Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Who is Andrew Keene?
- There’s never been a better time to trade the markets…
- The best traders in the business…
- A simple, easy-to-follow strategy that I call “wiretapping”
- My followers and I aren’t doing what everyone else is doing…
- A massive, big money trade on a stock you’ve probably heard of…
- Andrew Keene's Trade Kings network
- Spotlight Trade of the Week
- Hedge Fund Trading Mastery
- Option Mastery: How to Grow Your Small Trading Account Into a Large One
- The Super 8 Trading Hack
- Sign up now and start your journey…
Celebrity Investor, Veteran Floor Trader & Trade Room Pioneer ANDREW KEENE Reveals the Secret to:
1 Hour Profits
Inside: “Why I Only Trade for 1 Hour Each Morning and Spend the Rest of the Day Doing Whatever I Want”

He started his career as a floor trader in Chicago when he was just 23 years old.
Before long, he rose through the ranks and became one of the top market makers in some of the biggest stocks on the floor…
Including Apple, GE, Microsoft and many other household names.
Because of his legendary trading success, he’s been featured countless times over mainstream news networks…
Including CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg TV, the TD Ameritrade Network and many more.
His name is Andrew Keene, and in 2007, he discovered an investing secret that helped him become a multimillionaire before the age of 30.
By leveraging a unique investing edge he calls “wiretapping,” Andrew was able to capture enormous profits while other investors lost over 50%.
Since then, Andrew has spent the last several years traveling the world…
Teaching thousands of people how to trade markets the same way that helped him build wealth during one of the most difficult times in history.
Andrew’s life story is astonishing … which is why if you’re looking for a way to turbocharge your gains in the market…
You should pay close attention to what he has to say.
Because today, after 20 years of professional trading, Andrew has decided to make the biggest announcement of his career…
And reveal an opportunity for you to trade exactly like him … so that you have the chance to capture up to thousands of dollars every week.
All you have to do is stay tuned…
Hi, I’m Andrew Keene. I’ve traveled the world … visited over 60 countries … and live a life most can only dream of.
These days, I probably spend more time on my boat than I do in the office.
Now most Americans only get here if they work 40+ hours a week and retire when they’re 65…
But I’ve been able to accomplish this working about 8 hours a week doing something I truly love.
In short, I trade stocks.
But I don’t make my living trading like most people…
I didn’t just get lucky from investing in stocks like Google or Netflix before they exploded in value.
In fact, I’m not really a “stock picker” at all…
And I don’t spend my days obsessing over meaningless price charts or drawing imaginary lines on a screen.
Nope, the way I trade is smarter, faster and more effective than anything you’ve seen before.
I trade using a certain strategy I learned on the Chicago trading floor … that allows me to “see” the biggest trades Wall Street insiders are making … the moment they make them.
This “wiretapping” strategy helps me see the smart money’s biggest moves…
And with my help, anyone can do it.
It doesn’t matter if you have $100 or $100,000.
Whether you have all week to trade or just an hour here or there.
Today, I’m going to reveal how ANYONE can take advantage of this using a little-known trading secret I discovered 15 years ago … the very same secret that made me a multimillionaire by the age of 30.
And the best thing about my unique method, unlike most strategies … this works whether the market is trading up, down or even sideways…
In fact, when the “best investors in the world” were going belly up during the financial crisis of 2008…
I used this wiretapping method in the trenches in the Chicago trading pit to make money while others were losing it.
You can see right here on my bank statements … I made $1 million in 2007.

And another $3.4 million in 2008.

That’s $5 million I MADE during the worst financial crash in our lifetimes.
And no, I didn’t have the benefit of having millions and millions of dollars to begin with.
The year before, I didn’t make any money at all. In fact, I LOST over half a million dollars. It wasn’t until I discovered this wiretapping secret that everything started to change.
That’s why it’s so important you pay attention to what I have to say…
I’ve been sharing this wiretapping secret — with people like you — who have been able to use it to double their money in the first hour of trading.
I’ll show you the proof in just a moment.
Again, you don’t need tens of thousands of dollars in order to do this.
After I share this with you today … you’ll have the power and tools to begin implementing this unique style of trading in the market starting tomorrow.
Again, I’ve been able to build myself a dream life because of this one trading secret…
A secret that allows me to spot next week's biggest stock market winners … BEFORE anyone else…
And profit right alongside Wall Street’s richest, most secretive investors…
In fact, every day I usually collect anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000 within the first hour of trading.

I’ll show you more proof here in a moment…
But the simple fact is … I make this all happen by leveraging one single trading secret I learned on the floor of the Chicago Exchange.
I’ve never seen a more battle-tested or proven method to successfully make money in the markets…
And I’m not being biased either…
I’ve been sharing this method with people for YEARS, and they’ve been amazed just how fast the profits can arrive.
Miguel M. invested only $1,650 into my recommendation on Novavax and in one day cashed out with an $8,850 profit…

That’s a 436% return … in ONE day!
Eddie B. from Toronto, placed a $10,000 trade on my Apple callout … and in three days saw his trade skyrocket 120% and increase his cash to $22,000…

Then there’s Thomas B., a retired Vietnam vet from West Palm Beach, FL, who took advantage of a setup I saw in Medtronic…

And cashed out with an impressive profit of $11,960 profit within two hours of trading…

Incredible right? These are just a few of my favorite stories.
Keep in mind, these guys don’t have anywhere close to the trading or financial education I had to learn to get where I’m at today…
They are just regular folks.
But unlike the other 98% of people trying to make money in the stock market…
They aren’t drawing lines all over their charts … or worrying about moving averages…
And they definitely aren’t spending their time trying to find “the next Amazon.”
Besides, even if you were lucky enough to find the stock of the decade, you would have to wait years to ever see any kind of life-changing return on your money.
In my opinion, that’s just not good enough…
Instead, my followers have the chance to reap massive profit windfalls every day leveraging this wiretapping strategy I shared with them…
The same one I was able to use to reap profits of…
$1.5 million…
And $3.4 million during one of our country’s greatest recessionary periods…
I’ll reveal everything to you in just a moment.
So if you’re sick of speculating on the next Amazon … or jumping from one “magic indicator” to the next … only to be disappointed every time.
Don’t go anywhere … you’re in the right place.
Today I’m going to show you how I’ve been able to collect upward of $1,000, $3,000 and even $5,000 a day all in the first hour of trading.
Again, my name is Andrew.
And BEFORE I traded my way to a large fortune during the worst financial crisis in history…
BEFORE I became the biggest independent “on-the-floor” Apple trader in the world…
And BEFORE I was featured on nearly every financial media station you can think of…
Including CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business and TD Ameritrade…
I was just a regular kid from Deerfield, Illinois…
I’m just like you. I wasn’t born into a wealthy family…
So when I was a young kid, I traded baseball cards to make extra money…
After I graduated college from the University of Illinois … like a lot of college kids, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.
I remember my dad told me I should look into trading the markets, because of my passion for trading baseball cards as a kid…
So I decided to visit Chicago’s trading floor at the CBOE to see if I was cut out to be a professional floor trader.
Soon enough, I got my first job on the floor as an entry-level clerk…
Although I was only paid $275 a week … I loved watching all the action on the trading floor and studying the markets.
After about nine months, the partners saw my work ethic and selected me along with four others to go through a special program to fast-track my way to professional floor trading.
After it was all said and done, only four of us were given the greenlight to become “funded” professional traders.
The next day, I couldn’t believe it…
There I was, standing on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange as a brand-new trader.

The noise was deafening from all the traders shouting their orders…
It was madness. But it gave me the biggest thrill of my life…
Before long, I was one of the best traders on the floor, and I was raking in massive profits.
I remember one of my best trading days, I made $493k in a single trading session.
Although I enjoyed trading on the floor, once I’d made more money than I knew what to do with, I retired from the CBOE and started trading on my own.
And let me tell you, the freedom of never having to go to an office ever again is the best feeling in the world…
Before long, I was spending my free time traveling to new countries and living like a king…
But something felt like it was missing, compared to when I was trading on the floor of the CBOE…
I missed the adrenaline rush of catching winning trades and celebrating the success with other traders…
So I started an online trading community … a live trading room where I could experience this atmosphere again…
At first, it started out as just a small group of friends and family that I would share my recommendations with.
Every morning we’d all jump on a call and I’d give them simple trade ideas based on my strategy, where all they had to do was follow my lead…
After a few weeks of trading, they started to make massive profits…
And some of my friends were cashing out with a ridiculous amount of money.
I finally realized I had to share this with more people.
So I did, and before long, they started raking in the wins too…
For example, one of my students, Michael from Glen Burnie, Maryland, was able to make 257% on his money from his very first trade — in just minutes.

Not bad for someone who had never placed a trade before.
Then there's Kent from St. Paul, Minnesota…

He’s another one of my followers, who ended up following one of my recommendations on ticker symbol COHR.
And after placing his trade, he was able to reap a quick 60% return in just two short days.
Pretty impressive, right?
It seems like every single day, folks are cashing out with big profits inside of my live trading room…
Like when I called out a huge buying opportunity on NIO on March 16…
And exactly one hour later…
Irena posted that she had made a quick 168% return…

Carlton also posted that he cashed out with a huge 200% win…
And get this…
Floyd walked away with an insane 1,050% return all in a day's work.
To put that number into perspective, that's the same kind of return capable of turning every $500 into $5,750…
Every $2,000 into $23,000…
And every $5,000 into $57,500!
Think about it…
That’s more than most Americans make in a year.
Look, I could go on and on for hours showing you how this trading project has helped transform countless lives…
Showing folks a way to land massive profit opportunities every single week…
Like we were able to see on NortonLifeLock where we reaped a 213% return in just one day…

A 126% return on an ETF tracking large Chinese stocks in three days…

And an impressive 257% return on Gilead Sciences in just over a week…

Look, the truth is there’s never been a better time to trade the markets…
Especially considering the level of technology we have right at our fingertips…
Gone are the days of having to work on a trading floor to make money in the stock market…
Today, all you need is a smartphone or laptop, and a good internet connection, to set yourself up with the chance to catch massive gains every week…
In just a moment, I’ll show you everything you need to know about my trading revolution…
And how you could reap handsome profits every single week within the first hour of the trading day.
But first, you need to know something… The way I trade is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than anything you’ve seen before.
I use a unique options strategy that I learned on the floor at the CBOE…
Now before you freak out over hearing the dreaded “O” word…
Just know, this has nothing to do with complex options like butterflies and credit spreads.
I like keeping things easy…
Which is why I only buy simple call and put options with my strategy.
That’s it … nothing fancy…
So if you’ve never traded options before … no problem!
- Buying calls and puts are essentially the same as buying or selling a stock…
- The main difference is that your risk is minimized but your upside is exponentially higher…
- You could potentially 10X and even 50X your position.
Let me show what I mean…
You see, by taking advantage of options and utilizing my wiretapping strategy…
My followers were able to reap a 154% return in just two days on UBER.

Now here’s the thing…
If you were just trading Uber’s stock when this happened, you would have only walked away with a small 3% return.
I don’t know about you but a 3% return just doesn’t get me excited.
Yet with simple options … we were able to cash out with nearly 52X more.

We put up less money … for a much, much better gain.
This is exactly why I love trading options.
In fact, the same thing can be seen with our trade on the steel manufacturer ticker MT…
Instead of only seeing a 14% gain over an eight-day period like most who were trading the stock…
My followers utilized options to amass a 543% return on our money over the same eight days.

Doing the math on this one … we were able to walk away with 37X more money.
Again, and I can’t say this enough…
Options can go up much, much faster than the stock…
Giving you the chance to turn small amounts of money into life-changing profits.
That said, options can go the other way just as fast.
That’s why I always advise…
- Start small
- Don’t bet the farm
- Invest money you can afford to lose
- Have fun with it
The great thing about options, is it gives you the chance to make MORE money while risking LESS of it.
In fact, most people can get into options trading with as little as a 100 bucks.
For example, when Peter from Odessa, FL placed a $129 bet when I recommended a trade on American Airlines…

He witnessed his $129 position turn into $447 … in just ONE day.
Not bad for a few clicks of a button.
The same can be said for Michael from Australia…

When he invested $300 into an option play based on my trade recommendation on RKT…
He cashed out with $1,096 in less than 24 hours.
I can go on and on with these extraordinary real-life examples…
Again, unlike stocks, you don’t need a large account to make good money with options…
But let’s get one thing straight. Traders don’t win every day. And with options, you may not win as often as trading stocks.
But the point is, if you can snag gains of 257% … 534% … even a rare 1,050% … whether it takes a day … whether it takes a week…
Gains like that can carry you an entire year.
In fact, I’m going to tell you a story that illustrates this perfectly.
You see, before I made millions and millions of dollars during the financial crisis…
I was coming off a BAD losing streak.
Ironically, this is exactly what led me to this wiretapping strategy I’m about to share with you.
The year was 2006.
I had dug myself into a MASSIVE hole.
I ended the year down half a million dollars.
I felt defeated.
So in early 2007, I decided to take a break. I needed to clear my head.
I went as far away as I could, traveling all the way to Thailand to teach English in a Buddhist monastery.

It was exactly what I needed.
Stepping away from all the money helped me realize exactly where I went wrong.
Once I did, I couldn’t wait to get back on the floor.
I scrambled as much money as I could get together.
I transferred $100,000 from a small account — and borrowed another hundred grand from one of my employers.
It was my last shot, and I was going to make it count.
So when I made my way back to the floor of the CBOE…
I hunted down the best traders in the business, the guys who were crushing everyone else on the trading floor.
What I found out was life-changing…
You see, these “elite traders” weren’t dabbling with stock fundamentals … obsessing over trendlines or other overrated indicators…
And they definitely weren’t relying on the mainstream news for advice on where the market was going next…
Instead, they just followed the money.
And not just any money.
They found a way to see which stocks the “big money insiders” were investing in … before the stock made its move.
They didn’t know whether these investors had access to some secret, insider knowledge that no one knew of.
All they knew is that someone was betting, and betting big.
Look, we all know insider trading happens ALL the time.
But what most traders don’t know is that once these under-the-radar trades are placed…
They immediately become public information allowing anyone to legally take advantage of these huge opportunities.
In fact, a recent study concluded that 1-in-4 merger acquisition deals involve insider trading…

And another study revealed that 1 out of 10 American doctors get paid by Wall Street to feed them insider tips … like positive results on a biotech firm’s new drug … before the public has any clue.
So the fact remains the same … this kind of trading happens all the time…
As Wall Street analyst Sheelah Kolhatkar reported bluntly:

But again, while trading on insider information is illegal…
FOLLOWING the trades that big money traders are making is NOT.
Once I realized this … it changed everything.
In 2006, I was so dead set on figuring everything out on my own … and trying to outsmart the smart money…
That I missed something that was COMPLETELY obvious in hindsight.
You don’t have to be the smartest guy in the room.
You just have to know where the smartest guy is standing.
Once I discovered this, my trading game went through the roof.
Simply by following the best traders in the room…
And listening to the orders they were making…
I was able to quickly make back all my losses and score millions of dollars in profits.
How did I know who to follow?
Well, when I started seeing guys show up to work in Lamborghinis and sporting Rolex watches like this one…

I had a pretty good idea who I needed to pay attention to.
And that’s when everything changed.
Over the coming months, I completely turned things around.
Eventually, the market started heading south.
And while many investors were calling the bottom WAY too early…
It was clear to me the smart money was betting things would head lower.
Pretty soon, I racked up hundreds of thousands … and then MILLIONS of dollars even as the market was crashing.
All told, I made $1.6 million in 2007.

And another $3.4 million in 2008.

That’s a total of $5 million during the worst financial crisis in modern history.

As exciting as it was, today, the opportunity is even better.
Because while I needed to be on the floor to do this 15 years ago, today, it’s a whole different ball game.
And it’s easier.
Much easier.
I’ve boiled it down to a simple, easy-to-follow strategy that I call “wiretapping.” And the people I share this with are REGULARLY able to collect windfalls of cash, week in and week out … often in as little as an hour.
So, how exactly am I able to “wiretap” these big money moves … and cash in week after week?
In short, it’s all thanks to a proprietary scanner I built that lets me see the dark money moves that anonymous insiders are making in real time.
I call it my “Shadow Scanner.”

Because it identifies moves that are out of the ordinary. Unusually large bets that seemingly come out of nowhere. And often before major news drops on a company.
Essentially, it helps me “wiretap” the stock market’s biggest players. Here’s how it works…
Every day, my scanner crawls through 3,566 stocks searching for unusual options activity…
For example, let’s say there is an unusually large cluster of trades that take place on Nio…
I’m talking about hundreds or even thousands of contracts being bought up in a single day…
These are the kind of trades that show someone is REALLY confident the stock is about to shoot higher.
Or let’s say I see an order for $60,000 worth of Tesla’s stock options, betting the stock will sprint higher over the next few weeks…
My proprietary scanner will catch this instantly and notify me that something unusual is happening with Tesla … someone is betting and betting BIG. Much bigger than normal…
There’s a good chance they know SOMETHING.
But they want to stay hidden. So they bet a certain amount … not too big, not too small … that can create an enormous payday for them while continuing to fly under the radar.
Here’s the thing.
I spent over half a million dollars developing my Shadow Scanner … I spend over $30,000 a MONTH to keep it churning with the latest and greatest data.
These guys can’t hide from me.
I’ve programmed my scanner to pick up on these moves and notify me in real time. Which allows me and my followers to wiretap the biggest potential moves.
As mentioned, I’m looking for unusual options activity where someone bets a minimum of $50,000 on a short-term “pop” in the stock.
Why options?
Because as mentioned, an option gives you enormous leverage if the stock moves the way you can expect.
You can sell them for 5 … 10 … sometimes even 50 times better gains than buying the stock alone.
This is why so many insiders turn to the options market to make their gains.
In fact, The Wall Street Journal reported that:

And one trading specialist recently admitted:

To be clear, when an insider discovers private information that could cause a stock to move in price… They go straight to the options market and make massive bets.
That’s because for every point a stock moves, an options play could make you 10 to 50 times more money…
It’s a lot of fun…
Which is why millions of options trades get placed every day.
Now, most of these trades are completely useless and not worth paying to.
I don’t care about some kid placing a $100 bet on some speculative penny stock I’ve never heard of.
But every now and then, I’m able to spot an unusually large order out of nowhere on one specific stock.
And it’s these orders that are able to tip me off that someone probably knows something.
Now remember, once one of these massive trades are placed … whether by an insider or someone else … it immediately becomes public information.
This makes these lucrative opportunities 100% legal for us to take advantage of.
Listen, it’s not a coincidence when this stuff happens.
When an insider bets $25,000, $50,000 or even $100,000 of their own money – don’t you think they know something?
I do.
You would only invest that kind of money if you were dead certain that a company’s stock had an unusually high chance of skyrocketing in price.
Listen, I traded on the floor in Chicago with the biggest names out there…
I’ve been around for decades… What I’ve come to learn is this…
You can’t trust ANYTHING a person says… especially Wall Street insiders.
But the one thing that doesn’t lie is cold hard cash.
And if I see someone put up tens of thousands of dollars on a single OPTIONS trade, there’s a good chance something BIG is about to happen.
And although almost no one else knows how to uncover this … with the power of my Shadow Scanner, I’m able to see what’s happening in the dark shadows of the market in REAL time.
Take a look at what happened with Baker Hughes and Company.

The stock was down 35% over the past four years…
Safe to say shareholders weren’t exactly thrilled with their return on investment if you ask me…
But on March 7 at 9:53 a.m., my Shadow Scanner alerted me to something strange.
Here’s what it looked like.

Now to the average person, this was just a bunch of numbers crammed together…
But to me, this meant something huge was on the horizon…
Because in an instant, someone with deep pockets dumped a massive amount of money into Baker Hughes and Company…

To the number of $69,480.
Does this seem like normal behavior to you? I mean the stock was down 35% over four years with no signs of new life … and then all of the sudden someone spent over $69,000 on the stock’s options?
This wasn’t a coincidence.
Somebody knew something.
Take a look at what happened after my Shadow Scanner alerted my followers and me to this stock:
Had you invested after my scanner alerted you to this “unusual activity,” you could’ve walked away with a 67% gain in less than a day.

That’s enough to take every $3,000 … and cash out with $5,010.
Again, this information is open to the public, but I would bet that less than .1% of investors know how to access it — or have the necessary resources to do it.
Again, I spend $30,000 every month to get a constant feed of this data.
And my Shadow Scanner alerts me to multiple moves like this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Let’s take a look at Transocean Incorporated, another real trade example that took place on the very same day…

Just like Baker Hughes, Transocean’s stock value tanked 70% over the last three years…
Absolutely horrendous for its shareholders…
But then on March 7 at 9:43 a.m., my Shadow Scanner alerted me that something unusual was happening behind the scenes in the options market.
Here’s what I saw in real time.

Again, to someone without my unique background as a professional floor trader … this looked like a complicated mathematical formula…
But to me, I saw a big green money sign…

That’s because my scanner alerted me that an someone forked up a whopping $78,750 into Transocean in the shadows of the options market.
Again, let me ask you this question, do you think it’s a coincidence that one person invested over $70,000 into a stock that was down 70%?
No, this isn’t normal behavior. The only logical reason would be that somebody knew something.
And guess what happened. Later that day … the very same day that my scanner detected an anonymous bet of $78,750 on Transocean…
Piper Sandler, a billion-dollar investment company issued a price target report of $3.00 … which in turn caused investors to pile into the stock.
Coincidence? I’ll let you decide for yourself.
Just take a look at what happened to Transocean after my scanner alerted my followers and me to this move…

If you had got in when my followers were alerted to this trade, you could’ve walked away with a 82% gain in under two hours…
And because of my scanner's ability to detect these moves … if you would’ve invested just $2,000 in this play … you could’ve had the chance to cash out with $3,640.
Not bad right? Again, my followers and me aren’t studying charts or earnings reports for hours on end…
We’re simply placing trades and following these big money bets in real time.
Because like I said, charts can lie, people can lie but money NEVER lies.
And the amazing thing about this … is that my Shadow Scanner detects these kinds of whale bets nearly every day…
Just like it did when it identified a hidden bet of $44,250 on Apple the morning of March 8…
Now most people would consider this a coincidence given that Apple’s Annual Event was that day…
But like I’ve already mentioned … money never lies … so “follow the money trail.”
And if someone is willing to bet nearly $50,000 on a stock's direction … it’s definitely worth paying attention to.
So what exactly did this person know?
Because up to that point, Apple was down 13% year to date…

Yet, just 10 minutes later … guess what happened?
As expected, Apple made big news with its surprise announcement.
Now did this person really have inside information … exactly 10 minutes before the news?
I’ll let you be the judge of that…
Either way their money trail led us right to profits…
This shadow bet of $44,000 allowed Michael to piggyback on my buy recommendation and reap a 231% return.

As well as help another one of my followers, Sherman, cash out with a profit of $2,800.
Again, that’s both a 231% return AND a $2,800 profit in one day…
Incredible right?
Most people are perfectly happy to see those kinds of returns over a YEAR…
But Michael and Sherman were able to do it in less than two days!
Are you starting to see the power of this strategy yet?
Look, I don't mean to beat a dead horse…
But I’ll continue to say it:
The simple fact is … my followers and I aren’t doing what everyone else is doing.
We are going against the grain compared to most retail traders … leading us to huge profits of:
96% on Lions Gate Entertainment in one day…

116% on Schlumberger in two days…

209% on Dell in two days…

And even 280% on First Solar within a few hours of trading.

In fact, let me put it this way…
If someone had invested $500 into each of these high-performing trades they would have cashed out with extra profits of $3,518.90 in just five short days.
Do that every week and that’s an extra $14,000 a month.
Now with that said, it’s important to note that not every trade we take will work out in our favor…
There’s always a risk to trading. And even insiders get it wrong sometimes.
But here’s the thing … unlike most traders…
My followers and me are only getting into trades if my Shadow Scanner indicates an anonymous individual invests a minimum of $50,000 into a single options play, with few exceptions.
Meaning, there’s a chance at massive profit potential every single trade.
And that’s why with my wiretapping strategy…
Anyone could see life-altering returns without forcing themselves to buy and hold OR risk a large portion of their account size.
Remember because of this way of trading the market…
I’ve not only been able to mint millions for myself…
But my followers and I have been able to capitalize on these huge hidden bets nearly every single day.
That’s why I launched my trading revolution.
To help as many people as possible finally see real profits while trading…
Just like Greg from Mesa, AZ who was able to get into my TEVA recommendation and make both a 93% return and a 277% return within a week's time.

Or like Judy, a special education teacher with no trading experience that recently wrote me and said:

And even Gary from Ocala, FL who invested $1,200 into my Roku recommendation to reap a cool $3,000 in just one hour!

That’s a 150% return on investment in literally 60 minutes…
These phenomenal stories go to show how beneficial it is getting these trades from me LIVE, in real time in my trade room.
It’s simply ridiculous how powerful this wiretapping approach is.
Listen, by now, you’ve seen the sheer potential of how my trading strategy works…
And if you’ve never experienced the thrill of cashing out with profits of $1,200 in less than 24 hours…
I Want to Give You an Opportunity to Change That Today
You see, my Shadow Scanner just alerted me to a massive, big money trade on a stock you’ve probably heard of…
According to my scanner’s indication, something huge could be on the horizon…
I’m talking about the chance to double, triple or even 5X your money by next week.
And in just a few minutes, you could be receiving a detailed email from me where you’ll discover…
- The company name…
- The ticker symbol…
- And the exact steps to take to place the trade
Could this be another 213% or 231% winner like our trades on Apple and NortonLifeLock?
Or could it even be a return upward of 436% or 543% like we experienced on Novavax and steel manufacturer MT…
There’s only one way to find out.
But I want to do more for you than just hand you one trade…
Because I think that once you experience how powerful this is for yourself, you’re going to want to do it OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Doing this changed my life beyond my wildest dreams. It helped me turn a modest stake of $200,000 into $5 MILLION during the worst recession in modern history…
Yet with all the millions I’ve made and the money I’m able to spend on boats, cars and luxury vacations to Maui…
My absolute favorite time of the day is when I open my computer and see the hundreds of hungry, motivated people in my trading room…
People just like you who have made the effort to show up … and join me in seeing returns the size of:
154% on Uber in two days…

97% on Lions Gate Entertainment in one day…

213% on NortonLikeLock in one day…

209.09% on Dell in two days…

And even 280% on First Solar within a few hours of trading.

To me this is the pinnacle of my career…
I could very easily make these kinds of gains on my own if I want.
But now, everyday people … those who are working 9-to-5s or looking for ways to make ends meet are now experiencing the same rush of excitement with me.
Which is why today…
I want to personally extend you an invitation to join me and my trading community and have the chance to potentially collect thousands of dollars every single week.
You can get access to me…
My live trade room…

This all-star community of traders…
My wiretapping method…
My Shadow Scanner…

And so much more when you become the newest member of my Trade Kings network.

When you join, you’ll get the opportunity to jump on LIVE calls with me four days every single week at the market open.
This is where I’ll reveal trades that my Shadow Scanner spots in real time. You’re going to want to be here as often as you can to take full advantage of my analysis.
From there… All that’s left for you to do is follow my simple instructions on placing the trade…
And cash out with your profits when the time is right.
During our live calls … that will last about 45 minutes to an hour on average … you can ask questions in the chat box and I’ll answer the most popular ones … and follow along on what other members of the group are doing.
As you’ll soon see, sometimes we are in and out of trades within a few minutes…
Like what happened with our trade on Nio on March 16, where some members in the group made 10X their money…

Or like our trade on Microsoft on March 17, where several members of our group commented they made 50% profits:

And even our Apple trade on March 22, where we saw a 132% spike within an hour of the market open…

So you see … my wiretapping strategy allows you to pinpoint where the highest probability of profitable trades are…
And inside my trading room … you’ll literally hear me giving them to you in real time.
The best thing about being a part of a trading community, is that you're in this together with likeminded folks.
There’s nothing like getting up in the morning and seeing everyone in the chat box commenting on their big winners.
And if you can’t make it to some live trading sessions on certain days, no worries…
We record every single one of them so you can always watch them on your own time in your Exclusive Trade Kings Members area…

And while my favorite part about this community is our live trading sessions…
Some members would rather just get hand-selected trades sent to their inbox…
Which is why every Monday, I’ll also send you my Spotlight Trade of the Week…

(Also, I’m very generous, so some weeks I’ll send up to three Spotlight Trades of the Week.)
Remember, you don’t have to do anything like studying charts or fundamentals … I’ll do all the heavy lifting.
It’s so simple all you have to do is follow three steps:
- Wait for the Shadow Scanner to alert me to any unusual activity happening in the market…
- Look for my detailed tip on what the opportunity is and how to exactly place the trade…
- Watch your investment give you the chance to cash out with hundreds and even thousands of dollars in profits every week!
Of course, you’re in charge so you can decide to place whatever trades you like…
And you get to decide how much you want to invest into each position…
Some folks in my trading room start out trading $100 position sizes and then work their way up to where they are able to invest thousands of dollars into one trade.
It doesn’t matter where you start, all that matters is that you make progress. Listen, I don’t know where you’re at in life today … or what you’re currently facing.
But I created this trading community to help hardworking everyday folks who want more out of their lives…
Contrary to what some people think, I wasn’t handed a silver spoon as a kid … and I wasn’t the smartest guy in school.
Starting out in my career, I was only making a couple hundred dollars a week.
So I know what it’s like to grind day in, and day out just to put food on the table. It’s exhausting … and at some points it feels like the “hamster wheel” way of life will never end

But trading gave me a way out of the rat race…
This wiretapping strategy I revealed to you today, is exactly how I was able to go from $275 a week … to being a multimillionaire in just a short time.
If I can do this, there is no reason why you can’t learn how to do this as well.
Remember the fella I mentioned earlier named Thomas?
Before Thomas found me, he was a disabled veteran living off of his annual medical retirement income … and he was looking for a way to make extra cash.
I’m sure he was extremely skeptical that he could learn how to do this … but he gave it a shot and his results have been life-changing…
Here’s what he had to say:

Nothing beats that.
For me, there is NO better way to start my day than jumping in the room with my trade members.
It’s folks like Thomas that are the reason I do what I do…
And the bottom line is…
I’ve made it as simple as possible for you to potentially make huge returns like this while trading.
Again, it’s as simple as three steps…
- 1. Wait for the Shadow Scanner to alert me to any unusual activity happening in the market…
- 2. Look for my detailed tip on what the opportunity is and how to exactly place the trade…
- 3. Watch your investment give you the chance to cash out with hundreds and even thousands of dollars in profits every week.
That’s it…
Those three steps are really all you need.
Now I know it may seem far-fetched…
But this is all it took for some of my followers to make quick returns of 280%, 436% and even 1,050% in just ONE day of trading…
And while most traders … maybe even you personally … have struggled to see other strategies reap you these kinds of returns…
I’ve taken it upon myself to make this invitation an absolute no-brainer for you.
You see, when you join my Trade Kings revolution today…

Aside from getting access to four LIVE Trade Sessions every week…
And my Spotlight Trade of the Week handed to you on a silver platter…
I want to go a step further and give you instant access to a tool that will help you fast-track your growth as a trader.
The first piece of material is a handbook I call Hedge Fund Trading Mastery…

You should know that what I reveal inside here is crucial to your journey as a trader.
Because not only does this detailed handbook give you the inside premise on how to specifically trade options like a hedge fund manager…
But you’ll also learn my personal stock and options trading plan that I used to make over $5 million in two years as a CBOE floor trader.
And since the core of my wiretapping strategy is piggybacking on the moves of “big wig” insiders like CEOs, hedge funds and other Wall Street executives…
This handbook is the perfect way to help you get into the minds of those who are leading you right to the big money returns.
That’s why once you drill down your understanding of the concept I’ve written inside Hedge Fund Trading Mastery…

I have no doubt that in just a few minutes, you’ll be well on your way to potentially amassing thousands and even hundreds of thousands trading options.
Obviously, I can truthfully say this because I’ve used these same secrets to accomplish that feat myself.
I’m sure by now you’re probably wondering…
OK, Andrew, how much does access to all of this research cost?

But before I give you an answer that will shock you…
I want you to ask yourself: “How Much Is Learning How to Collect Upward of $2,800, $3,640 and Even $5,010 in Under a Week Worth to Me?”
Seriously, think about it.
The average cost to attend college for one year in the U.S. is $35,331…
That’s a total of $141,324 that people willingly pay to graduate college and potentially get an entry-level job that pays maybe $35,000 to $40,000…
So, if exclusive access to my live trading room and weekly recommendations from Trade Kings gives you the chance to collect thousands of dollars a week … just like the real-life examples I’ve beat you over the head with today…
What is that worth?
One could make the argument that you could spend $10,000 to $15,000 for access to something this valuable and even at that price it would be considered a steal.
That said, you’re literally going to be floored when I reveal how little I’m charging for everyday folks to get access to my trading group and me.
Now I’m going to reveal the price in just a second, but before I do…
I Have 2 More Priceless Resources I’d Like to Send You Immediately
First I’m going to give instant access to my exclusive three-part video series titled — Option Mastery: How to Grow Your Small Trading Account Into a Large One.

Inside of this special video series I cover important topics like:
- How to read “order flow” like a million-dollar floor trader…
- The No. 1 most important rule every successful trader follows…
- How to manage risk, but still grow your account aggressively…
- And much, much more.
You see, for most folks when they start trading, they don’t have tens of thousands of dollars to fund their account…
Most folks have to start small to get to the coveted six-figure and even seven-figure level like myself…
And I believe this video series will set you on the path to doing just that.
Secondly, I’m going to let you in on something truly unique … I’d go as far to say that most Wall Street traders are completely clueless that the following sentence exists:
Did you know that there are eight specific days each and every month that have consistently shown to have the single biggest “up” days in the market?
That’s right… There are eight days out of the month that have proven themselves to impact the market in a positive direction more than any other…
Now with that said … there’s a certain way I use this hack on my trades…
But if you were to only buy options on these eight days out of the month…
I’m almost 100% confident you’ll see better returns than that over time.
That’s why I want to go ahead and send you my special report … The Super 8 Trading Hack.

Listen, everyone knows that reliability is key in trading … and this report alone is worth the cost of joining my Trade Kings community…
In essence, I’m putting my best foot forward and giving you an “edge” in the markets so that you have everything you need to set yourself up…
And work toward collecting thousands of dollars every single week.
Again, access like this is worth $10,000 to $15,000 at minimum. I’ve seen people — with nowhere near my level of experience and access — get away with charging $2,000 a year.
My publisher wanted me to charge a MINIMUM of $1,500 to get high-level access to myself, my recommendations and my live trading community…
But you won’t have to pay anywhere NEAR that.
Because for me, there is no better way to start my day than logging into the Trade Kings trade room and seeing eager people like you EXCITED to make money.
And I’m at my happiest when my room is PACKED with people.
That’s why a one-year membership to Trade Kings is just $1,000.

People say I’m crazy to charge so little. They say I could make so much more money on this if I wanted to.
I don’t care.
I don’t do this to make money.
I’ve made more than enough that I could stop working today and never have to “work” another day of my life.
I do this … because it’s fun.
I do it because I love it.
I get to wake up every morning … do what I love … and help other people at the same time.
It’s why I’ve been doing this for more than a decade now.
Some folks have been with me since the very beginning.
But, the only way to benefit from my expertise is to make a decisive action to team up with me.
And I’m going to do something crazy so you literally can’t say no.
If you’re 1 of the first 500 folks to take action today, you won’t have to pay the normal $1,000 price to get access to my Trade Kings community.
Instead, I’ll give you a one-year membership to Trade Kings for only $199.

That’s 80% off the retail price.
And it includes access to my live trade room … where I share new trading ideas with you every day…
My Spotlight Trade of the Week, delivered straight to your inbox…
And all the benefits I’ve shared today.
All you have to do is click the button below.
Why am I doing this? Like I said, I’ve already made millions trading … and I now get to enjoy a life that most people will only dream of.
But I don’t see myself as a multimillionaire, celebrity trader.
I’m a regular guy like you.
I like to have fun … I like to work hard … and I like to make money.
But one of the values my father instilled in me is giving back.
My father’s been working for charities for the last 20 years. After he left his job, he said “I’ll do anything so long as someone DOESN’T pay me.”
And I wouldn’t have gotten where I am if I hadn’t made the bold decision to step away from it all, and spend a few months teaching English to kids in Thailand.
I’ve never forgotten that.
Don’t get me wrong, I love money … but it’s TEACHING people and helping others that gives my life true meaning.
That’s why I want to give 500 people a chance to become a member of Trade Kings at-cost.
But fair warning…
If you’re seeing this offer, that means others are seeing it too.
And after those 500 spots go away, I can’t guarantee you’ll see this offer again.
So, just to recap, here’s everything you’ll receive when you become a member of my Trade Kings community … so you can sign up now and start your journey…

Exclusive Access to my Live Trading Room. (Four days a week on (day, day, day and day) you can trade with me in real time where I’ll use my Shadow Scanner to uncover the best unusual options plays in the world.)

Recordings of Live Trading Room Sessions. (I’ll post a recording of every live trading session so you can review them at your own pace.)

Spotlight Trade of the Week (Every Monday, I’ll send you the trade that my Shadow Scanner indicates has the best chance of handing you double, triple or even 10X your money.)

Bonus No. 1 Option Mastery: How to Grow Your Small Trading Account Into a Large One. (3-part video training series.)

Bonus No. 2 Hedge Fund Trading Mastery. (My exclusive traders handbook.)

Bonus No. 3 The Super 8 Trading Hack. (Exclusive report.)

Members Area Login. (You’ll have your very own login details to the members’ portal where you’ll be able to access everything inside my community.)

24/7 Access to U.S.-Based Customer Care Team. (Whenever you have questions about logging into the members’ area or anything related to my Trade Kings service, you can call our U.S.-based customer care team, and they will help you with anything you need.)
Most services where you get this much value, you’ll have to pay $2,000 to $3,000 for a one-year membership…
And I’m giving you all of this … for just one small payment of $199…

That’s because I don’t want there to be anything standing in your way of working toward your dreams.
But even though I’ve literally done everything in my power to make this within reach for anyone who wants to learn how to trade…
I get that we just met and you still might have some doubts on if this could really work for you…
So to help you make your decision, I’m going to go one step further and put ALL of the risk on myself.
If you decide to take me up on my gracious offer… I’ll Cover You With My 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Yes, that’s right.

Call up my friendly U.S.-based customer care team within these 60 days…
And they will give you a full refund … you get every penny back…
That’s how confident I am that you’ll love what my Trade Kings community has to offer…
Because in my opinion, once you’re trading with the power of my Shadow Scanner, uncovering the most lucrative opportunities in the market … you’ll never want to trade another way for the rest of your life

I mean I’ve literally shown you my best-kept secret that has catapulted me to multimillionaire status during my career…
And I’ve shown you how regular everyday people just like you have been able to make loads of cash from my LIVE trading room recommendations…
Like Greg who went on to reap both a 93% return and a 277% return on his money in one week…

And Michael who took home a 257 % gain off his very first wiretapping trade…

Or Miguel who invested only $1,650 into one trade … and cashed out with a 436% return netting him with a $8,850 profit … in ONE day!

“Thank you (Andrew) for your accurate recommendations!”
This is the proof that shows the unreal potential waiting for you when you join my Trade Kings community.
But like the old saying goes … you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink…
That’s why the choice is up to you…
It’s your decision now.
But please keep in mind…
Because of how generous this offer is, I’m only extending this special 84% discount to the first 500 people who respond today.

So if you are ready to take the plunge and join me and my elite LIVE trading room as early as tomorrow morning…
Go ahead and click the button below right now.
Once you do, it will take you to a secure page where you can review everything I’m giving you today.
Again, and I can’t say this enough… In order to become successful with this…
You aren’t required to have any trading experience…
And you certainly don’t need to have a lot of money to start trading…
You can get into most of these trades for a hundred dollars or less.
All you have to do is follow the three steps I laid out for you earlier…
And you could potentially be on your way to cashing out with hundreds and even thousands of dollars in profits.
But only you can decide to make it a reality for yourself…
And the first step to reality is becoming one of the first 500 people to claim your spot into my Trade Kings community today.
Once again, this is a time-sensitive offer, and I don’t know how long it will be available.
But since I’m putting all of the risk on myself … you literally have nothing to lose…
So what are you waiting for?
Go ahead, click the button below … and get ready…
Because as you’ll soon see … this may be the best decision you’ll make for your financial future.
I’m Andrew Keene, and I can’t wait to see you inside as the newest member … of Trade Kings!
April 2022
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