
Stocks Could Crash on July 19 at 4:05pm ET

There’s been a “slow-motion” crash this year. Most people don’t realize it, but the number of Nasdaq stocks down 50% or more has now hit a near record. And on July 19, it could get worse… much worse. At 4:05 p.m. ET that afternoon, one of America’s oldest and most beloved firms will make an announcement that could … Read More

Former Goldman Sachs PhD: “Never Returning To Normal”

A strange phenomenon is ‘distorting’ America’s financial system. If you listen to the mainstream media, you’d think a new crash is imminent. But today, former Goldman Sachs Managing Director Nomi Prins is coming forward with a different kind of prediction. She says: “We ARE about to see a crisis like nothing we’ve ever seen before. … Read More

The Weiss Ratings Weekend Windfalls MasterClass with Mike Larson

Table of Contents Mike Larson Introduction Extra income in just seven days Inflation is a veritable income emergency Four core principles “Crash Insurance” Less Uncertainty, Less Fear, Less Stress, More Money Test it out and practice in real time You have a very important choice in front of you… Weiss Ratings Weekend Windfalls MasterClass Exclusive … Read More

What the Most Elite Investors in the World have in Common…

In this Article It is staring you right in the face. One of the biggest things standing in the way of investment success has nothing to do with smarts, the ability to crunch numbers and process complex economic data, or anything else even more complicated that might take years of schooling or professional experience. The … Read More

Don’t Let Volatility Scare You Out of the Market

In this Article S&P 500 since January 2020 The Untouchables Strategy Outperforming investing legends like Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and Prem Watsa Five key traits of Untouchable stocks Over the last month, fear has flooded back into the markets… As I write this, the S&P 500 is down 6% in the last 30 days. The … Read More

10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry

Nomi Prins: The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion

Table of Contents Intro with Chris Hurt Who is Nomi Prins? What is The Great Distortion? What is The Distortion Report with Nomi Prins? America’s Financial Future Explained in One Chart What Happened to U.S. Money Supply in 1971? U.S. Money Supply 2007-2010 U.S. Money Supply 2008-2021 The Price of Gold 1970-1980 The Price of … Read More

Michael Lombardi Prediction: The Next Big American Bank to Collapse

70-times more leveraged than Lehman Brothers… You’ll Never Guess WhichBIG American Bank isGoing Bankrupt And just like Lehman Brothers, the government won’t save them Dear Friend, Hello. My name is Michael Lombardi. I’m the founder of Lombardi Publishing Corporation, a financial forecasting firm I started over 30 years ago. There is a major U.S. bank … Read More

jim rickards prediction

Jim Rickards “Bloody Wednesday” Newest Prediction

GET JIM RICKARDS LATEST PREDICTION RIGHT HERE He helped save America from a 1.9 trillion dollar banking crisis…he warned of 2008 financial crisis, the Coronavirus Crash, Brexit, and more…now he’s warning American’s to prepare for: “Bloody Wednesday” Inside: Why legendary economist and former advisor to the Pentagon, the CIA, and over a half a dozen more … Read More