
Ian King Strategic Fortunes A.I. Energy: The $40 Trillion Disruptor Bringing Star Power to Earth



After 60 Years of Failure, a Stunning Artificial Intelligence Breakthrough May Have Finally Unlocked…

AI Energy

“A $40 Trillion Juggernaut in the Making” — Ian King, Futurist

[ Official Transcript ]

Drive 50 miles east of Silicon Valley, California, and you’ll see beautiful multimillion-dollar homes and picturesque vineyards. 

Then suddenly — almost out of nowhere — you’ll encounter a 7,000-acre facility that’s protected by a vast array of motion sensors, and night vision cameras. That will track your every movement. 

If you were somehow able to scale the six-foot-tall, barbed wire fence and step foot on this property — within seconds, an elite security team would arrive — led by the FBI agent who conducted missions against al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. 

Each member of this team will be armed with military-grade assault rifles. They won’t waste a moment to take you into custody for interrogation. 

But this is not a military base. Nor is it an FBI, NSA or CIA outpost. 

It’s the Lawrence Livermore National Lab. 

For the last 60 years, the world’s smartest scientists, engineers and mathematicians have entered this facility seeking to achieve what many predicted was unachievable. 

And for 60 years, they left in failure. 

That was until they cracked the code. 

The director of the top-secret program allowed a film crew from CBS’ 60 Minutes inside to serve as witness.   

In this brief clip — you’ll see the impossible become possible.  

The birth of a brand-new form of energy: AI energy. 

Thanks to a stunning breakthrough in artificial intelligence, 192 individual laser beams simultaneously concentrated their energy on a single target… Striking with 1,000 times the power of the entire U.S. power grid.

The temperature reaching 270 million degrees Fahrenheit. 

And the reaction created the first man-made star … a miniaturized twin of the very sun that’s at the center of our solar system. A star. Was. Born. 

Now the world’s leading scientists conclude that this reaction is capable of producing 4 million times more energy than oil. 

AI energy emits zero waste — zero harmful radiation. It’s 100% safe. And the source of this AI energy is literally limitless. 

Which is why tech giant Microsoft rushed to sign a massive agreement to use AI energy to supply electricity to its facilities starting in 2028.  

And now, the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs are vying to get in on the ground floor of what could be worth $40 trillion in the next decade.     

That’s about the size of the U.S. and China’s economies … combined. 

This is not just a game-changer. 

It is THE game-changer.

There is currently no precedent for AI energy… 

It could “be even more important than the industrial revolution.” 

That comes straight from Phil LaRochelle. That name might not ring a bell, but he’s the man Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates hired to direct their investments into AI energy. 

And according to my guest, a famed futurist who spent two decades on Wall Street — now is the time for Americans to stake their claim to what’s shaping up to be a $40 trillion AI energy boom. 

Because, in the coming years, some of America’s biggest energy providers — including Chevron and Shell — could unveil miraculous reactors like this one. 

And a series of small companies could harness AI energy, to deliver unimaginable wealth to investors. 

As you’re about to see — with the right strategy, we don’t expect this industry to generate 100%, or 1,000%, or even 5,000% returns. 

100,000% growth is in play. In other words, generational wealth could be easily found when this industry makes its much-anticipated debut. 

My guest has investigated a firm that has developed an 11,000-strong patent pipeline that places them at the center of everything that is unfolding. 

He believes this AI energy breakthrough runs right through this patent pipeline. 

And AI energy will mint more millionaires than oil, coal, natural gas … wind, solar and nuclear power combined. 

He’s discovered a way for you to directly buy into this patent pipeline. It’s a simple investment. 

$5. That’s it. And you’ve got a piece of this patent pipeline. 

In a few moments, you may decide to invest a good bit more. 

Ian King — thank you for being here.   

Ian: Thanks for having me, Chris. Great to be here. 

Chris: Let’s just get right into this. 

AI energy. A new form of energy, thanks to artificial intelligence. 

Ian: It’s really exciting, isn’t it? 

This is the result of an AI-powered supercomputer forcing two atoms to collide together — fusing into one. 

It’s a chain reaction known as nuclear fusion within scientific circles. 

Chris: When our team was examining your research — you shared a demonstration of how much energy this creates. It made it crystal clear to everyone in the room — how AI energy will change the world.

Ian: The demonstration using a bottle of water? 

Chris: Can you go over that again with us? 

Ian: Chris, when you fuse two atoms together — it creates a plasma. That’s what AI energy is. 

Let’s imagine this one-liter water bottle could hold that plasma. 

Just that small amount of AI energy would be able to generate as much power as … 29,000 barrels of oil. 

Chris: One — water bottle full. That’s it. That equals 29,000 barrels of oil? 

Ian: That’ll get somebody’s attention. 

Chris: Sure will. 

Ian: What that means is that AI energy is literally 4 million times more powerful than oil. 

Chris: Ian, we have so many exciting things to discuss. Most folks have likely seen you on the major media outlets. 

Your claim that AI energy will disrupt $40 trillion of the global economy… 

Ian: Chris, Bloomberg came to the same conclusion as I did. 

Chris: And you believe this is one of those rare situations. 

Ian: It’s a new form of energy … we’re talking a once-in-a-lifetime situation. 

Chris: And we can eventually see an industry grow 100,000% in about a decade — you can’t help but hear that and think it sounds extreme. 

Ian: Chris, it is extreme. This isn’t an ordinary development. It’s an extraordinary breakthrough. 

We just talked about the guy Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates hired to manage their investment into AI energy who says it’s going to be more important than the Industrial Revolution. 

Over at the World Economic Forum, an energy adviser said it’s the most exciting human discovery since fire. 

Chris: But still. Given the gravity of this situation and the historic amount of new wealth this could create — per your own analysis… 

I do think it’s worth mentioning that you were on Wall Street for over two decades, and you became one of Wall Street’s most successful hedge fund managers. 

Precisely because you have been at the forefront of nearly every massive economic shift, disruption, trend — whatever you want to call it.

Nearly 15 years ago, you were investing in the ground floor of electric vehicle companies including Tesla, when it was in its infancy. 

When cryptocurrencies took hold — you were early in bitcoin and Ethereum. 

You went on to discover three largely unknown coins that each soared over 1,000%. Including one that spiked 18,000% in about eight months, turning every $500 into $90,000 … $1,000 into $181,000 … and $10,000 into $1.8 million. On one coin alone. 

From the fracking boom, solar energy, 5G, battery storage, EVs, the Internet of Things, blockchain and cryptocurrencies — you’ve been at the forefront of all them. 

Your predictions have been successful — so accurate — that leaders at major Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch pay for your guidance. 

But more importantly, you’ve been on a… I guess the word I’m looking for is, a crusade … Ian. To help not just these powerful institutions … but your research and analysis is helping people in over 119 countries. 

Ian, look at we’re talking about now, a new form of energy made possible by AI. 

And you were early on the artificial intelligence trend. 

Recommending Symbotic which already hit peak gains of 230% in under a year. 

Ian: We’re still in the early innings of the AI story. The early innings. 

Anybody who thinks they’ve missed a thing — that’s like saying you missed the internet revolution in 1995 because you didn’t get into AOL. 

Chris: We’ve got a long way to go. 

Ian: The biggest opportunities of the AI wave. The next Amazon, Netflix and Google are around the corner. And you want to invest in these when nobody is talking about it yet. I’ve been in on the ground floor of these disruptive technologies, and I can say that these are where all the massive gains are made. 

That’s why this this is so important. 

AI energy is a new technology that could be 4 million times more powerful than oil. 

Now, if I’m hearing that for the first time — I’m asking what does that mean for me and every other American? 

Chris: Your answer would be…? 

Ian: Chris, we’d all agree that the world needs more energy now. We’d all agree that we’re going to need a lot more in the future. 

The demand curve on this is pretty cut and dry. 

Chris: More people. More houses. More cars. We’re going to need more energy. 

Ian: Right. Where the debate comes into play is HOW are we going to quench the world’s never-ending thirst for more energy? 

We know how we’ve done it in the past — and we know how people have made money from it. 

If you picture the major sources of energy as individual pieces of one big pie chart — you’re going to see the smallest slice is nuclear energy. Good for 4% of the world’s supply. 

Companies like Cameco and Uranium Energy Corp. lead that sector. 

You’ve got a bigger piece of the pie coming from natural gas. That scoops up over 20% of the total. 

The major players here being Cheniere Energy, EQT Corp. and Southwestern Energy. 

Chris: You can see how it all breaks down. Obviously, the biggest piece of the pie is oil. 

Ian: The big firms in this space are all household names. 

And over time, they’ve all produced massive windfalls for investors. 

What I’m willing to say is AI energy could single-handedly replace them all. 

Chris: All sources of energy… 

Ian: Not today. Not tomorrow. But yes. Eventually it has the ability to replace them all. 

Chris, the source of AI energy is individual hydrogen atoms. That’s the most abundant resource on the planet. 

So I encourage the folks watching to just pause for a second and consider what I’m about to say.

Think about your electric and gas bills. What you pay every month. 

AI energy could slash the average American’s electricity bill to just pennies a month.

Chris: And it isn’t dependent on unreliable sources like the wind or sun. 

Ian: No, it isn’t. It can be generated on demand. It doesn’t matter if the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. It doesn’t matter — at all. 

It’s on-demand, limitless energy. 

But keep walking this out. 

The U.S. exports more oil than we consume. That should mean we’re energy independent, right? 

Chris: But we’re really not. 

Ian: Not by a long shot. Folks know what they pay at the pump every time they fill up their tank. 

And they know, we can still be held hostage the next time Saudi Arabia tries to cut their supply of oil. 

On a whim, OPEC can force Americans to pay twice as much at the pump as they should. 

Chris: But not for much longer? 

Ian: Scientists have already begun testing ways to harness AI energy for cars. And are making rapid progress. 

This American-made AI energy … could make our dreams of 100% American energy independence — a reality.

This is the 5th Epoch of Energy. And each of the prior four changed the world. 

The first – man discovers fire. The second coal power. There’s your steam engine for boats and trains. 

The third was oil. Cars, trucks, airplanes, jets. The fourth was atomic energy. Nuclear power. 

AI energy is the 5th Epoch. 

And no matter how big AI energy gets — this is going to be more impactful than when the first barrel of oil was pulled out of the ground. 

Chris: Back then, not everything needed power. Nowadays, everything relies on fuel, electricity or battery power. 

Ian: That’s right, and I’ll go a step further. I think AI energy, specifically, will be the greatest wealth generator in the history of mankind. 

And now is the time to get in on the ground floor. 

Chris: Ian, I’ve got to ask you — this AI energy breakthrough seemed to have come out of nowhere. Why now? 

Ian: The truth is, technology is moving much faster than it ever has before. Look at how fast ChatGPT hit the scene … within two months … it had 100 million users, faster adoption than any other technology in history. 

Chris: Because of AI we’re on a different, much quicker, timeline. 

Ian: Exactly, Chris, there’s a reason the world’s wealthiest are rushing in to invest billions into AI energy. 

That 50 countries and the big corporations like Google and Microsoft, Chevron, BP, ConocoPhillips — the major scientific institutes at MIT, UC Berkeley and Princeton — are all following suit. 

There’s a reason — Marc Benioff, the billionaire founder of Salesforce, calls this type of energy “The holy grail” … “the mythical unicorn.” 

And it’s the same reason why Congress, with overwhelming bipartisan support — is investing hundreds and hundreds of millions into AI energy projects. 

Chris, just remember that water bottle. That amount of plasma from AI energy equals 29,000 barrels of oil. We’re talking about a 100% clean energy source whose supply is limitless. 

Chris: It’s the answer to all of America’s energy prayers. 

Ian: It’s not just an answer to America’s prayers, it’s the answer to mankind’s energy prayers. 

Chris: Which is why investors should be leaning in, and paying close attention to everything we’re discussing here. 

Ian, after they had this AI energy breakthrough at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory they put this large sign up that said Bringing Star Power to Earth. 

Those are their words. So how did scientists bring the power of stars to earth? 

Ian: Great question, Chris. In 1951, scientists at the Argonne National Laboratory in Idaho brought the first nuclear power reactor online. 

Atomic power. That’s the splitting of one atom into two. It’s a reaction called fission. 

AI energy is the exact opposite reaction. AI energy is the fusion of two atoms into one. 

That’s how our sun and every star in our universe creates energy. 

It’s much, much harder to create. 

Now to make AI energy, you need hydrogen. 

It’s the most abundant element in the universe. 

Now imagine a single drop of water. Take two individual, hydrogen atoms from that drop of water. You with me so far? 

Chris: I’m keeping up. 

Ian: Ya know what, Chris, let’s roll that clip from 60 Minutes again … and I’ll walk you through it. 

You’re watching 192 individual laser beams — all simultaneously concentrating their energy on a single target… 

A target so small, it’s only the size of a pencil eraser. That’s it. 

When fusing two atoms together to create a heavier one … a massive amount of energy is released. 

In fact, research reveals that just a few grams fused together could create as much as a terajoule of energy. 

Chris: A terajoule? 

Ian: Right, my high school physics teacher would be proud. Basically that’s the amount of energy the average person uses in 60 years. 

Chris: I have an 18-year-old son. That small amount of matter generated enough power to meet my son’s energy needs until he turns 80 years old. 

Ian: That’s correct. Crazy to think about, isn’t it? 

Chris: Absolutely. Just two microscopic atoms fused into one — and a person’s energy needs are met for six decades. That’s incredible. 

Ian: A sun was created inside that facility. So “incredible” definitely fits the billing. 

What’s crazy is that artificial sun was hotter than the core of the actual sun. Hotter than anything in the entire solar system. 

But really — that only matters if there is a realistic use for it. Which clearly there is. 

Chris: And with a limitless amount of hydrogen… 

Ian: There will be enough AI energy to meet everybody’s needs for millions of years. 

Really, forever. That’s why this is a new epoch of energy. 

Chris: So, now that we’re able to… 

Can we put that shot of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory back up on the screen…? Thanks. 

So now that we are bringing star power to earth — through AI energy. 

And we have an abundance of the materials needed to do it 24/7. 

What’s holding us back from flipping a switch and bringing this to our grid? 

Ian: You mean what held us back. Past tense. We’ve solved what held us back initially. Creating a fusion reaction was like the Kitty Hawk moment for flight. 

But it’s a good question, Chris. I’ll answer it two ways. 

Because until folks see an electric bill for $0.25 or whatever — they will rightfully be skeptical. 

Moving forward, the major roadblock will be time. 

The AI energy technology for sustaining a fusion reaction is still in its infancy. 

But we’re already building reactors and a lot of smart money is saying we’re close to getting them online. For instance, that Microsoft deal to power its facilities kicks in, in 2028. Microsoft is a $2.5 trillion company and its run by incredibly smart people. They wouldn’t be investing billions on AI energy — if they weren’t confident it could revolutionize their business. 

But to answer your question another way. What held us back before — until very recently — were two different roadblocks. 

The first roadblock was — well, I think we now know this. We simply did not have the technology to create an artificial sun. 

We needed artificial intelligence to handle the mathematical computations necessary to create something similar on earth. 

We now have these supercomputers that are run by artificial intelligence. That roadblock was cleared. 

That fusion reactor is controlled by a supercomputer — powered by artificial intelligence. 

The first roadblock — cleared. 

Chris: The second roadblock was… 

Ian: The second roadblock was solving the same puzzle that needed to be solved when man discovered fire. 


Chris: As in, how do you contain a miniature sun? 

Ian: 270 million degrees Fahrenheit — that’s hotter than the real sun. That’s hotter than the melting point of any material known to man. 

Chris: Since there’s no material on earth that can withstand the sun’s heat … how is it possible to contain all that heat, all that power? 

Ian: The solution is something that surrounds all of us. Gravity. 

Chris, our north and south pole are magnetic. They are competing magnetic forces that push against each other. 

That creates an immense gravitational force between them. The gravitational force that surrounds us. 

The sun has magnetic poles too. This is what keeps the sun from breaking apart. It’s why we don’t have to worry about it ever breaking apart. 

Remember, AI energy is the process of fusing two atoms together that do not want to be together. 

The sun is one big nuclear fusion reaction that runs 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. 

Chris: How do you go about creating a man-made gravitational force powerful enough to keep a mini-sun together? This has never been done before. 

Ian: Magnets. Ridiculously, powerful magnets. That same AI-powered supercomputer that controls those 192 lasers — is also controlling a series of incredibly, strong — perfectly calibrated — magnets. 

Chris: The magnets act like a bunch of “poles” like our north and south pole. 

Ian: They do. 

It’s called magnetic confinement — using magnetic fields to trap and control the fusion fuel in the form of a plasma. 

The computing power required to run this complex web of magnets to precisely contain all that heat, and all that energy, is nearly incomprehensible. 

It’s why it took 60 years to figure out. It’s why they couldn’t do it without artificial intelligence. 

It’s how the dream of nuclear fusion became the reality of AI energy. 

Chris: This sounds extremely dangerous. Is it dangerous? 

Ian: Actually, it’s the opposite of that. Splitting an atom for nuclear fission literally is the destruction of something. 

The single atom. That’s dangerous. That’s what created the atomic bomb. 

Fusion is not dangerous, because it doesn’t destroy either atom that is being fused together. 

I mean, I get it if folks thinks it’s dangerous. Controlling a man-made sun sounds dangerous. But those scientists are some of the best and brightest around. They wouldn’t have set up their mission control center in the room that was directly next to that fusion reactor if they thought it was dangerous. It’s just not. 

Chris: I hear you, but just so we’re clear. If something, in fact, went wrong… 

Ian: The fusion reactor automatically shuts down. Its power source has been taken from it. 

There is zero risk of any kind of meltdown or reaction. None. The two atoms just separate and go their separate ways. 

AI energy is 100% safe. 

Chris: And it’s 4 million times more powerful than oil. 

Ian: That’s right. So Chris, when they first created AI energy, what they played on 60 Minutes — that lasted less than the blink of an eye. 

You may remember seeing the headlines when this happened. 

The media described the event as a breakthrough — a path to a new form of limitless energy. 

Unlimited, clean and cheap energy. 

Blink of an eye. They succeeded. Now, try to imagine powering the entire U.S. power grid. All 50 states combined 24/7. 

Chris: We needed a way to maintain that reaction at the scale and duration necessary to run our electric grid. 

Ian: Right. So, in the background of these fusion and AI breakthroughs, an innovative company was developing a technology that takes the computational power of artificial intelligence to exponentially greater levels. 

Chris: And that’s where the firm, with 11,000 patents comes in… 

Ian: Right. AI energy is going to change the energy markets forever, and there’s also a huge investment angle to this, as there is with any new technology breakthrough. 

This company is headquartered just down the road from that facility where AI energy was born. And this firm has invented a device that ensures supercomputers … are truly super. 

They call it Extreme Performance Yield Computing. 

That’s a mouthful. I call them AI boosters. 

We understand how rocket boosters work. They create enough thrust to propel a space shuttle through our atmosphere and into space. 

This AI booster microtechnology takes the already immense computing power of existing supercomputers — and it augments their AI capabilities. It boosts their performance exponentially. 

Chris: When you say exponential — can you give us a sense of what you mean? 

Ian: Imagine if you could insert a device into your car and make it 2 million times more powerful — we’d all be driving rocket ships. 

Now imagine boosting the already incomprehensible performance of a supercomputer by 2 million times. 

Earlier you mentioned the facility 50 miles away from Silicon Valley. The Lawrence Livermore National Lab. 

That’s the fusion reactor that was shown on CBS’ 60 Minutes

They’re installing AI boosters at this very moment, into the El Capitan supercomputer at that facility. 

This will allow that supercomputer to reach 2 quintillion calculations per second. 

It’s a crazy number. It’s a 2 with 18 zeros behind it. 

What it means is that this supercomputer will become, by far, the fastest supercomputer in the world. Thanks to AI boosters. 

Chris: Install them into a supercomputer and it becomes 2 million times more powerful. 

Ian: They could help us create and literally control a nationwide network of miniature suns, each contained inside these reactors. 

And they will be able to run around the clock. 

It’s an absolutely historic feat — that will change mankind. 

What I’ve learned is that you want to get in on disruptive tech in the early innings. I’ve seen this happen again and again. With dot-com, with electric vehicles, with cryptos. When a new technology emerges, you want to be an early investor and get in on the ground floor. 

Chris: And I know you’ve been an early investor in all of those industries. 

These AI boosters will help bring AI energy — the limitless, clean, cheap energy that will disrupt $40 trillion in global industry — to the world. 

Can you explain why these patents are so valuable to AI energy? 

Ian: Its 11,000 plus patents. That’s a really big number. That’s more than three times the number of patents that have been awarded to Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors. 

It has a really innovative team of engineers who have worked at firms like Hewlett Packard, IBM and Micron to name a few … and it attained 11,000 patents for this AI booster microtechnology. 

But if you broke one open — you’d find four key components that really do the heavy lifting to make a supercomputer exponentially faster. 

First, is what they call, Infinity Fabric. 

Its role in boosting AI is to keep all the data moving quickly so it doesn’t bottleneck … and keeps the system running smoothly. 

Chris: It’s like the blood running through your veins. The minute there’s a clot … there’s a serious problem. 

Ian: That’s a good way to think about it. Infinity Fabric is critical for AI to operate faster, and faster, without clotting. 

There’s also the processing node … as its name implies, it’s what gives AI the speed it needs to process all those calculations so quickly. 

There are over 39 billion of these nodes in just one of these AI boosters… 

Chris: It’s the “brain” that makes sense of all the data. 

Ian: You’re doing a pretty good job explaining this, yourself. 

Chris: I think it’s all fascinating. 

Ian: OK so next — we can take a look at the thread relay. This is what makes AI so dynamic. 

It’s what really amps up the speed of AI applications and boosts the speed of the supercomputer running those applications. 

There are 128 threads in 1 of these AI boosters. 

This is how it can perform work, then more work. Performing task after task after task. 

Lastly, we have PCIs … that’s short for Peripheral Component Interconnect. 

Much like the human brain has receptors that quickly transmit signals throughout our bodies … PCIs do the same with supercomputers. 

Rather than send data down a two-lane road … PCI’s open the doors to a massive superhighway that ensures all the data — coming from all the different systems within a supercomputer — never gets stuck in traffic. 

There are a lot of other components. They’re all very complex. But those are the big four. 

Chris: You expect these AI boosters to lead to more and more facilities creating AI energy…? 

Ian: That’s right, and we’re already seeing what’s coming. 

For example, they’re building a massive fusion reactor in southern France. 

From a helicopter you can see how big it is. The facility spans 440 acres. 

It’s called the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. 

Thirty-five countries are working together on the project including the entire European Union, South Korea and the United States. 

The price tag is $22 billion. 

In Japan, they’re building one, in Germany too. 

But I am confident America will win this race to control AI energy. And it won’t even be close. 

Chris: Why is that? 

Ian: If you look at a map of all the universities and research centers who are actively working on AI energy projects — it’s mind-blowing. 

Now imagine when we start producing AI energy at scale. 

Just look at what’s happening up in Boston. 

MIT is developing compact fusion reactors, that would be able to supply the local electric grids in small towns. 

Then AI energy could be able to power every Main Street in every small town in America, maybe as soon as this decade. 

I need to be clear here, Chris, this isn’t just the birth of a star created by lasers … this could be the birth of a new industry. 

Let me just give you some perspective, landing Neil Armstrong on the moon only took us 8 years and 10 trial missions to figure out. 

Chris: AI energy … took 60 years. 

Ian: But history was finally made. 

And we will look back on this achievement as being as important — even more important — than the moon landing. 

Just like the sun is the star at the center of our solar system — this breakthrough could be like a supernova at the center of every major industry. 

Igniting revolutions in manufacturing, computing, transportation and so much more. 

Chris: Ian, ya know, I feel like I’m like most folks. 

I read all the headlines on artificial intelligence. The scary ones — the ones that are exciting. 

I want to believe it’s going to be this engine for amazing things. 

But I’ve been waiting for AI to deliver on that promise. To be this miraculous thing that transforms all of our lives for the better. 

Speaking for myself, this seems to be that miracle that I’ve been hoping for. AI energy. Artificial intelligence helping us solve the world’s need for more power. 

It’s quite literally happening as we speak. 

Ian: This is that spark at the very beginning of something that’s going to transform the world as we know it. 

The future is here. We should all be really excited about this. 

Right now, billionaire investors like Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, George Soros are piling money into individual AI energy projects — like some of those you just mentioned. 

Chris: They’re getting a lot of press for it. 

And you’ve pinpointed a unique way for every day investors — like me — to get in on the ground floor and potentially experience a life-changing windfall from every phase of this AI energy boom. 

Ian: The way I see it, Chris, in order for these fusion projects to work — these boosters are needed. Without it, nobody will be able to sustain an AI energy reaction long enough for commercial use and mass adoption. 

Chris: The good news for folks watching this is they can, right now — invest in and secure a direct stake in — the 11,000 strong patent pipeline for the booster technology that you expect will allow the dream of AI energy to become a reality. 

Ian: You can buy into the company that owns that patent pipeline and their tech has become mission critical, virtually irreplaceable for the biggest AI energy projects. 

Chris: If someone has $5 to spare — that’s all it takes to grab a stake. If someone has $1,000 or more — they can go in for an even bigger stake. 

Now Ian, when these AI energy reactors come online — those firms will probably have to kick a big chunk of that money back into the firm with the patent pipeline for this booster technology. 

Ian: I expect that, by 2028, the value of those booster patents will have already surged 10X or more. 

Chris: And when Microsoft begins receiving AI energy to power its data centers and operations… 

Ian: That’s commercial viability. That’s planting a huge flag in the ground where AI energy could begin to scale on an exponential level into a $40 trillion opportunity. 

There is no historical comparison that would match the size of this revolution. Or how fast it will take hold. 

Chris: Being an early investor in something of that magnitude could be like getting in on other world-changing technologies like Microsoft when it IPO’d … being an angel investor in UBER or Facebook … where 100,000% type gains came in mere years. 

Ian: I’ll say it again. There is no true historical comparison. AI energy is going to be more transformative than all those companies combined. 

Chris: What I find just as exciting about your research is the fact that these AI boosters are being tested in technologies that control some of the world’s biggest industries. 

Not just with these fusion reactors. 

Ian: Really any industry that is currently using AI or plans to will eventually rely on AI boosters. 

Chris: Can you give us just a little background on what’s coming down the pike? 

Ian: I’ll give you a quick highlight reel. 

We’re starting to get a small glimpse of how AI boosters will revolutionize the $2.8 trillion automotive industry. 

Mercedes Formula One team put these boosters to work designing their $15 million race car … allowing their supercomputers to double their workflow speed, the result, it won the first championship powered by these devices. 

What happens when every automotive manufacturer realizes they have to rely on this technology or risk being left in the dust by the competition? There are over 290 million cars on the road in the U.S. Think about the entire world. What happens when all those cars become smart cars and every car needs one of them. 

Chris: Wow. 

Ian: OK another example. 

We can look at the $3.5 trillion financial services industry. 

They all spend boatloads to get data even a nanosecond faster than the competition. One global bank, Emirates — not exactly a household name … it has over $200 billion in assets — installed AI boosters and suddenly its processing time went from nearly a minute … down to instantaneous. 

How valuable do you think that kind of boost could be to Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Citigroup and every major investment bank and fund on Wall Street? 

Then there’s the $1.8 trillion U.S. education system. 

The University of Florida, Oregon State and Notre Dame, to name a few … are using AI boosters for science and research across areas like cancer, environmental change and global health. 

Microsoft already inked its deal for one application of AI boosters. How long before they use them for ChatGPT? How long before Amazon, Oracle and Apple follow suit? 

Chris: We understand what’s held back the development of fusion reactors. And we understand how these AI boosters are helping to solve that problem. 

What roadblocks stand in the way of speeding up the implementation of this technology? 

Ian: So the current roadblocks are cost and time. But as investors, we don’t want to get into a new technology when it’s no longer new. When it’s already inside hundreds of millions of different devices. That’s when we’ve missed the boat. 

Like most new technologies, these AI boosters are expensive. 

They cost $12,500 each right now. That’s not going to stop a multibillion-dollar fusion reactor project. 

But if you want to add this technology into every cellphone, car, laptop — you get where I’m going with this. 

Chris: Not a lot of folks can pay $13,000 for a cellphone. 

Ian: But we’ve seen this before. 

The original version of Microsoft Word would’ve run you $1,100 adjusted for inflation. 

The price has since come down 93%. 

A computer hard drive with 10 megabytes of storage used to run over $7,000 adjusted for inflation. Now you can get 4 terabytes of storage for, say $50. 

That’s 4 million times more storage for 99% less. 

Chris: Another example I can think of is flat screen TVs. Do you remember how expensive they were 20 years ago? 

Ian: So expensive. And now you can get a fitty-inch TV for $250. 

Chris: Unbelievable. 

Ian: It’s the universal rule of technology. As time goes on — the tech gets smaller, and cheaper so the more it can be used — and the more money it delivers investors. 

Chris: And with that, we will see this world-changing technology integrated into everything around us. 

Ian: You got it. Cellphones, cars, laptops, hospitals, manufacturing plants — you name it … the possibilities are limitless. 

We only touched on AI energy and a few of the many wondrous applications for this world-changing technology. 

Chris, you don’t want to wait around to secure your piece of the patents for the AI booster tech when it’s already being put inside tens of millions of devices.

You’ll be late to the party. You want to get in before that happens. 

Chris: You don’t want to follow the herd. 

Ian: You want to blaze your own path. Not many people know about this breakthrough yet … people aren’t really talking about it. 

And that’s where the biggest gains are made. 

Chris: I like the sound of that — I’d also love to have my own supercomputer. 

Ian: It will be here before you know it. 

As AI boosters become integrated into the world’s most powerful supercomputers … artificial intelligence will make a radical shift from useful application — to life-changing innovation. That’s AI energy. That’s what we’ve been talking about today. 

You’re going to see those AI boosters going into tens of millions … hundreds of millions of devices. 

Chris: And you’re saying the company with the 11,000 strong patent pipeline that developed this breakthrough technology … will be at the center of it all. 

Ian: That’s right! Bottom line, Chris — AI boosters will be the key component that could ignite the $40 trillion AI energy revolution. And these AI boosters will be the key to transforming nearly every industry. And they will be in hundreds of millions of devices. 

Chris: Ian you were early into cryptocurrencies, electric vehicles, revolutions in shale energy. 

Now you’re saying our viewers have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get in on the ground floor of something that could be bigger than all of those investments put together. 

Ian: I am. An industry that could surge 100,000%. We’re talking about unimaginable wealth creation. 

Nothing will be more valuable than the patents behind those AI boosters. 

This firm’s patent pipeline is a formidable moat. 

Chris: So all it takes to tap into this patent pipeline is one investment … starting with a small stake … and you’re set. 

Ian: Yes, you can start with as little as $5. If you’re comfortable allocating $1,000, go for it. 

The dawn of AI energy is here. I can’t stress that enough. The time to invest is today. Not tomorrow. Now. 

Of course, investing always carries risk. So be sure not to risk more than you can afford to lose. 

Chris: But you don’t have to tell me anymore. I’m sold. So, I know everyone is wondering, how can I invest in this? 

Ian: I’ve compiled my findings in my newest report called: AI Energy — The $40 Trillion Disruptor Bringing Star Power to Earth!

Inside, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about these AI boosters … how they exponentially boost supercomputer speeds … how they’re going to revolutionize every major industry in our country and the world. 

Most importantly though — how folks can own a piece of these patents. 

Chris: So, just to confirm, when I get this report, I can invest in this patent pipeline today? 

Ian: That’s right. Everything you need to know is in there. 

Which is why I want to get this into the hands of everyone watching right away. 

But look Chris, AI is the biggest trend I’ve ever seen … I know some people are confused or even scared about it … and many simply just don’t know what it really is. 

So I’ve also recorded a special interactive video presentation with everything you need to know about AI … including how it will benefit you, me and everyone. 

You’ll see, for yourself, how AI will transform so many different industries. 

Chris: Folks, I’ve watched this interactive presentation, it’s something you’ve gotta see. It’s called: AI 360. 

Ian: It’s a complete 360-degree analysis of the industry and the opportunities inside it. 

Chris: Let me tell you — any and all questions about AI will be answered. 

Ian, the AI energy report and the AI 360 presentation are two critical components of a powerful initiative you’ve created. 

Ian: It’s called Strategic Fortunes

Chris: Yes. Strategic Fortunes. This is really innovative. 

Let me know if I get any of this wrong. You’re investigating and analyzing these major technological trends and disruptions. You’re tracing them back to the source. To the core investments that can grow steadily and help usher in the next stage of innovation. 

Ian: So far, so good. 

Chris: Part of this venture involves real-time, Wall Street institutional-level research. Delivering that to Main Street investors in simple way. 

Ian: Yes. I host weekly livestreams, and publish investment briefings so people can capitalize on these Big Tech trends. 

Chris: Another part of Strategic Fortunes is you are leading a team of world-class investors, economists, analysts and brilliant business minds. You’ve recruited them for the cause. 

Ian: Chris, we’ve reached a really unique moment in history. Look at what we talked about today. Literally artificial intelligence created. 

I think we are on the verge of an unprecedented era of wealth generation. So what I wanted to do is leverage my industry contacts from Wall Street, technology startups, VC firms. Leading minds from their respective field. 

I wanted to bring this insight to everyday Americans who want to follow us into these incredible investments. 

Chris: You just touched on the final, major component of your Strategic Fortunesventure. You’ve built this this large community and it’s growing rapidly. 

People are writing in about the six-figure windfalls they’ve made. Or how they made 850% in a little over a year. 

Or 1,200% gains in 15 months. 

Just look at this gentlemen who turned $51,000 into over $450,000 in 13 months. 

Ian: These are some of some of our best stories. Everybody is starting from a different place — but big picture — my goal for Strategic Fortunes is for everybody to work together, to win together and for every member of our community to become wealthy in the years ahead. 

Chris: Well that makes sense considering we’ve been discussing 100,000% industry growth from these developments in artificial intelligence — potentially starting with those AI booster patents. 

Ian: That is a once-in-a-lifetime situation. It just is. But we aren’t stopping there because I see enormous opportunities in so many different industries. 

Chris: Having said that — you and your team have just finished your analysis of two additional AI investments. 

Ian: We’ve prepared special reports for both of them. 

Chris: Let’s hear about your next target. 

Ian: AI is data intensive. Its why Big Data has been called “the most valuable resource on the planet.” 

But investors have largely overlooked data centers. Especially when it comes to AI. But AI is going to make some data centers insanely profitable in the coming years. 

Microsoft, Amazon, Google and nearly every other major company rely on these data centers. They are massive buildings. They’ve each got an average of 100,000 servers stacked on top of each other to the ceiling — all running 24/7. 

But there’s a problem with all of these servers running nonstop. They generate a massive amount of heat. So much heat that older air-cooling systems can’t keep up with new, high-powered equipment. 

That’s where this innovative firm comes into play. It invented a “liquid cooling” system that uses water, not air. 

I’m so excited about this investment, I’ve called the report The Big Data Profit Play of a Lifetime.

John Daly

Chris: Talk about why you believe this is such a massive opportunity. 

Ian: My research points to this having the potential to double by the end of next year. 

This company’s invention provides a cooling force that is 3,500 times more powerful than the most powerful fans on the planet. 

If a data center overheats — the servers may melt. That can bring down large portions of the cloud. And Amazon, Microsoft, Google and all the other big guys can’t afford to have their clouds go down. 

When data centers overheat — data can be lost. That could mean personal financial information, a company’s most sensitive information, basically the most valuable data. 

This next generation of AI applications is more powerful than the prior generation. And all that power creates a lot more heat. 

I think companies are going to learn soon — hopefully not the hard way either — that their servers in every one of their data centers that run any AI applications — must be liquid cooled. Or they will melt. 

Here’s the thing, only about 5% of data centers have transitioned to using liquid cooling systems. But in the coming years — every one of them will need to convert to systems like these. 

Chris: So demand for liquid cooling systems is nearly guaranteed. 

Ian: That’s right. It’s a hard fact that servers are getting too hot, and something has to cool them. AC systems aren’t cutting it. This stock has the potential to double in the next year. 

Chris: We have your next report on the screen now. It’s called AI Hardware & Software Riches.

John Daly

Ian: I’ve profiled an innovative firm that has developed AI-powered robotics hardware and software that automates warehouses. 

Its clients are Target, Albertsons and Walmart. Over the next few years, Walmart — which already has its systems in 25 distribution centers — will be rolling it out to every one of its distribution centers … across the United States. 

Chris: OK, you don’t get bigger clients than Target, Albertsons or Walmart. 

Ian: You sure don’t. Right now, its robotics systems are currently used in over 1,400 facilities. What’s interesting is, unlike most companies, it’s very selective with who it does business with. 

Currently, it only takes on the crème of the crop — one or two new customers per year. 

Chris: Talk about being selective. 

Ian: Its solutions can help companies save up to $250 million over the life of the system … it’s not surprising that it has an $11 billion backlog. 

As competition among retailers continues to be fierce — and businesses continue to try and cut costs … demand will only continue to surge. 

This stock could easily rise 300% in the next two years. 

Chris: 300%. So this is a chance for everyday folks to invest as the big money piles in. 

Ian: Yes, that is what I expect. 

Chris: OK, so … the first report, AI Energy — The $40 Trillion Disruptor Bringing Star Power to Earth!, reveals the company with AI boosters, the technology that’s critical to unlocking what’s being called “the Holy Grail of energy” … a chance for investors to literally get in on the ground floor of a brand-new form of energy. 

The second report, The Big Data Profit Play of a Lifetime, reveals a company in the “physical epicenter of the AI revolution” — data centers. And advanced cooling systems are still needed in 95% of all data centers as the exponential surge in data shows no signs of slowing down. 

And the third report, AI Hardware & Software Riches, reveals the company with robotic systems that will be in every Walmart distribution center, and nearly every other major retailer, in the next few years. 

This stock has the potential to soar 300%, in the next two years. 

Ian, this is incredible. 

Now, these reports — you’re giving them away, for free? 

Ian: I’m releasing them to members of my Strategic Fortunes initiative. I want as many people to profit from the AI revolution as possible. 

Chris: But if you were providing this work to some of your clients at the major investment banks and Wall Street firms — we’re talking tens of thousands of dollars. 

Ian: Sure. But this is for Main Street. 

The richest, smartest investors in America are getting in now and I encourage our viewers to do the same, immediately. 

Chris: Why don’t we talk about what it’s like to be a member of your Strategic Fortunesventure. 

Ian: I’m looking for people who want to see how to invest right alongside me in these opportunities. 

Chris: You’re putting your own money on the table. 

Ian: I sure am. I want skin in the game. But let’s talk about Strategic Fortunes. Every Monday afternoon, I host a livestream event. 

Each session usually lasts around 30 minutes. I profile my latest investment target. I let folks look over my shoulder as I share my research, projections, the risk-to-reward profile of every opportunity. 

Then I review how the stocks in our model portfolio are performing. 

Chris: You really give members a chance to have their voices heard. 

Ian: I want this to be extremely interactive. There’s a lot of back and forth with my team, and I can answer frequently asked questions. I want to get to know members. I want them to get to know me. 

Chris: I really like your Wall Street Unfiltered segment — where you explain what’s really causing Wall Street to move in one direction or another. Especially when the market gets volatile. You come on and explain what’s really happening. 

Having an insider translate all the noise and chaos coming from the Fed or Capitol Hill or from major economic events — to get to what’s important. You keep me level headed. 

Ian: Strategic Fortunes was built for our community. And if I’m leading the community, which I am — I need to focus on what’s important to them. 

Chris: It’s a great opportunity to see how you think. During the livestreams — you just brought this up — you’re revealing your latest investment targets. 

What I love is how you text every time a new trade alert comes out. I never miss a thing. Even if I miss the livestream. 

Ian: Each session is archived. So you can review and rewatch however many times you need. 

But yeah — I want folks to get my investment recommendations in real-time — so the alerts and the research are emailed out instantly. And we’re following that up with text message alerts. 

Chris: I also use the app… 

Ian: Even better. The smartphone app is a big part of this. 

Chris: Every trade alert just pops up on my phone, and with a few clicks, I can make the trade if I choose. I can attend the livestreams through the app. I can basically do everything through it. 

It’s easy. You only make about one to two trades a month. Strategic Fortunes is becoming a movement, fast. 

And I’m far from the only one who feels this way. People from UBS, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley and are among Ian’s 70,000 members who span over 100 countries. 

Ian, people in over 100 countries. The results are impossible to ignore. I mentioned some of your biggest winning trades earlier, but let’s take a closer look at some more. 

Ian closed out a 146% profit on Qualcomm and a 301% gain on Generac, both in about two years’ time. 

He even made a 137% profit on Inspire Medical Systems and a 735% gain on Tesla. 

It just keeps getting better. Ian recommended SunPower making gains as much as 780% in just seven months — 780%. 

Ian, you have a phenomenal track record. 

Ian: Well, I’ve been doing this a long time. For over two decades, both on and off Wall Street. With Strategic Fortunes, I wanted to bring my Wall Street expertise to Main Street investors. 

Chris: We haven’t spoken about your Wall Street experience much today. As a former hedge fund manager, you actually crushed the market during the 2008 crisis … making a 250% gain in less than two years. 

Your expertise is just part of the reason you speak around the world, why you’ve been invited on national TV and quoted in places like Forbes

At this point, you’ve made your fortune. 

Ian: I’ve done well. Which is the main reason I started Strategic Fortunes. I could see that so many people were investing the wrong way. So, I developed a new way to help them invest in the market. 

Chris: You’ve shown them how to invest in cryptos, 5G, EVs and of course, AI. You’re actually up over 115% in Symbotic in less than four months. 

Whether it’s energy or technology, you give us the chance to invest early, alongside the smart investors and before the big institutional investors. 

Ian: I hold nothing back with this service. Strategic Fortunes puts all my best research and recommendations at your fingertips. 

Chris: So, let me break down everything our viewers will be getting.

First, you get the monthly Strategic Fortunes newsletter. 

Each month, Ian sends out a detailed briefing with complete research and analysis of his top investment recommendations for that month. 

The Strategic Fortunes model portfolio. 

This is where you can see EVERY stock and crypto that’s on Ian’s BUY NOW list — including the three investments he’s sharing with you today. As of today, the open recommendations in this portfolio have an 78% win rate. 

Trade alerts. 

We already spoke about the trade alerts. 

They come via email, text and push notifications through the app, so you’ll never miss out on a big opportunity. 

Weekly Wall Street unfiltered livestreams.

And, as mentioned, every week, Ian will send out a livestream video on important developments in AI, investments he’s tracking, events happening in the markets. 

You’ll also get weekly member updates.

Every Tuesday, Ian and team will update you on current positions in the model portfolio.

You’ll also have access to a private, members-only website. 

This is where all of our content is located … trade alerts, model portfolio, special reports and more. 

And of course, a dedicated customer care team. 

If you ever have a question about your membership, the Strategic Fortunes website or the model portfolio, you can reach out to our team for help.

Now, Ian, I know you put a lot of time and money into creating Strategic Fortunes… 

Ian: Yeah, my firm spends over a million dollars a year on analysts, Bloomberg terminals, proprietary data sets and much more so we can track what the smart money is doing. 

Chris: And that basically gives you an unfair advantage, allowing you to see what the smart money is doing and potentially get in before the big institutional investors. 

Ian: Right. And when you can do that month in and month out, you can keep ahead of the curve. Which is why I send out new investments every month. 

Today, the top investments are in technology, more specifically AI. And it starts with this one company, with this one powerful AI booster, it will be a leader in this industry. I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb when I say in five years, you’ll look back on this day and be thrilled you bought this stock. 

Chris: I’ll say it one last time, the current market for nuclear fusion doesn’t exist — this is the literal ground floor — but experts expect it to go vertical and become a $40 trillion powerhouse in the coming years. And they’ll need boosters to make it happen. 

Ian: That’s right. And Chris … I want you and everyone watching to get in now. In my opinion, this is the best investment opportunity in history. 

Chris: As you said, this company is at the epicenter of what could be a $40 trillion growth surge. 

And your research is clear. This firm — with an 11,000 strong patent pipeline — is at the center of it all. 

Ian: This is the way to position yourself for a future with AI energy. I’ll also be on the lookout for more direct opportunities as they arise. But, if you want in, you absolutely need to get a copy of my report, AI Energy — The $40 Trillion Disruptor Bringing Star Power to Earth!

Chris: This report is free, along with the other reports that reveal two additional stocks they can buy today … your AI 360 presentation and, of course, access to your weekly livestream updates. 

Ian: That’s right. It’s free when they accept a risk-free subscription to my Strategic Fortunes  service. 

Chris: Let’s talk about that some. I’d be willing to pay $5,000 a year. Even $10,000 a year for this service. But, you don’t charge anything near that. 

Ian: I don’t. Look, I don’t want anything holding people back. Which is why I only charge $199 for a one-year subscription. 

Chris: That’s a steal. Again, I’d be willing to pay so much more for it. 

Ian: However, before the show, I authorized a special deal for our viewers today. Just for watching right now they can get full access to Strategic Fortunes for an entire year. It’s only $49.

Chris: $49. Hold on, I’ve never seen a price that low. Ian, are you sure? That’s an incredible deal you’re making. 

Ian: Well, I truly want everyone to get in on this opportunity. When I say that this is the greatest investment in history, I mean it. 

AI energy will surge into a $40 trillion industry … and the firm with AI boosters … is at the forefront of it all. 

For decades to come, people will be talking about this moment. And we all have a chance to be a part of it. To be a part of history. 

Chris: Incredible. It truly is an exciting time. 

We’ve covered a lot today. So, let me do a quick recap here.

Today, through this special offer, you’re getting three incredible reports. 

  • The $40 Trillion Disruptor Bringing Star Power to Earth!
  • The Big Data Profit Play of a Lifetime.
  • AI Hardware & Software Riches.

Each of these are valued at $399. 

You’re also getting a year’s membership to Strategic Fortunes. This is Ian’s flagship research service. An annual membership normally costs $199. 

That’s a value of nearly $1,500. But, when you order today, it’s yours for just $49.

Ian, again, this is an incredibly generous offer. 

Ian: Everything is unfolding fast. 

I don’t want anything to stand in the way… 

Look. I know my research and recommendations will improve your life. I’m confident in that. So, earlier today, I talked to my entire team, and we agreed to give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the entire year. 

Chris: A 100% satisfaction guarantee for the entire year. So, they can sign up for the service, try it out for the full year, and if they are not completely happy, completely blown away with the results, they get a full refund? 

Ian: That’s right. I really want to make this offer a no-brainer. 

Chris: Ian, you’re being very generous today. I mean, you shared your knowledge and you’re giving away almost $1,500 in value for just $47. 

Ian: Investing has been very good for me and my family. And I want others to experience that. I want them to experience what it’s like to wake up and see what it’s like to see your portfolio grow . 

Chris: Well, you’ve already done that for some people. Like with your Symbotic AI trade, one of your best recommendations. For example, there’s Paul who wrote in to tell us… 

Jeff told us:

And Jason told us: 

Amazing returns, in just a few months, who wouldn’t love that. 

I know our viewers can’t wait to get started. 

Ian, thanks for joining me today. I personally cannot wait … I cannot wait … to invest in the firm with 11,000 patents that’s built an insurmountable moat around its intellectual property. 

Ian: Thanks for having me, Chris. And, thank you for watching. I can’t possibly tell you how important it is for you to get started today. As in, right now. 

Chris: I have to imagine everyone watching is as excited as I am. Again, thanks Ian. 

Ian: You’re welcome.

Chris: You just heard from one of the world’s top investors. 

A former hedge fund manager who has invested in 5G, EVs and many other technologies over the last two decades … before they went mainstream. 

A man who’s already seen top-performing gains as high as 146% on Qualcomm and a 301% gain on Generac in about two years. 

He even made a 137% profit on Inspire Medical Systems and a 735% gain on Tesla. 

And he even sold half his position on SunPower for a 780% gain … in just seven months. 

This really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

Billionaires Jeff Bezos, Peter Theil and George Soros are already investing in this … and it’s your chance to invest alongside them, or get left behind. 

The choice is yours. 

And the time to act is now. 

Click the orange button below this video to get started. 

I Want To See The Details

You’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can review everything you’re getting today. 

Thanks again for being a part of this special event.

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