Former Goldman Sachs Director Reveals The REAL Reason Why 263 Million Americans Could Face a:
“Permanent Recession”
Nomi Prins here…
After spending years as a former Goldman Sachs director…
I must admit, life in America is not as it seems.
And thanks to recent unprecedented decisions by a strange force of unelected officials…behind closed doors, in this building…

Americans may now experience a level of financial insecurity and suffocation of freedoms bigger than the crisis of 2000… 2008… and 2020 – COMBINED.
Months from now we may look back to – this moment – as the end of the middle class.
Stephen Roach, a former chairman at Morgan Stanley, says: “U.S. living standards are about to be squeezed as never before.”
Newsweek says: “[This] Will Be The End of American Freedom.”
And HuffPost says: “[This] Is Making The Rich Richer, and Leaving You Behind”
My investigation reveals Americans will be forced to make a drastic decision…
Become one of the ‘new poor' in America…
Or ‘the new rich'.
While everyone else could end up in “Permanent Recession.”
This is why I traveled to Delray Beach, Florida to investigate this phenomenon, and reveal the TRUTH about what's happening across the nation…
Unveiling a strange $40 trillion shift coming next to America…
That will allow the rich to continue to get richer – all while millions of other Americans continue to suffer.
Click here to see what's going on.


Nomi Prins
Editor, Rogue Economics