“[This] will change our lives.” — The Wall Street Journal
“x.AI ”
The fastest growing sector in the coming $80 trillion AI industry
Now one small cap stock is at the center of it all…

The image you see of me right now was virtually impossible 15 years ago… outside of Hollywood.
Yet today,
It’s all thanks to recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence…
As one of the top technology futurists in the world reported in Forbes…

The CEO of Google, says AI will make electricity and even the internet look like small potatoes.
Going as far to claim AI will be:

And The Wall Street Journal says AI is:

Because in the age of AI, science fiction is now becoming reality.
For example, Tesla uses AI in its self-driving cars.
The military uses AI in autonomous warfare to help keep our soldiers safe.
Even my old home state of West Virginia…
Is using AI to predict the severity of COVID-19 among coal miners.
Bank of America says:

Billionaire tech investor, and early internet pioneer, Mark Cuban agrees, saying:

To make it clear, Mark Cuban is saying AI will have 10 times the impact of the internet.

And AI’s dwarfing of the internet will happen at a much faster pace that is only accelerating.
Let that sink in.
As the internet went mainstream over the last 20 years…
It grew tiny startups into global juggernauts.
- Amazon
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Netflix
- And Adobe

Saw their stocks hit nosebleed heights.
These are the biggest and most profitable companies on Earth.
Yet, AI is set to have 10X the impact of the internet.

So just imagine the astronomical growth potential here.

Make no mistake about it.
That’s why the world’s biggest companies have all dumped hundreds of millions…

And even BILLIONS of dollars into AI.
What’s more, the White House has just launched the National Artificial Intelligence Research Task Force…

With a new team made up of 20 government agencies, including:
- The Department of Defense
- The Department of Energy and
- DARPA — the federal agency that created the internet

All working together…
With the single focus to further America’s dominance in AI.

And it makes total sense.
Especially when you consider the amount of money at stake.
Cathy Wood, founder of Ark Invest, said:

That’s nearly THREE TIMES what the ENTIRE New York Stock Exchange is worth!

Or put another way…
That’s more than 30 times the size of Apple — the largest company in the world!

That’s why there’s never been a better time for smart investors… to get in and capitalize on the TRILLIONS of dollars… flooding into AI, than RIGHT NOW.
And there’s one sector in particular…
A sector I call x.AI…

That holds the BIGGEST promise for savvy investors.
In fact, a team of Ph.D.s and scientists at one of the world’s largest consulting firms…
Found x.AI is set to grow TWICE as fast as every other sector of AI over the next decade.

This is the core of future AI profits — the center of all the action.
And here you are with the chance to get in on the ground floor.
Because it’s undeniable…
x.AI is the fastest-growing sector in the booming $80 trillion AI industry.
And again, the clock is ticking…
Because I foresee these stocks CATAPULTING over the next 10 years.
That’s why the time to jump on these stocks is NOW.
Because as one leading economist and a managing partner of three hedge funds, put it in Forbes:

With Fortune saying:

While Mark Cuban, predicts x.AI stocks:

And I’ve found what I believe is the No. 1 x.AI company…
Whose small-cap stock is set to skyrocket in the coming months and years ahead.
To be clear, I’m talking about… the No. 1 stock… in the fastest-growing sector… of the 21st century’s biggest new industry — artificial intelligence.

Which means investors who get in now have the potential to earn life-changing returns…
And stake their claim in AI’s $80 trillion windfall over the next 10 years.
But as exciting as this opportunity is…
It’s about to get even BETTER.
Washington, D.C., has just strapped a rocket to the entire AI industry…
That could send investor returns soaring EVEN HIGHER.
Not only have they started a new task force backed by 20 government agencies…
The Senate also passed a new bill, with an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote…

To propel the government’s research into AI and other critical technologies.
And this new bill has a sweeping $250 billion budget…
That’s 33 times more than the amount the government gave for electric vehicles.

Now you don’t need me to tell you…
There always seems to be a lot of money made, whenever the government gets involved.
Just look at what the government’s early backing did for Tesla.

It shot gains of Elon Musk’s companies to the moon – pun intended.
But in my professional opinion, if this new bill passes into law…
It could be the catalyst that puts the entire AI industry into OVERDRIVE.
So, you’ll want to get in RIGHT AWAY.
As in…
Within the hour — while there’s still time…
Before the best profits fly off the table.
I’ll tell you all about this revolutionary, x.AI sector…
And the No. 1 stock set to benefit from it, in just a moment.
But first, you need to know something about me…
About how I walked away from the allure of high finance…
To help regular Americans secure their financial future with exceptional investment opportunities, like this one.

My name is Adam O’Dell.
I’m recognized among the top 1% of all financial analysts in the world.
As the former manager of a specialized hedge fund…
I’ve been identifying new technologies and winning stocks for the last 15 years.
Today, I’m blessed to serve as the Chief Investment Strategist for Money & Markets.
An independent research firm…
Where I write to more than a quarter of a million readers every single day.
Lately, I’ve been making a splash across the internet for identifying the top-performing stocks….
In the biggest tech trends of our day.
In the last year, through my top-performing, untracked stocks I’ve hit peak gains of…
684% in eight months on Plug Power — a trail blazer in the electric vehicle market.

544% in seven months on Daqo New Energy Corp. — a pioneer of green energy.

And 526% in five months on Microstrategy Inc. — a leading cloud-based analytics company.

Among many other double- and triple-digit tech winners in my weekly hotlist stocks, included with my exclusive research.
Now before I go any further…
Let me be clear.
These represent the peak performance on some of my best stocks.
Gains like these are rare and exceptional. Even for experts like me.
After all, nobody wins 100% of the time. You already know that.
Anybody who says otherwise is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Nothing in investing is a sure thing.
Especially when the broader market goes through a period of turbulence.
But I’m always honest about these rough patches with my readers…
Because it strengthens our relationship and builds their trust in me.

Plus, it gives us more joy and satisfaction when we win.
And really, that’s what’s at the heart of all this.
Because the reason I’m becoming so famous online…
Is that when I do get it right, I WIN BIG.
The last time I recorded a presentation like this one, it went viral…
Gaining more than 7 million views!
With over 4 million views on YouTube alone.

I gave everybody who saw that presentation an incredible opportunity.
Because if you took immediate action, by investing in the stock I recommended then…
I’m proud to say you would have hit top-performing, peak gains of 412% in just eight months…

While banking a gain of nearly 100% on half the position…
When we took profits four months into holding.
And while the stock has pulled back some…
Who knows how much bigger those gains will get because we’re still holding that stock.
Of course, I’m not mentioning my success here to brag…
But to give you confidence in my ability to pick tech stocks with HUGE, upside potential.
After all, being able to identify winning stocks like these…
Is how I went from playing baseball as a kid…
Growing up in the foothills of West Virginia…
To running a hedge fund by the time I was 30.
It’s an accomplishment I’m proud of.
So, when I say that what you’re about to see could make you a lot of money…
In a short amount of time…
I’m not exaggerating.
I want to show YOU what’s possible.
Helping people from across the country…
Take control of their financial destiny…
And finally, earn the profits they deserve…
Is a big part of the reason why I left the hedge fund world behind.
And started working with Money & Markets.
Now instead of fattening up the coffers of some big wig on Wall Street…
I get to help regular, Main Street Americans get an edge in the markets.
And it feels great too — much more rewarding.
This has become my life’s mission…
It’s what I love to do.
Every day, I get up at the crack of dawn…
And fire up my proprietary market scanning software…
Stock charts… and data-crunching spreadsheets that I use to find the absolute BEST investment opportunities the market has to offer.
That’s why I have my eyes fixed on the No. 1 x.AI company I’m telling you about today.
But by now, you’re probably wondering what this company does and what x.AI is all about.
Because as great as all my previous wins are… and as amazing as the stocks I featured in my other videos are…
The opportunity I’m sharing with you today is even BIGGER.
BIGGER than all my previous opportunities combined…

And it’s easy to see why when you know what x.AI is focused on…
In short, it’s about enhancing the most valuable thing for each of the 7.9 billion people on planet Earth right now:
Our health, and the health of our loved ones.
As we speak, the smartest minds in the world are leveraging AI to help us live healthier, happier, longer lives.
With cures and treatments that go far beyond the limitations of modern medicine.
And as you’ll see in a moment, the healing applications are breathtaking…
They fill me with hope for the future…
And I believe they will do the same for you.
But even more exciting — right now — is the investment opportunity.
That’s why I call it x.AI — which stands for extreme AI.
I call it this for no other reason than the extreme wealth this sector has the potential to create…
More than any other sector of AI…
More than the internet or any tech mega trend…
More than any other opportunity in history for that matter…
After all, there’s a reason Mark Cuban says AI stocks:

And believe me, the race to becoming the first trillionaire is already underway.
The world’s richest men: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg…
Have ALL personally backed x.AI companies.
In some cases, to the tune of $1 billion.
That’s four out of the five richest men in the world…
Putting their money and their reputations behind x.AI.
And they’re not the only ones…
Pharmaceutical giants…
- Eli Lilly.
- Merck & Co.
- Bristol-Myers Squibb.
- Bayer.
- Pfizer … and…
- Proctor & Gamble…

Are all getting on board as well.
Because just like I showed you how x.AI is being used to create holographic images for medical diagnostics…
It’s also being used in the warp-speed development…
Of new, hyper-effective drugs, in record time.”
For instance, research published by the National Institute of Health says:

But thanks to new breakthroughs in x.AI…
Scientists are now celebrating because AI SLASHES the time and cost needed for new drug discovery…
AI is speeding up the development of new drugs so fast…its identifying promising new drug treatments in just a few days.
Something that would have previously taken years to do!
This explains why AI-assisted drug discovery received the MOST private investments…
For ALL AI in 2020.
More than $13.8 billion.
Which is three to four times the investment of AI in any other category.

These new drug treatments are truly astonishing.
For example, the groundbreaking malaria drug that was recently approved by the World Health Organization…
Was developed through research done with artificial intelligence.
To put this achievement into perspective…
Doctors have been trying to develop a cure for malaria for over 100 years!
Talk about a quantum leap forward!
And get this…
x.AI has led to the emergence of new, Fountain of Youth-type medicines…
That can actually extend human life.
Here’s what I mean…
Scientists in Japan have created a brand-new drug that can stop and even reverse aging.
But as you’re about to see…
AI-assisted drug discovery is still just the beginning.
Because x.AI is also being used in several other remarkable health care areas.
The Harvard Business Review reports how AI is being used to invent new types of preventative treatments.
Citing how the world-renown Mayo Clinic is using AI to develop “bloodless blood tests”… that will allow patients to test key blood metrics without having to use a needle…
And from the comfort of their own home.
This is a big deal for maintaining the safety of our seniors…
Take potassium levels for example.
Too much potassium in your blood stream could lead to irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness and kidney failure.
Even sudden collapse.
This is a serious, “life-threatening condition that requires immediate care.”
Thankfully, with x.AI’s “bloodless blood tests” those fears may soon be in the past.
Similar “needle-free” tests are being developed for patients with diabetes as well.
These new x.AI monitoring systems allow patients to control their glucose levels…
WITHOUT having to prick their finger at all.
AI is also being used to improve the functionality of prosthetics.
The DARPA LUKE Arm is a wonderful example of this.
Designed for brave military members injured while defending our great country…
The LUKE Arm system is the first muscle-controlled prosthetic to be approved by the FDA.
Fully equipped with up to 10 motors…
The LUKE Arm allows injured veterans to regain their upper arm movement.
DARPA has partnered with the Walter Reed Medical Center to provide its LUKE Arm to soldiers in need.
This has been a blessing for our Wounded Warriors, helping them to adapt to their new world faster…
Enjoy more time with their families…
And maintain their pride and dignity with greater independence and an improved quality of life.
AI can even help power artificial hearts…
That pump blood for patients waiting on an emergency transplant.
This has literally been life-saving for THOUSANDS of people.
Think about how grateful those families have been…
To know there’s a life-saving technology like this available when their loved ones have needed it the most.
And again, this is still just the beginning.
But when you look at all the amazing ways AI is improving our lives…
It's easy to see why SO MUCH MONEY is pouring into the x.AI sector…
And why it’s growing SO FAST…
Remember, AI could have 10X the impact of the internet…

As momentous as that may sound.
Just think about what this could mean for investors…
And again by 2030, AI is projected to be…
- 8 times bigger than blockchain…
- 10 times bigger than virtual reality…
- And 12 times bigger than 5G.
And x.AI, is the FASTEST-GROWING sector of ALL AI applications…
I’ve found the No. 1 small-cap stock that I believe is set to capitalize on the coming $80 TRILLION windfall.

How can I be so sure?
Because my No. 1 x.AI company is leading the charge…
In the race to cure all THREE of the leading causes of death in the United States:
- Heart disease.
- Respiratory disease, and yes, even…
- Cancer.

It’s all part of a larger medical breakthrough called genetic sequencing.
Now this is an area of x.AI that I am deeply passionate about.
Because long before I ran a hedge fund… or joined Money & Markets…
I was in a prestigious science fellowship program as part of my stint in medical school.
There, I worked alongside doctors and professors researching advancements in genetic sequencing.
Genetic sequencing is all about understanding how our bodies work at the root level…
At the core of our DNA.
It’s something modern medicine has only just begun to see major breakthroughs in.
Thanks to the help of x.AI.
In short, genetic sequencing determines the order of the genes found in your DNA.
And as you may know, your DNA determines everything about you.
It determines your height, your hair, your eye color, even your shoe size.
Well, genes are smaller components within your DNA.
You have about 100,000 genes.
They are the chemical building blocks that carry the actual code for your body.
So once scientists know the sequence of genes in your DNA…
They can scan for areas of irregularity…

And essentially “turn off” the genes that may cause disease.
Doctors have been studying genetic sequencing for years.
But until recently, it was always a slow and tedious process.
And the costs were enormous. Far out of reach for most people.
For example, back in 2003, when the first human DNA sequence was completed…
It took scientists 13 years to finish, and cost $2.7 billion!
But thanks to breakthroughs in x.AI…
My No. 1 company has pioneered a new approach to genetic sequencing…
That is called next-generation sequencing. Or NGS for short.
NGS uses artificial intelligence to create what are called “multilayered artificial neural networks.”
Now, I know it’s a mouthful…
But you can think of these neural networks as the “brain” that powers the machines used to sequence DNA.
Basically, they operate like the central processing unit of a computer, but much more powerful.
Scanning, analyzing and storing DNA information using data simulations so complex they were previously impossible…
I’ll save you the rest of the technical details…
But suffice it to say…
This company’s proprietary NGS technology, allows them to build customizable genetic sequencing tests…
That produce results much faster and cheaper than the old method.
Before NGS, scientist could only sequence one single DNA fragment at a time.

That’s why it took so long and cost so much.
But now, with the help of x.AI…
Scientists can use NGS to sequence MILLIONS of DNA fragments simultaneously.
In fact, because of new AI technology…
Doctors can use DNA sequencing to diagnose genetic diseases in newborn babies in less than 24 hours!
And now, there are even at-home genetic sequencing tests available online, for as little as a $100!
So if you wanted, you could have your DNA sequenced…
Have your likelihood for getting a disease predicted BEFORE it becomes a problem…
And then have those potentially infected or mutated genes neutralized.
WITHOUT experiencing any negative side effects to your overall health.
In praise of these x.AI breakthroughs, the director of the National Institute of Health said:

The president even said:”

And the government has fast-tracked the FDA’s approval of these new x.AI therapies.

These are medical miracles that I could NEVER have dreamed of back when I was in med school.
What’s more, is my No. 1 x.AI company is positioning to serve the GLOBAL genetics market.
This is significant because 95% of the world’s population will experience some form of health problems over their lifetime.
These problems can range from everything between chronic migraines and severe back pain…
To serious genetic disorders… and critical diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
Yet, my No. 1 x.AI company is working tirelessly around the clock to test for these same diseases, so we can eradicate them from all humanity.
That way no one will ever have to suffer through these horrible conditions again.
And since there’s over 7.9 billion people on the planet…
It’s easy to see why this company is set to explode!
Which means investors who get in now have the potential to reap life-altering rewards.
Plus, this company has an incredible X-factor.
It’s the same thing that led Microsoft to phenomenal gains of over 309,000%.

It’s the same thing that blew Amazon’s stock up more than 135,000%.

And it’s the same thing that drove Tesla’s stock to over 26,000%.

What is this X-factor?
It’s a genius founder with an incredible vision for growing their tech company into a global powerhouse.
And just like the top-performing companies I’ve mentioned…
My No. 1 x.AI company is backed by a billionaire tech entrepreneur…
With a history of successful business ventures and philanthropy around the world.
Including ties to my alma mater, West Virginia University.
To date, he’s founded three AI companies.
The second of which he sold back in 2017 for nearly a billion dollars…
That was around the same time, he took this third, x.AI company public.
But unlike other billionaire CEOs: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk…
This company’s founder likes to stay out of the limelight.
With his name only hitting headlines when he donates millions to scientific research…
Or when he pops up on the Forbes billionaire list.
It really is an amazing story…
And I’ve put everything you need to jump on this small-cap stock in a convenient special report, called: NGS Fortunes: The No. 1 x.AI Company Working to Eradicate Cancer.

Remember, AI will have a 10X bigger impact on stocks than the internet!
And I believe x.AI stocks are hands down, the very best way to make BIG money in AI over the next few years…
Plus, if you invest in my No. 1 x.AI company…
You get to be a part of helping to bring a life-saving cure to the 1.6 million people diagnosed with cancer each year.
As well as the hundreds of millions more people around the globe…
Who could benefit from this company’s next-generation sequencing technology.
That’s why I believe this is the No. 1 small-cap stock…
In the fastest-growing sector…
Of the 21st century’s biggest new industry.
Of course, nothing in investing is guaranteed.
Especially when we’re talking about small-cap tech stocks.
So you should never bet the farm.
But as you can see, the opportunity here is HUGE.
And as amazing as this company is…
It’s actually just the first investment opportunity I want to tell you about today.
That’s right…
I’ve found TWO more small-cap companies for you to take advantage of the booming, $80 trillion AI industry over the next 10 years…starting RIGHT NOW.
This next company is a precision medicine company.
It provides drug treatments for rare diseases and blood disorders.
Precision medicine is another area of x.AI that uses information from a patient’s genes to prevent and diagnose disease.
It relies on AI’s ability to analyze a patient’s entire DNA.
Through what’s called “computational biology.”
And then it prescribes a custom treatment plan based on their genetic profile.
This is a very specific, sniper-style approach to routing out disease…because it’s tailor-made to fit each person’s unique DNA, lifestyle, environment, even occupation.
You see, the reason why people react differently to medicine…
Is because we all have different genes.
No one medicine affects everyone the same way.
So what may work for someone else, may not work for you.
Or worse, it could potentially make you feel more sick.
It’s all in how the DNA inside of your body responds.
Plain and simple, different genes mean different reactions.
It’s these genetic differences that make one-size-fits-all treatments less effective.
But with precision medicine, doctors aim to ensure you get the “right treatment, at the right time, every time.”
And again, it can be far less invasive and often more affordable, than the outdated methods.
Precision medicine has been recognized by…
The Harvard Business Review…
The UCLA Medical Center…
The National Institute of Health…
And the World Economic Forum…
As a “cheaper” and more “economic” option.

Well, this second company has several precision drug treatments already approved by the FDA.
With another handful of phase I and phase II trials in the works.
But the thing I’m most excited about with this company…
Something that has been practically overlooked by the rest of the market…
Is that it recently announced an inducement grant under a Nasdaq listing rule…
Which allows it to hire more scientists and further its precision medicine research.
This is a MASSIVE win.
As it will speed up this company’s new drug discovery capability…
And could send its stock price through the roof.
I’m calling this second company’s report…
Precision Profits: The Tiny Company Creating the Blueprint for Personalized Drug Discovery.

Finally, the third small-cap company I want to tell you about today…
Has its roots in Silicon Valley and ties to the MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation.
And with this third x.AI company…
All my knowledge and experience is telling me this is a super-hot play…
That could pay off HANDSOMELY in the future.
Because this small biotech company has developed its own AI technology…
To perform target identification for HIV and infectious disease.
This AI, deep-learning platform works so well, it has an amazing 70% success rate in detecting certain tumor cells.
That’s a tenfold improvement over any of the other leading tools.

Which means more people with HIV can get the help they need, faster.
This company also has several drugs in the FDA’s phase II and phase III clinical trials.
Plus, it has partnerships already in place with other, much larger biotech firms…
Including one for an HIV immunotherapy cure, which resulted in a $785 million deal.
And to top it off, it’s supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation…
As well as the National Institute of Health.
Now that’s an X-factor!
And RIGHT NOW is the best time to jump on this opportunity.
Especially because this company’s shares are trading for less than $10.
So who knows how high this stock could go.
That’s why I’ve titled this last special report…
Tomorrow’s Edge: The x.AI Company Treating HIV and Infectious Disease.

That’s THREE special reports, all with complete stock write-ups…
And clear, easy-to-follow buy instructions…
Yours FREE today.
All I ask in return, is that you take me up on a risk-free trial offer to Green Zone Fortunes.

Green Zone Fortunes is the absolute best introduction to my extensive market analysis…
Adaptive investing strategies…
And monthly stock picks.

It’s my marquee publication for investors new to my research.
I have members inside of Green Zone Fortunes who work at some of the biggest banks and financial institutions in the country, including…
- U.S. Bank…
- Morgan Stanley…
- Merrill Lynch and…
- Raymond James.
They all gladly pay to receive my research and insights every month.
Which, if I’m honest, is pretty humbling.
These financial experts look to me for advice on where the markets are heading.
Now I want to give you the same opportunity to benefit from a year’s worth of my research.
Here’s how it works.
Each month, I use my patent pending Green Zone Ratings system…
To sort through the 8,000 stocks available in the U.S. markets.
My proprietary Green Zone Rating system is an AI-based scanning software…

That ranks stocks on the six factors I’ve discovered have been proven to be able to drive market-beating returns.
Then, I give each stock an overall rating.
These ratings go from 0 to 100, where 0 is the worst, and 100 is the best.
I consider anything over 80 “strong bullish”…

That is my “Green Zone”…
Meaning, I expect stocks rated 90 or above…
To beat the market by a factor of THREE over the following 12 months.
The higher the stocks’ overall rating, the stronger the bullish I am on it.
Then, I filter through the highest-rated stocks to find the most promising opportunities FOR YOU.
Finally, I look at stocks with unrecognized or underappreciated X-factors.
X-factors are those things that most investment analysts miss.
It’s the “special something” that promises to propel the stock much higher than anyone else expects.
Like the background of the billionaire CEO at my No. 1 x.AI company.
And the same way that I believe x.AI will lead to explosive growth in the whole artificial intelligence industry…
A company’s X-factor could set it up to explode far past the typical returns of the larger market.
It’s this combination of a…
- Strong Green Zone Rating…
- A powerful mega trend, and an…
- Overlooked “X-factor”…
That makes my Green Zone Fortunes service so unique.
After all that, I select my No. 1 stock pick for the month…
The top stock that I believe is best positioned to help you make a boatload of money.
And once I’ve completed all my research…
Around the 15th of each month…
I’ll send my No. 1 stock pick straight to your inbox.
I’ll give you my complete breakdown of the company, including…
- The ticker symbol…
- The stocks’ Green Zone Rating…
- Insights about why I chose them for that month…
- And clear action steps to take with what bid price I recommend.
So you’ll always know exactly how to jump on the stock’s opportunity and get in on the action.
To be clear, I don’t just recommend x.AI stocks.
That’s just the area I’m most excited about right now.
But each month could be different.
This is where my unique, Adaptive Investing™ strategy comes in.
Because along with a high Green Zone Rating and a powerful mega trend…
I also look for new and exciting stocks with massive growth potential…
From across all sectors and markets.
That means my monthly recommendation could come from the energy sector, manufacturing, real estate or even a gold play.
The point is…
I’m able to adapt my system and go where the money’s at.
And each month, I’ll send you the No. 1 stock I find based on my extensive research.
But it doesn’t end there.
If you’re eager to get in on even more action…
You can take advantage of my untracked, Weekly Hotlist stocks.
My Weekly Hotlist is a list of 10 rising stocks that my Green Zone Rating systems identify each week.

These are bonus stocks you can choose to dig into more, and invest in as you want.
So since they’re optional, they aren’t included in our model portfolio.
But if you see a stock you like, you could trade these extra plays to potentially make even more money for yourself.
In fact, in the year and a half of publishing this list to our subscribers…
We’ve already had 52 triple-digit peak gains on our top-performing hotlist stocks.
You can see these winners right here for yourself.

Of course, not every hotlist stock is a winner…
Nor is every one of my monthly picks in our regular portfolio.
At the moment, we do have some down positions.
But this is normal.
Even for the best money managers in the world.
But when you’re going after stocks that have the potential to beat the market, 3-to-1…
You don’t need a perfect track record to make mouth-watering gains.
And while the Weekly Hotlist stocks don’t get the same sell guidance as our regular monthly recommendations…
They can add an additional layer of profit opportunities for you as a member of Green Zone Fortunes.
These are the kinds of life-changing profits I give my readers each and every month.
And the results speak for themselves.
Here are some of my favorite stories:
Kyle Y. said:
“I have been following your advice all the way back to May 2013. I have complete trust in your research and fully expect it be hugely profitable. Kudos for purchasing Barrick Gold well before Warren Buffett.”
John W. said:
“Overall, your results have been unbelievable. This past year has been the best in all of my years of investing.”
And Dave K. told me:
“Thank you for the great ideas. I was a stockbroker for 15 years. And your ideas are better than the ideas I got. Keep up the great work.”
Plus, membership in Green Zone Fortunes includes access to…
My proprietary AI-based, Green Zone Ratings scanning system…

This is the same patent pending, technology that I use for picking stocks, week in and week out.
So, you could log into your online, private-members portal…

And search for any stock you want to look up on your own, anytime you want to.
And if you really want more…
You can visit our custom, Money & Markets website to read my additional market commentary.
See our reactions to investment news, and…
Stay on top of the global economy with our informative Chart of the Day.
Not to mention, you can follow all the content I post on social media…
And join in on my regular Ask Me Anything videos.
It’s all waiting for you on the other side…
To get started enjoying all the benefits of Green Zone Fortunes for yourself…
Just click the button below.
When you do, you’ll be able to review all the details of my risk-free, trial offer to a year’s membership in Green Zone Fortunes…
Then, if you like, you can put in your information to claim your immediate access to…
All THREE special reports I’ve told you about today:
1. NGS Fortunes: The No. 1 x.AI Stock Working to Eradicate Cancer.

2. Precision Profits: The Tiny Company Creating the Blueprint for Personalized Drug Discovery.

3. Tomorrow’s Edge: The x.AI Company Treating HIV and Infectious Disease.

Plus, instantly secure your years’ worth of…
- Monthly issues of Green Zone Fortunes
- 52 weeks of my Green Zone Fortunes Top 10 Weekly Hotlist.
- 52 weeks of my exclusive, market-beating analysis and in-depth financial research.
- Real-time trade alerts when it’s time to exit a position.
- 24/7 access to our secure members-only, online portfolio.
- 24/7 access to my proprietary, patent pending Green Zone Rating system, so you can check the overall rating of any stock you want, whenever you want.
- And you can even sign up for my Green Zone Fortunes text alerts…
Now, the normal price for a one-year subscription to Green Zone Fortunes is $199.
And honestly, even at that price, it’s a bargain.
But like I said, I want to give you a totally risk-free trial offer to join Green Zone Fortunes TODAY.
So, for a limited time, I’m sponsoring a 75% discount on the normal retail price…
Cutting the price for you to join Green Zone Fortunes TODAY…
Down to just $47.
That’s a ridiculously low amount.
Especially when you consider the opportunity at hand.
I’m giving you THREE unique stock picks that I believe have the potential to give you triple…
And even quadruple-digit gains, over the next few months and years ahead.
Including my No. 1 small-cap stock…
In the fastest-growing sector…
Of the 21st century’s biggest new industry.
NGS Fortunes: The No. 1 x.AI Stock Working to Eradicate Cancer.
All served up for you on a silver platter.
Every single one of these three companies is on the bleeding edge of x.AI…
Making each one of them a primary candidate to benefit from the coming $80 trillion windfall over the next 10 years.
And let me repeat…
The biggest companies in the world are going ALL-IN on AI.
Even Washington, D.C., is ready to jump in headfirst with its $250 billion Senate bill…
Which could launch this industry into the stratosphere tomorrow…
With x.AI set to grow the fastest of all sectors…
That’s why you HAVE to act NOW — while there’s still time to make the best profits.
You absolutely don’t want to let this opportunity pass you by.
I’ll give you everything you need to get started TODAY.
PLUS, when you join Green Zone Fortunes you’ll get a complete years’ worth of my exclusive research…
Monthly stock analysis…
And my No. 1-rated stock pick for the month.
On top of 52 weeks of my Top 10 Weekly Hotlist stocks, which you have the option to jump on.
All for the incredibly low price of only $47.

That’s FAR LESS than what a subscription to The Wall Street Journal is.
And with Green Zone Fortunes, you’re getting more practical market-beating insights…
With actual stock recommendations every month, designed to grow your net worth.
And because I really want to make this as easy as a decision for you as possible…
I’m protecting you with my risk-free, 365-day trial offer guarantee.

If at any time over the next 12 months, you’re not completely satisfied with your membership in Green Zone Fortunes…
Simply call our friendly, Baltimore-based, customer care team…
And request your full, 100% money-back refund.
But I don’t think that’ll be necessary.
In fact, I’m so confident you’re going to love the results you see in Green Zone Fortunes…
That I’m going to include ANOTHER free bonus…
This is my fifth and final gift for you.
It’s my one-of-a-kind, Momentum Principle Millionaire video series.

A special, five-part video series I made to show you how to accelerate your returns.
Inside the Momentum Principle Millionaire video series…
I’ll teach you all my favorite, market-beating secrets…
Including the one secret verified by a prominent Ph.D…
Who found this secret has outperformed the market for over TWO WHOLE centuries.
That’s right…
This secret has beat the market for more than 200 years!
That’s why it’s one of the biggest secrets behind my Adaptive Investing™ strategy.
And I’ll show you how to position your portfolio so that you’re always in the right spot…
At the right time, to gain from the market’s constant moves.
This is Adaptive Investing™ on steroids!
Now look, I’ve been straight with you this whole time.
So let me take this moment to reassure you of one thing…
My mother and father raised me to tell the truth and to act with integrity.
That’s just the way we do things in my family.
I come from a long line of factory workers, farmers and teachers.
The only time I ever saw a silver spoon growing up was when my grandpa would put maple syrup on his grits.
But I’ve worked hard, and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved.
From my time in the medical field, to running the hedge fund…
To now providing market-beating research and winning stock picks with Money & Markets.
I believe I have the opportunity—a responsibility even…
To pay my success forward and give back to others.
The fact is, I’ve never had anything in common with the fast-talking Wall Street types.
Remember, I come from a small town in West Virginia, near the base of the Appalachian Mountains…
Where your word is your bond.
So, if you don’t honestly believe membership in Green Zone Fortunes is worth at least 10 times what you pay today…
I will personally make sure my team gives you a full refund…
And I’ll even let you keep all three special reports…
As well as the Momentum Principle Millionaire video series…

Just to show you that we’re still friends.
But again, I don’t think that’ll be necessary.
Click the button below to get started making your own Green Zone FortunesTODAY…
I look forward to having you join me.
Adam O’Dell

Editor, Green Zone Fortunes
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