employee. Congress was determined to create additional options in order to shift funding away from pension plans, hence the birth of the 401(k).”
In 1998, 59% of Fortune 500 companies offered pensions. Today, only 14% do.
So instead of guaranteed retirement income…
Folks bet on a retirement vehicle like 401(k), which CNBC reports: “has fallen short for millions of Americans.”
This brings me back to the #1 income opportunity for 2024…
And why it’s still under the radar.
Quite frankly, we, as Americans, aren’t used to this kind of opportunity.
Thanks to the change to 401(k)s and away from guaranteed income programs…
We’re skeptical of anything that’s not a Government bond or blue chip stock…
In many ways, that’s good…
But it’s bad when it causes millions of folks to miss out on this new way to generate income.
That won’t be a problem for you — not now…
Since you’re on this page, you can get the full step-by-step guide on this new income…
Here’s how it works…
The Simplicity of Buying an ETF With the Returns of a Complicated Options Trading Strategy
This is how you get your income ignited for maximum gains in 2024…
By investing in NEW options ETFs.
That’s right, we’re simply holding ETFs and enjoying yields as high as 26.2%.
How is this possible?
Well, it wasn’t always.
The rise of options strategy ETFs is a recent one…
Just look at the rise since the pandemic:

These ETFs offer specialized strategies that had previously been only accessible to big institutions or hedge funds in a nimble, tax-efficient package.
And now, with our #1 pick…
It can be one of the most effective and secure income-generation methods.
Here’s why…
Our #1 pick utilizes an options trading strategy called 0DTE…
As an individual trader, Jay has posted 0DTE wins like these in a single day:
$405 on Direxion Biotech ETF (LABU)…
$240 on AMC Entertainment (AMC)….
$285 on Novavax (NVAX)…
$360 on Affirm Holdings (AFRM)…
$150 on PacWest Bancorp (PACW)…
$255 on Contextlogic (WISH)…
These were placed fast, and he wasn’t being selective.
So, can options trades be a reliable and secure way to generate income? YES!
It usually requires the decades of real-world experience of a trader like Jay…
But not anymore with our #1 stock pick for 2024…
Investopedia announced it…
“The World’s First 0DTE Options-Based ETF Is Here”
If you’re not yet familiar with options, here’s a simplified explanation.
An option is essentially a contract that allows you, the buyer, to either buy or sell a stock at a predetermined price before a specific date.
However, buying options can be risky and potentially lead to unlimited losses.
But the ETF we’re talking about doesn’t operate like typical options trading.
This strategy involves a special kind of option trading where you can sell an option contract and potentially buy the stock for less than its market value simultaneously.
This approach makes trading options much safer and more reliable.
Here are three key benefits this strategy offers:
Benefit #1: Reduced Risk from Market Swings
Unlike traditional stock investing, where you might hold onto stocks for months or years, these special option contracts expire weekly.
This short duration reduces your exposure to long-term market trends and unexpected market events.
Essentially, the fund managers only need to make accurate predictions in the short term
Benefit #2: Profit in Any Market Condition
This unique form of options trading allows you to earn money whether the market is up or down, simply through buying and holding.
Even when the market dips, you can still earn a steady income from these trades.
Benefit #3: Limited Loss Potential
This strategy comes with a built-in safety net. Unlike typical options trading, where a big market shift can result in huge losses, this approach limits potential losses.
Fund managers keep cash on hand to purchase stocks at a lower price if needed, further reducing risk.
By using this special options trading method, you gain an advantage in today’s unpredictable markets.
Your investment isn’t as affected by market fluctuations or earnings reports, allowing for consistent profits without the high risk usually associated with options trading.
Brand new research confirms this:

“Differences in profits are much more pronounced between buy and sell orders. While long positions in options lose money on average, short positions are profitable even after fees.”
— Finance Center Muenster
Or, in a nutshell…
Traders who lose money are typically buying options.
But traders that made money were selling options.
And by the midpoint of 2023…
Assets under management by ETFs across the world stood at almost $10 trillion.
And in just a few short months of our #1 ETF hitting the market…
It’s already gobbled up $275 million and continues growing.
That means there’s HEAVY trading volume.
For the folks running the fund, that means there are plenty of trades to make; they’re not locked into making trades just for the sake of it…
And for you and us…
We’re getting a BIG income stream we can rely on.
Earlier, I Showed You the Possibilities of Investing $5,000… $15,000… or $25,000
But There’s An Easy Way You Can Compound Your Monthly Income Payouts Even FASTER
When you match your starting stake each year and reinvest…
Suddenly, you can start with that $5,000 again — only this time…
You’re enjoying an annual income of $1,307 after year 1…
$5,136 after year 3…
And a whopping $11,423 per year after 5 years!
That’s a life-changing income stream.
But now imagine bumping that starting stake up to $15,000 and matching it each year…
After just 36 months, you’d start collecting that amount as YEARLY INCOME plus more!
And remember these payouts come monthly…
So after 36 months, you can start enjoying $1,284 in your pocket every month.
Imagine putting that money towards paying off bills or expensive purchases.
That’s why I call it life-changing.
Now if you’re blessed to be able to start with $25,000 and match it each year…
After only 5 years of holding…
You Would Start Collecting Not $500… Not $1,000… Not $2,000… Not $3,000 per Month…
But a HUGE $4,761 Per Month Income Stream!
Yearly, that could turn into over $57,000 in your pocket…
Or a full-time job for many folks — paid passively to you.
It would make your retirement bulletproof.
Your larger grocery bill caused by inflation… paid off.
Emergency savings… taken care of.
Vacations… booked without worry.
That’s because you can collect this income no matter what’s happening in the markets.
You can even start with a modest $5,000 to $25,000 investment. Going off these targets… You’re Locking In a Dividend Yield up to 26.2%! That’s a yield you can capture in just a few clicks. Maybe it’s not as high as the promises you’re used to hearing from these “so-called” experts advertising new crazy trading strategies…
But this income will actually get deposited into your account.
And there’s no more work on your part than buying and holding.
The dividend is MASSIVE…
And there’s growth on the horizon…
Fortune magazine reported how these ETFs continue to grow regardless of market conditions, not even a deep bear market stopped this growth…
“It’s almost incredible how little the net outflow has been,” Lamont, Morningstar’s senior manager research analyst said.
It’s a very high-yielding stock, and we will collect that all the way into 2024.
Remember, almost nobody is talking about this opportunity…
That’s one of the many reasons I believe this is your best chance to fund your dream lifestyle with just ONE stock.
I’m talking: bills paid for… vacations booked… and retirement safely funded…
It may sound hard to believe…
But that’s because this is a brand NEW opportunity to tap into the quick income-generating power of options trading without any of the usual risks.
And unlock a lifetime income stream in just a few clicks.
All with just ONE stock.
I promise this stock is NOT a household name… but it soon will be.
But if you don’t act on the information I reveal here before February 28…
You’ll miss out on the newest upcoming payout.
And the sooner you start collecting, the sooner you can start compounding,
That’s why I’m telling you about this opportunity right now…
And don’t worry if you’ve never invested in new ETFs like this before…
You could still walk away with a life-changing income stream.
Today you have a once-in-a-generation chance to build a second, safe, lifelong income stream in just a few clicks —BEFORE the crowds come and flood this investment…
A single ETF funding your dream lifestyle is possible…
And the #1 ETF I’m revealing to you here can fund your dream lifestyle.
It simply needs to throw off so much income… that you feel secure.
And this income could start compounding even FASTER with small contributions.
Soon you could be traveling around the world…
Playing golf at an exotic course with a brand new set of clubs…
Or simply relaxing with your loved ones at home… with the peace of mind that only comes when you KNOW you’ll never have to worry about money again. No matter what happens… Recession Coming In 2024? It’s No Problem With This Reliable Bonus Monthly Income This is the most reliable way to generate income in 2024.
You don’t need to learn any new-fangled trading strategy…
You don’t need to watch the economy like a hawk…
And you don’t need to miss out on the market’s best moves by sitting on the sidelines in a supposed “high yield savings account.”
Right now, these paths are not what we recommended to our thousands of readers.
Not when this brand new pathway opened up late in 2023…
Investopedia noted how this new way to generate income is “capitalizing on a growing market that’s become increasingly popular with investors.”
If you want a fast, effective strategy, listen up.
Because I’ve singled out just ONE investment to add to monthly income immediately…
You’re getting the big, quick profits from Wall Street’s newest favorite trading strategy…
Without having to place any of the actual trades yourself.
That means all the safety and security of traditional income investing methods is retained.
You’re getting all the benefits of leverage without the usual risks.
Since October, this stock has been changing lives.
That’s when it released its first payout… a whopping $1 per share!
And trading at a very affordable price…
You could’ve easily pocketed $580 in a single month by simply clicking ‘Buy.’
No extra work is needed!
A month later, you’d double up with a near-identical payout…
By Christmas, you’d collect another huge payout simply by holding…
By then, you’d be up over $1,500 — it would pay for all the gifts by itself…
At the beginning of 2024, you’d pocket another big paycheck…
Putting you close to $2,000 in just 4 months of holding.
Together, we’ve banked over 50 years of market experience and have never seen anything like this. It’s the fastest, easiest way to enjoy a big income stream.
I think you’re starting to see the real potential here.
Of course, these payouts change every month…
But as I write this, the investment has had as high as a 26.2% yield!
That’s triple, even 4X, what you receive from dividend aristocrats.
And with that extra yield comes monthly payouts…
Turning a slow, bland way to generate additional income from the stock market.
Into a quick, monthly dopamine rush of cash flooding your bank account.
I’m talking about making enough income to fund your dream lifestyle…
Because I’ve put together an exclusive beginner’s guide package just for you.
How You Can Start Collecting These Monthly Dividends Before It’s Too Late
We believe this is a true once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
The rise of options trading ETFs caught most investors by surprise…
And this wave is only going to get bigger.
The sooner you’re signed up — the sooner these big MONTHLY payouts can hit your account.
And you can use that new monthly income for anything you need.
To make sure you get in before the next huge payout…
We’ve put all the details on this ETF inside a report titled…
The #1 ETF to Buy In 2024 For Monthly Income
Inside, you’ll discover the name and ticker symbol of this ETF…
PLUS, our in-depth research on these investments…
And a roadmap of where we see it going in the future.
Could these dividends grow past 26.2% into 40%… 50% in the next few years?
Yes. It’s possible.
We wouldn’t be surprised if this happens faster than others think…
That’s why you must get signed up now to start compounding…
Remember, when you invest just $1,000 each year with reinvesting…
You can turn $5,000 into $12,737 plus a $1,945 yearly income…
$15,000 into $30,838 while collecting over $4,900 per year…
And $25,000 into over $48,000 and a $7,900 bonus income stream.
That’s up to $661 every month extra in your pocket!
And the sky’s the limit today, given the new trends all pushing in this ETF’s favor.
That means the sooner you get in, the more money you could make.
But your window to act is quickly closing…
After more folks catch on, this ETF could lose its incredible affordability…
Especially since it trades for less than $18 as I write this!
And if you’re too late… there’s no turning back.
So please, don’t let this opportunity today slip past you.
But before I show you how easy it is to get in…
I have more bonuses for you as part of this exclusive package…
Bonus Report: The Complete Guide to YieldMax Single Stock ETFs For Bonus Income
What if you could collect a monthly dividend from Apple?
It may sound hard to believe… but that’s what YieldMax ETFs make possible…
Now you can generate monthly income with options-based ETFs on assets that are not typically associated with monthly income.
The possibilities this opens up are truly endless.
For example, you can bag monthly yields as high as 3.94% on a hot stock like Nvidia!
Much like the #1 ETF for monthly income…
These new funds generate this cash by, in effect, trading options for you.
Trades that throw off much more income than typical buy-and-hold strategies…
And that’s why we’ve decided to make this easy to understand in plain English.
Inside our bonus report, you’ll discover:
- Exactly how these funds are making money on stocks like Apple, Amazon, and Tesla
- Which YieldMax funds provide the best bang-for-your-buck investment options
This leads me to the next part of this exclusive package we’re offering you…
These Bonus Reports Are Yours FREE When You Join Our Brand New Service, ETF Income
As a member, you’re going to receive everything you need to generate thousands in extra income every month of the year…
- A full list of all the NEW income-generating ETFs hitting the market: The second you’ll join, you’ll have full access to a growing database of these investments.
Remember, you won’t find this information all in one place anywhere else…
Options-based income ETFs require significantly more education and due diligence.
They do a lot more than just track an index. They’re relying on puts, calls, and going long or short depending on circumstances and more to meet their goals.
Jay and I are putting our heads together to deliver this database…
Combining over 50 years of experience to make it easy for you to reference.
- Detailed write-ups for each ETF in plain English: Starting with the two bonus reports you’ll receive today, we’ll continue to build out this database with research.
You’re not just getting a list of stocks available…
You’ll also understand exactly how these funds are making money…
Please, we invite you to try and read one of the prospectus reports from these ETFs.
It’s a maze of legalese — it’s near impossible to figure out what’s really going on!
Take a look for yourself:
We sift through this complicated jargon and deliver the cold hard facts
Like, how is this fund generating income?
Is it like anything else out there on the market?
What should you expect from the fund in the next 12 months?
And plenty more.
- Monthly top 5 ETFs to invest in: Updated every month, you’ll simply take one glance and instantly know what our favorite picks are to stash some extra cash.
No digging through these reports if you don’t want to…
Or if you’re strapped for time…
If you simply want our favorite investments for any given month, you’ll be able to login and see at a glance which ticker symbols we’re fans of.
This is by far the quickest, easiest way to rebalance your portfolio without stress.
And you’ll never get caught off guard by a sudden change in the markets…
These monthly updates will ensure your portfolio is kept up-to-date whenever you want.
- A Member’s Only Portal: Here, you can review all past ETF reports and valuable research, like our monthly top 5 list, at your convenience.
- Dedicated Customer Support: Our customer support team is available seven days a week if you need assistance or have a question about your membership.
We’ll show you the ins-and-outs of these new income ETFs…
You won’t ever have to open a complicated prospectus report…
Or deal with the frustrating lack of information available online.
The best part?
As part of your subscription today…
You’re getting complete access to a feature that will change how you invest.
You won’t find this available through any other research service online…
This is a 100% exclusive benefit to ETF Income…
Incredible $10k Subscriber Benefit
FREE Access To Magnifi AI Investing Tools
Over the last decade, the most common questions we get are: “How should I structure my portfolio? How much should I allocate to XYZ stock or ETF?”
We’re not legally allowed to give personalized investment recommendations. Plus, it’d take all our time with over 21,000+ combined subscribers.
Now imagine having a top-notch financial advisor at your service, 24/7.
That’s precisely what you get with your complimentary access to Magnifi’s AI investing assistant together with ETF Income.
To put this in perspective…
- Magnifi Gets You Access To Professional-Level Data Worth Over $10,000: Think of Magnifi as your personal key to unlocking a treasure trove of data – the kind usually reserved for the Wall Street elite. With comprehensive insights from trusted giants like Morningstar, FactSet, and Broadridge, you’re no longer an outsider in the world of investing.
So, what does Magnifi mean for your ETF investments?
Let’s break it down:
Dive Into Deep Investment Insights: Magnifi doesn’t just scratch the surface. It delves deep, offering you insights on everything from ESG factors to analyst ratings. It’s about understanding the market and your investments profoundly intuitively. Use this to alter your ETF plan according to your needs.
Leverage Advisor-Level Tools: Tools like FI 360, usually earmarked for professional advisors, are now at your disposal. This means you can approach your investment analysis with the same finesse and depth as a seasoned financial expert.
Comparative Analysis At Your Fingertips: Want to know how your chosen funds stack up against others? Or how to balance your portfolio for better returns and lower volatility? Ask Magnifi – your AI-driven guide to smarter investment choices.
Make Informed Decisions With Scenario Analysis: Unsure how market changes might affect your portfolio? Magnifi offers scenario analysis to help you confidently navigate the uncertain waters of investing.
Personalized Portfolio Recommendations: With Magnifi, you get tailored recommendations honed to fit your unique investment profile and goals. It’s about making your money work for you in the smartest way possible.
User-Friendly Interface: Magnifi simplifies complex data into easy-to-understand, conversational insights. It’s like having a financial advisor who speaks your language, available whenever needed.
Exclusive Features and Unique Data Points: Tap into unique features and data points unavailable elsewhere. With Magnifi, you’re always one step ahead in the investment game.
Always Evolving for Your Benefit: With continuous development and new features like tax location analysis and yield optimization, Magnifi isn’t just a tool; it’s a growing resource tailored to your evolving financial needs.
This incredible $10,000 value is absolutely free to use as part of your subscription!
And the best part?
Take us up on this offer today and you’ll receive instant access.
However, recently, our publisher, Investors Alley (a 30+ year fixture in the investment publication industry) was acquired by Magnifi.
Magnifi is a new leader in the personalized investment recommendation space with their patented AI-powered investment software.
To sum up…
Just to Recap, Here’s Everything You’ll Get:
(BONUS REPORT) The #1 ETF To Buy In 2024 For Monthly Income
You’ll get the name and ticker symbol of our favorite ETF to buy for an instant income boost. Paying as high as a whopping 26.2% yield and relying on one of the newest, most popular income-generating options trades, this unique pick is perfect for any portfolio.
(BONUS REPORT) The Complete Guide to YieldMax Single Stock ETFs For Bonus Income
What if you could collect a monthly dividend from Apple? Tesla? Amazon?
It may sound hard to believe… but that’s what YieldMax ETFs make possible…
Now you can generate monthly income with options-based ETFs on assets that are not typically associated with monthly income. The possibilities this opens up are truly endless. For example, you can bag monthly yields as high as 3.94% on a hot stock like Nvidia!

You’ll receive the full list of these ETFs plus an in-depth guide in this report.
A full list of all the NEW income-generating ETFs hitting the market:
The second you’ll join, you’ll have full access to a growing database of these investments. Remember, you won’t find this information all in one place anywhere else…
Jay and I are putting our heads together to deliver this database… Combining over 50 years of experience to make it easy for you to reference.
Detailed write-ups for each ETF in plain English:
Starting with the two bonus reports you’ll receive today, we’ll continue to build out this database with research as the months and years progress.
Monthly top 5 ETFs to invest in:
Updated every month, you’ll simply take one glance and instantly know what our favorite picks are to stash some extra cash. No digging through these reports if you don’t want to… Or if you’re strapped for time… If you simply want our favorite investments for any given month, you’ll be able to login and see at a glance which ticker symbols we’re fans of.
A Member’s Only Portal:
Here, you can review all past ETF reports and valuable research, like our monthly top 5 list, at your convenience.
Dedicated Customer Support:
Our customer support team is available seven days a week if you need assistance or have a question about your membership.
PLUS — Claim your free subscription to Magnifi and get personalized help. (with $10,000+ of tools only those on Wall Street get). All are included for FREE!
The total value here is well over $5,000.
But I promise you’ll be shocked at how low we’ve discounted today’s offer.
You won’t have to pay anywhere NEAR the full value amount.
In fact, we’ve made sure that…
You Can Join Us Today For a Low Founder’s Rate That Won’t EVER Be Available Again
Neither of us grew up with a silver spoon.
We know what it’s like to struggle.
To celebrate the launch of this breakthrough service, we’re giving the first 100 people who join a bargain a membership rate.
To become a founding member of ETF Income takes a small $595 yearly commitment.
Considering this 1 ETF can hand you a MONTHLY income of $661…
That really is a bargain.
Because the very first investment you make…
Could pay off your membership by the end of the month.
We want you to get in before it’s too late — we truly believe this information could change lives and unlock financial freedom.
After all, assuming you’re invested in the best ETFs with enough cash…
Your $595 cost of entry today could pay for itself in just 1 month!
Imagine joining today and watching your income grow alongside this ETF boom.
You’d collect extra cash every month simply by buying and holding…
And at the rate, this is growing, you’d have enough to replace your regular income.
But the incredibly low price is only the first half of the red carpet we’re rolling out for you…
The second half is this promise…
Our “Sleep Well Promise”
Try ETF Income For 60 Days Without Any Pressure — Love It Or Your Money Back!
We understand you may still be on the fence, even with the low price.
So we’re prepared to go a step further with this right here:
If at any point you’re not happy with ETF Income during the first 60 days, you can request a full money-back refund.
You will have your $595 back with no questions asked!
And you’ll get to keep the bonus reports as part of the service.
Start your membership today. Download and flip through your quick start guide…
Make your first ETF income investment…
Then get ready for more research every month.
You can be “not happy” with the service for any reason…
And we’ll still give you a prompt, hassle-free refund.
So you have nothing to lose by joining risk-free today.
Simply click the button below to review everything and secure your spot!
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The information in this email and corresponding websites are neither an offer nor a recommendation to buy or sell any security, options on equities, or cryptocurrency. Investors Alley Corp. is neither a registered investment adviser nor a broker-dealer and does not provide customized or personalized recommendations. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. No trading strategy is risk free. Trading and investing involve substantial risk, and you may lose the entire amount of your principal investment or more. You should trade or invest only “risk capital” – money you can afford to lose. We urge you to conduct your own research and contact your personal financial adviser before making any investment decision.
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