Table of Contents:
- Introducing Costas Bocelli…
- The Best Way to Make Money in the Stock Market…
- “Front Run” Wall Street's Biggest Stock Moves…
- A Behind The Scenes Look…
- A Brand New-Service Called: Monthly Trend Trader
- Here’s the Full Rundown…
Ex-Philadelphia Exchange Pro Trader Reveals…
How You Could Make $5,040
(Or More) Every 30 Days
(And an average 81% win rate!)
By “front-running” Wall Street's biggest stock moves.
Hi. Veteran Trader Costas Bocelli here. Look I know your time is valuable.
So I want you to watch this video only if you’re interested in a completely different way of making money.
It’s extremely straightforward.
Step 1: Wait for a stock to flash green on my proprietary dashboard.
Step 2: Place a simple trade at the beginning of the month.
Step 3: Cash out with profits 30 days later at the end of the month.
I call these opportunities in stocks “Monthly Trends”.
And if you know exactly how to spot them, you can make thousands of dollars from the stock market…
Like $5,450 from Qualcomm…
$6,250 from Data Dog…
And even $9,000 from Fastly…
And I can almost guarantee you…
That once you see how effective and consistent this strategy can be…
You’ll NEVER invest the same way again.
Let me prove it to you with a real example of a “Monthly Trend” that my system spotted recently.
In late October, renewable energy stocks took a sudden nosedive and investors were sounding the alarm to get out as soon as possible.
In fact, Plug Power, one of the most popular energy stocks, fell almost 20% in just the last two weeks of October…
Needless to say… Most investors were staying clear of this stock at the time.
And I can’t blame them.
Even published this headline which reads:
But strangely enough on November 3rd, the very same day that article was published… my system flashed green for shares of Plug Power. Take a look:
Had I told any “regular” investor to buy Plug Power at the time… they probably would’ve called me crazy.
And by most “experts” advice, they would’ve been right.
But that green light indicated that my system saw a massive wave of money was flowing into the stock and that a “Monthly Trend” was happening.
Had you followed my system and placed a $5,000 trade on Plug Power on November 3rd…
You could've cashed out on the last day of the month with $7,800.
Amazing right?
If you followed the news or listened to the media, you would’ve invested your money somewhere else.
But had you followed my proprietary system, you could’ve cashed out with a $7,800 payday in just a single month.
And since these “Monthly Trends” occur in the stock market every 30 days on repeat.
You just place a trade at the beginning of the month…
Go live your life like normal…
And then cash out with the profits by the last day of the month.
It really is that straightforward.
Now keep in mind… Plug Power was a REAL trade that my system recommended to our readers.
In fact, every single trade you’ll see today is a trade that my system actually found in the past.
So, this isn’t theory.
Believe me, I know you get tired of hearing some people claim that you could turn $1,000 into $100,000 overnight with a magic pill.
What I’m talking to you today is nothing like that.
In fact, if that’s what you’re looking for… then this isn’t for you.
This is the REAL DEAL and a REAL chance for you to get in trades at the beginning of the month… and then cash out with thousands of dollars every single month.
Let me prove it to you.
Take the software stock Digital Turbine for example…
In the last two weeks of October, it’s shares dropped nearly 20%…
And after news came out, CNBC scared millions of investors away from technology and software stocks when they published this headline on October 30th:
But then on November 4th… just days after that article was published… my system flashed green for shares of Digital Turbine… which indicated that a massive wave of money was flowing into the stock.
Meaning, that a “Monthly Trend” was forming.
And if you had followed my systems alert and placed a $5,000 trade on November 4th…
You would’ve cashed out with a nice $6,050 dollar payday at the end of the month.
Not bad right?
You didn’t have to stare at a monitor all day researching or waiting for the trade to move.
Or dump a bunch of money in a risky cryptocurrency that could go to zero the next day.
You could’ve just followed my system’s lead and placed a trade at the beginning of the month.
Gone on with the rest of your life for about 30 days…
And then closed your trade out for profits at the end of the month.
And my absolute favorite part about this strategy is that you don’t have to start with a massive amount of money to take advantage of these predictable moves.
With most of my recommendations you can get started with just $100.
But before I show you exactly how my system is able to spot these “Monthly Trends” in the stock market every 30 days.
And why the mainstream media is causing you to miss out on life changing money…
Allow me to introduce myself.
As I mentioned earlier, my name is Costas Bocelli…
Not long after I graduated college, I was able to land my dream job as a trader at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange in my mid twenties…
Where I spent nearly a decade on the floor competing with some of the best investors on the planet.
In order to make it, I had to learn fast… and avoid mistakes to stay ahead of the competition.
I quickly began making money hand over first, at least for my bosses.
That was the problem for me. Even though I was really successful in my career.
It seemed that the harder I worked… The richer they got.
And after literally making my firm millions of dollars in profits…
Eventually I decided to leave as a floor trader and trade for myself.
After all, I was a great trader. Why not go trade on my own and make even more money?
So that’s what I did, and I never looked back.
I started investing on my own.
I loved the freedom it gave me and my family.
I worked on my time and not theirs.
I kept ALL the profits.
And because of this kind of freedom, I’m able to go spend a day with my family at the drop of a hat.
Or spend time enjoying my favorite hobby.
Here’s a picture of me on the golf course when I hit a hole in one just a few weeks ago:
By the way, when I started out, I didn’t come from much.
I was just your average kid from a suburb in New Jersey.
My first job was working at a golf driving range near my home when I was only 12.
So what trading has done for me has been truly life-changing for me and my family.
All those years on the floor of the Philly Exchange fully prepared me to launch my own research service so I could help everyday American’s make loads of cash.
And for the last 13+ years, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing.
In fact, not a month goes by that I don’t get a message from one of my readers about how glad they are that we crossed paths:
Like Keith B. who made $40,000 in the last 6 weeks… he said:
Or Mike, who had 7 winning trades in a row when he started following me:
Jay, has had the same experience… he’s up $24,600 in just 2 months:
Nothing makes me happier than seeing my readers have success…
In the last year, my trade recommendations have been absolutely crushing it… with an unheard of win rate of 81%.
That means I’m winning 8 out of every 10 trades.
In total, since March of 2020, my 27 trade recommendations have resulted in an average gain of 30.07%, and that’s with an average holding time of well under a month.
Do you know how insanely good 30% gains every month are?
Especially considering the fact that Warren Buffet, the best investor in history is hoping to make 20% every year.
I’m also not just a one trick pony…
I’ve been successfully making money in the stock market for over 20 years through bear and bull markets.
So my success isn’t just some flash in the pan.
And of all the powerful investing strategies I’ve discovered…
I can tell you with 100% certainty:
Riding “Monthly Trends” In The Stock Market Is The Best Way I’ve Seen For The Little Guy To Potentially Make $5,450… $6,250… And Even $8,950 Every Single Month.
Let me show you another real life trading example.
On August 6th, my system flashed green for shares of PENN.
Meaning that a massive wave of money was starting to flow into the stock… indicating what I call a “monthly trend” was forming.
All you had to do was place a simple $6,000 trade on the very same day.
And then spend the rest of the month doing whatever you want…
Because at the end of the month, you could’ve cashed out and made a spectacular $7,320 dollars.
Imagine what you would do with that money?
Would you use that money to help pay off your car?
Put it in your child's college fund?
Would you take your significant other on a trip to visit Europe?
I hope you’re starting to see why this could be the greatest opportunity for you to make money month in and month out.
Maybe right now you’re not making consistent cash from your investments…
That’s because most investors are in and out of stocks based on what the mainstream financial news is saying.
But I want you to think about this for a second…
Why is it that every time you see a story about a stock skyrocketing, the biggest gains are already gone?
And why do certain stocks seem to go stagnant or sometimes even plummet just days if not weeks after it hits the mainstream news?
What’s really going on?
Well the answer is simple…
As a veteran pro trader who spent 7 years on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, I can tell you that the mainstream news media is just a puppet of the Wall Street institutions and hedge funds.
You see, at first, the “insiders” manipulate the media to keep prices of stocks low so they can sneak in without driving the price up…
And then they use the same media to drive prices up so they can dump their stock on regular investors at a profit.
Let me prove it to you with this example.
Back in March of 2020 right after the stock market crash, it seemed like every financial news outlet was on a rampage of fear mongering…
Take a look at this headline CNBC published about tech stocks in the midst of the panic:
And this one:
Now what do you think most mainstream investors did when they saw these headlines?
That’s right, there’s no telling how many millions of Americans sold their tech stocks in hopes of avoiding even more losses.
But get this…
Around the same time these and many other articles were published…
Wall street institutions and hedge funds started piling billions into tech stocks…
So much so that the Nasdaq which holds all of the biggest tech companies, saw a 96% gain in just under 6 months.
Enough to turn every $50,000 into nearly $100,000.
And the some of the most popular tech stocks exploded way higher.
Apple saw a 135% gain:
Facebook soared 114%…
And Zoom Communications went from $139 a share to $488 a share…
That’s a 251% gain.
This all happened in under 6 months.
As you can see, millions of everyday investors were hoodwinked by the media yet again…
The wall street cats use the media to portray one thing… and then they do the opposite.
It’s the oldest trick in the book.
Wall Street continues to rinse and repeat this cycle… to profit off of your emotions.
And it works like a charm.
But I’ve Discovered A Way To “Front Run” Their Biggest Stock Moves…
Wall street banks and hedge funds can’t trade like you and me because they are literally investing with billions of dollars at a time.
Instead they have to invest using something called “accumulation.”
That’s when they buy a bunch of stock over a long period of time which causes the stock to “trend” higher over time.
And I’ve identified a pattern that reveals they often do this over the period of exactly one month.
So, a few years ago, I hired a team of programmers to build me a proprietary data system that is compiled of four trading indicators.
Now I’m not going to bore you with the details but this proprietary system using it’s four powerful indicators… is able to track exactly where wall street and hedge funds are putting their money into the stock market each and every month.
So on the first of the month, I use my proprietary system to detect early signs of massive accumulation in dozens of sectors…
Once it finds the sector that wall street is piling billions into, I then use it to pinpoint the strongest stock with the most momentum.
A stock that is experiencing a “monthly trend.”
Then I jump in and ride this “monthly trend” in the stock higher until I can cash out at the end of the month.
You see, after nearly a decade trading on the floor, and another decade trading for myself…
I’ve discovered the shocking truth.
The last thing you want to do when your investing is to blindly just follow the news or earnings announcements…
Instead all you need to know is how to spot the strongest sectors, and then the strongest stock in that sector that is going through the largest accumulation at the beginning of the month…
The stocks that wall street is piling billions of dollars into over a period of time.
And you can consistently make money from the stock market, month after month, after month.
Here's a real life example that happened recently…
In September, Bloomberg published this headline that said Chinese Electric Vehicle stocks were going to crash:
But on October 2nd, about 21 days later, my system flashed green for shares of the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer, NIO.
Take a look:
This indicated that a “Monthly Trend” was occurring.
Meaning hedge funds and wall street institutions were starting to accumulate a ton of money into the stock.
And all you had to do was place a $5,000 trade at the beginning of the month.
This time on October 2nd.
And then enjoy the rest of the month doing things you love…
Like taking a trip to that city you’ve always wanted to visit… chilling at the beach… or just relaxing at home.
Because like clockwork, wall street banks and hedge funds drove the stock price up… and on October 30th, at the end of the month… you could’ve cashed out with $7,200.
Are you starting to see why investing in “monthly trends” can be so lucrative?
All it takes is 5 to 10 minutes a month and then you can go on with your life until the end of the month when you close out your trade.
But perhaps you're still wondering exactly how I’m able to spot these “monthly trends” before the big stock moves happen…
So Let Me Give You A Behind The Scenes Look At How I’m Able To Spot Them
You see, what separates me from 98% of other traders is simple…
I NEVER try to guess what’s going to happen to a stock.
Like I said, I don’t rely on a news headline to put my hard earned money in an investment.
I don’t try to predict what an earnings announcement will do to a company’s stock.
That’s way too risky for me.
Instead I use my proprietary data system to track exactly where the wall street institutions are accumulating billions of dollars into…
Because wall street money is what really causes a stock price to go up…
But before you can narrow it down to individual stocks, you first have to pinpoint which sector the “smart money” is pouring into at the time.
For example, on July 2nd, my proprietary system flashed green on the sector of Building stocks…
But finding the sector that waves of money are flowing into is only part of the equation…
Once my system alerted me that the Buildings sector was red hot…
I then used my system to show me the strongest stock in that sector with the most momentum… the stock that the “smart money” was flowing into.
This time I pinpointed it was Lumber Liquidators…
And since it takes several weeks for wall street institutions and hedge funds to accumulate billions of dollars into a stock…
I knew there was an extremely high probability that the stock would skyrocket higher by the end of the month.
Sure enough, exactly as I expected, the stock climbed 63% by July 31st… and investors had the chance to turn every $3,000 into $4,890.
It’s that simple.
Like I said, there is absolutely no guessing what the news will say to affect the stock…
I simply invest based on the law of supply and demand…
Wall street accumulation is what really drives a stock price up.
Let me show you another example…
On June 1st, my proprietary system flashed green for the Software Sector.
Take a look:
This meant that wall street was starting to funnel a massive amount of money into software stocks…
But like I said, finding the right sector that “smart money” is flowing into is only half the battle.
Once I knew the sector of stocks that billions of dollars were flowing into at the beginning of the month… I used my system to find the strongest stock in that sector.
The stock that wall street was zeroing in on.
This time it was Fastly.
And again, had you followed my systems alert and placed a trade on Fastly on June 1st…
You could have seen an 80% gain at the end of the month on June 30th… turning every $5,000 invested into $9,000.
Do that once a month for the rest of the year and that could be a total of $48,000 in profits…
If you put that same $5,000 into a retirement account with a growth rate of 7%…
You’ll only make around $350 in profits the whole year.
Are you seeing the power that investing in “monthly trends” can give you?
And my personal favorite part is that you don’t have to stare at random stock charts for hours on end…
You’re not on the edge of your seat trying to catch a newscycle stock surge…
Or anything like that.
It’s so simple that all you have to do is follow three easy steps:
- You simply wait for my system to alert you when a “monthly trend” has started…
- Get in at the beginning of the month…
- And cash out at the end of the month…
That’s it.
Whether you’re retired… looking to retire as soon as possible.
Or maybe you’re just looking for some extra money…
If you know how to harness the power of “monthly trends,” you can create a life most could only dream of.
Like Pauline, who sent this message to me recently:
Mike, who has been a reader of mine for several years said…
And Karolina, who told me she is absolutely thrilled with her progress so far:
Thanks for the kind words, Karolina. I’m not planning on going anywhere for a long time.
Nothing makes me happier than hearing I’m making a difference in people’s lives…
Like I said, I didn’t come from much…
I’m just a New Jersey kid who through hard work and perseverance turned his dreams into reality.
Today, thanks to my success in the stock market, I’ve been able to change hundreds of lives for the better.
I’d like to help you do the same…
That’s why I want to give you instant access to my…
Monthly Trend Trader Blueprint
In this private “blueprint,” you’ll receive everything you need to know about how to make this amazing strategy work for you from a veteran pro trader, including:
- How to spot the sectors that “smart money” is flowing into every month with “x-ray” vision so you can “front-run” their big gains. (99% of traders lose in the stock market because they don’t know how to do this.)
- Why the “strongest” stocks continue to outperform everything else time and time again. (If you understand this extremely simple concept, you’ll never invest the same way ever again.
- How to cash out with large payouts in profits when the time comes. (Learn the “sweet spot” when it comes to taking profits on trades.)
- And much, much more …
Just to be clear, this “blueprint” is not available on Amazon or anywhere else on the internet.
And I’ve never shared this publicly with anyone else in my career…
This blueprint is compiled of actionable steps you can take immediately to start profiting from the stock market and I’m thrilled to get it into your hands today.
But even with that blueprint in your hands… there’s still one problem…
There’s almost 6,000 companies listed on the major U.S. stock exchanges.
And you’re simply not going to have enough time to manually filter through all of them to find the best “monthly trends” taking place.
The average investor doesn’t have access to tools that can spot where the wall street institutions and hedge funds are accumulating their money every single month….
And because of these two fundamental problems…
There’s almost no way you or anyone else could spot the best “monthly trends” that are happening in the stock market every 30 days.
You’d literally have to hire a team of programmers for tens of thousands of dollars to build yourself a proprietary system that tracks exactly where and when this happens.
But my proprietary system does all of that automatically for me… every single month.
Which is why I’ve decided to launch a brand new-service called: Monthly Trend Trader.
Where I’ll offer you the best “monthly trend” trades every single month on a silver platter… delivered straight to your inbox.
Each “monthly trend” trade alert comes packed with my own in-depth research…
Plus detailed instructions for placing these trades for big and consistent profits.
I publish 24 “monthly trend” trades every single year…
Using my system, I’ll filter through all of the noise to make sure that only the best “monthly trend” trades reach your inbox.
I want to give you 24 chances at gains like…
$4,890 from Lumber Liquidators…
$5,450 from Qualcomm…
$6,250 from Data Dog…
$7,320 from PENN…
And $9,000 from Fastly…
I’m Basically Gift-Wrapping You High-Potential Winning Trades…
But this brings up an important point…
You could literally just place trades, by blindly following my “monthly trend” alerts, and you could make more money than 98% of investors out there…
But you know the saying, “you can give a fish to a man, and feed him for a day… or you can show him step by step how to fish, so he can eat for a lifetime…”
I want you to become such a successful investor that you not only make enough money to do whatever you want…
But that you’ll become the “expert” all your friends and family look to for investing advice.
That’s why each month, I will be providing you with monthly commentary and analysis with my…
Monthly Spotlight Conference Calls
At the end of every month, I’ll jump on a conference call with you and other Monthly Trend Traders to discuss how to take advantage of the lucrative opportunities at hand…
Here, we’ll also discuss:
- “Monthly trend” trades we are following…
- Call out “monthly trend” developments that have taken place across the markets…
- Answer your urgent questions.
- Keep an open conversation between you and me.
All in all, I’m going to help take you through your entire journey…
From “I’ve never successfully traded stocks in my life…”
To “I feel 110% confident I can profit from the stock market and never have to worry about money again.”
I truly want this experience to be a breeze for you.
That’s the beauty of this opportunity…
All of the hard research and analysis is done for you by an expert professional trader.
Keep in mind, these calls will be recorded and added to the Monthly Trend Trader archive – so you never have to worry about missing out.
One more thing, since one of the most important parts of trading is knowing how to properly manage the size of your risk…
I don’t want you to feel any stress wondering whether or not you are in way over your head…
Or worry that you are leaving too much profit on the table.
That’s why, I’ll be giving you access to my very own…
Monthly Trend Trade Position Calculator…
With this proprietary tool, you’ll always be able to calculate the best sized trade for your specific trading situation.
Lastly, you’ll also be able to enjoy the…
Monthly Trend Trader Members-Only-Site
This is your 24/7, members-only website link to every current “monthly trend” trade and all the details behind every recommendation.
Ok, so real quick here’s the full rundown of everything you get when you become a member of Monthly Trend Trader today…
Specifically, you will get…
- The “Monthly Trend Trader Blueprint” – your gameplan to successfully make money from the stock market every single month. ($99 Value)
- Monthly Trend Trade Alerts – two per month for a minimum of 24 trades a year. ($597 Value)
- Monthly Spotlight Conference Calls – At the end of every month, I’ll jump on a conference call with you and other Monthly Trend Traders to discuss how to take advantage of the lucrative opportunities at hand. ($297 Value)
- Monthly Trend Trade Position Calculator – With this proprietary tool, you’ll always be able to calculate the best sized trade for your specific trading situation.
- Exclusive Monthly Trend Trader Members-Only-Site – This is your 24/7, members-only website link to every current “monthly trend” trade and all the details behind every recommendation. ($297 Value)
- Dedicated Customer Service Team – If you ever have a question about your membership, my U.S. based customer care team is ready to take your call. They’ll guide you through whatever you need. ($99 Value)
Just like my readers, who have been following me for years…
I truly believe that access to my Monthly Trend Trader research service will set you on a path to wealth and prosperity.
So how much does this cost?
Well, if you add up the value of everything I’ve described to you today, it would be right at $1,586.
But like I said, I want to help as many people as possible.
Helping you achieve financial freedom is my ultimate mission. It brings me a crazy amount of joy to help others achieve their financial dreams.
Which is why I’m not charging $1,586 for an annual subscription fee… or even $500… or even $200.
I’ve lowered the annual subscription fee down to $79… that’s only .21 cents a day!
That’s just enough to cover my overhead costs.
In other words, I’m not gonna make a single dollar when you join Monthly Trend Trader today.
And that’s ok with me.
I didn’t create this to make money.
I created it to help people achieve their financial goals so they can spend their life doing what matters most.
Now I know we just met, so you might be hesitant about joining Monthly Trend Trader right now.
And I don’t want anything keeping you from your shot at becoming a successful investor.
That’s why I’m going to remove any doubt you might have about joining me in the next couple minutes.
In short, I’m putting all the risk on myself.
I’m going to give you a 60 day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
To be perfectly clear…
I want you to take the next 60 days to review everything Monthly Trend Trader has to offer… my monthly trade alerts, my monthly spotlight conference calls, my U.S. based customer service, literally everything.
And if you’re not absolutely thrilled with what me and my research have to offer… Simply call my team. They will rush you an immediate full refund of your $79 membership fee.
Plus you can keep your free copy of the “Monthly Trend Trader Blueprint.”
I’m placing all the risk on myself.
It doesn’t get any easier and risk free than that.
Just click on the button below to get started.
Thank you so much for viewing this important briefing.
I sincerely hope you take me up on this offer.
I’m confident that joining Monthly Trend Trader is the best financial decision you’ll ever make.
Starting today, you could be on your way to locking in gains like…
$6,250 from Data Dog…
$7,320 from PENN…
And $9,000 from Fastly…
Opportunity is yours for the taking…
I urge you to take advantage of it today.
Just click on the button below to get started.
I look forward to having you onboard.
Costas Bocelli
April 2021